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Decorating In Heels


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Only really works with platforms. Otherwise it's no different to standing on your toes to reach. If you're using a roller to paint your ceiling get an extending handle. Makes life very easy whether you're wearing heels or not. Even for walls it can save a lot of bending and stretching.

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I found they help when I change light-bulbs in fixtures to wear my Kosmic Brash platforms I got last year for halloween. That 5" makes the difference between having to stand on a chair, wobble on toes, or work from solid floor.

Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.

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For those who think that 6 inch heels raises their height 6 inches, this is an incorrect assumption. In fact, the increase height is closer to 3 inches or less for most people. As long as your ankles are rising vertically your height increases, but they are also moving closer to the perpendicular position over the toe ball-joints. Once the ankles are directly over the ball-joints, you are at the natural maximum height for most people. Ballerinas do have an extra lift being trained to stand on their toe tips with the help of point-shoes, but most people's tip toeing is done on their ball-joints. By subtracting the height of the ankles when flat-footed from the height of the ankles positioned over the toe ball-joints, this is the your added height by wearing high heels. Most of the vertical movement of the ankles happens before the 3.5 to 4.5 inch heel heights, depending on the size of your feet. Any higher heels move the ankles more horizontally. Platforms increase the level height of the walking surface, but they can't change the ankle distance with respect to the toe ball-joints. So, if you want to know your added height by wearing heels, put a dot on your ankle bone or the hem of your jeans and measure that distance from the floor while flatly barefooted. Then put on your heels and measure from the floor to the dot(accurate)or jean's hem (less accurate). Subtract the barefoot height and any platform thickness from the heeled height.

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I have been able tochange light-bulbs while bouncing up and down on "tip toe" on the balls of my feet. But I was not steady and was in a constant wobble. But withthe Kosmic platform heels, I do not wobble and can quickly change a lightbulb in a ceiling fixture. So much easier and a whole lot more fun than on a chair. I agree with Histiletto on his observation about heel height vs actual gain in height. If one traces the action of the "dot on the ankle," one would see it move upward in an arc - much like the launch of a rocket into orbit.

Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.

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