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Many Amusing Adventures


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I haven't been around much lately but I certainly have not given up on wearing my super sexy 7.5 inch heels in white, depicted in my new avatar. These are my number one and favourite shoes to wear when going out to the clubs and its fun developing the reputation as: that guy who wears the white high heels. My wild fashion sense definitely makes a hit with the most beautiful and open minded ladies in the city. And I've taken my fashion statement to a new level in the past few years by switching from the very boring men's jeans to the women's. Turns out I wear a size 5 and that mix of Spandex and Lycra in the new fabrics make for some wild and crazy visuals as the jeans are usually tight to the ankles and leave nothing to the imagination. So its fun stuff and causes quite a fuss. I usually wear these fun jeans with my white 7.5's but at times I'll switch to my lower 6 inch Sherbert heels in black. I have a white pair but for some reason... I'm saving those ones. I have also had a lot of fun wearing super short shorts! Once again I switched from the completely lame men's styles and wiggled my way into some women's jean shorts with the same fabric mix. Now let me tell you those make a big statement! All of it fun stuff and the motivation I need to stay in great physical shape. I keep myself tanned nicely in the summer, toe nails are painted up, legs are shaved, and those... grey hairs... yes, grey hairs, are coloured up too. But summer is officially over up here. We'll get a few hot and dry spells but for the most part boot wearing season is coming up fast! I still have my sexy Cupid boots and of course my big 7.5 inch heels in black from Maya Shoes so I'll be dusting those off very soon! I did clean out my closet though a couple of years ago and got rid of most of my white 6 inch heels. I'm down to just 7 pairs with rest of them being 7 inches or higher. My thing is go big or stay home. Well anyway, fun times indeed. I hope to have a few more fun photos to share in the near future. So my question for this topic is: Do any of you men who wear unusually high heels in "guy" mode (possibly in women's skinny jeans) find a lot of open minded ladies hitting you up with conversation, etc.?

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So my question for this topic is:

Do any of you men who wear unusually high heels in "guy" mode (possibly in women's skinny jeans) find a lot of open minded ladies hitting you up with conversation, etc.?

That would be a yes.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Thank you luvnheels and Heelster. More fun photos to come in my gallery. I too am married but travel often and usually alone. I'm not into anything more than good conversation and maybe a future chat friend on Fb with these gals. But I do find it exciting when a beauty walks up, expresses an interest in my shoes or outfit and compliments me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

a recent adventure included walking into the Bridgehead Coffee shop on Bank Street in downtown Ottawa: a young gal saw my 7.5 inch heel boots and took a picture of them with her cell phone and sent it away. soon there was a call back and i could see her laughing at the response. i'm sure that would have bothered a few folks on this site but it means nothing to me. soon my clients arrived and we took care of our business. but on the way out of the coffee shop i made sure i went first! that way the gals behind me could get a good look at my big black boots and my skin tight jeans!

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  • 1 month later...

i'm back from my Halloween adventures in the city and its always a great excuse to get slicked up in some crazy costumes and wear my wild white 7.5 inch heels. that first party i attended was the usual blast, a great time and a marathon 8 hours in heels! the only time i took them off during the night is when a very beautiful gal who was sitting beside me asked if my shoes were killing my feet. she had a pair of closed toe pumps with a small 3 inch heel. i said my feet were doing very well and there was no pain at all and that my shoes, even though they looked deadly, were quite comfortable and then!!! get this: i asked her if she wanted to try mine on! i asked her what size she wore and she mumbled size 8 but i could see she was at least a 9 and more likely a 10 anyway i unbuckled mine and handed them over but by that time of the night, the foot bed in my shoes was kind of sweaty and i was a bit reluctant. she grabbed them anyway and strapped them on (she was a size 10) and stood up, no problems. pretty soon a few friends of hers started taking pictures of her and posing with her, i have to admit my shoes did look great on her and she definitely had no trouble walking in them. it was a pretty sexy moment in the evening. i wondered if she was going to give them back! the next event was a few nights later and i wore a different pair of 7.5 inch heels and was out and about in the city at different locations. it was fun and i took a few pictures along the way which i posted in my gallery here. i hope you enjoy them!

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Yes, yes ,that is true for me as well, whenever i go out wearing my heels and skirts i do get attention from from the ladies especially at night , they are usually cautious at first but as the night wears on & i suppose a couple of drinks , they are keen to talk to the obviously male person wearing high heels & a skirt , and for me it's great fun 7 i usually have a much better time dressed that way than in regular guy clothes As kneehighs says what it does for you is makes apoint of difference between you & every other guy in the room!!!! cheers malinheels :wavey:

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i agree as well: i have a much better time dressed that way than in regular guy clothes. although i don't wear skirts i do wear skin tight stretch fabric women's jeans with my heels and it makes for a great evening out!

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Yes, I have found attention being given to me from all walks at different times when Im out in heels.


Yes, I can definitely relate to that. And like anyone, male or female, I like the attention given to me when wearing high heels in public.

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And of course, many of these gals who are attracted to kind of style/look just happen to be incredibly beautiful ladies. I still get a bit shy when a completely hot lady wants to sit down with me and have a conversation...

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