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SMS abbreviations .... help needed

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A certain amount of flirting between myself and a young lady in my local hiking group has resulted in various text messages. I'm stumped by the signoff:- "Bw, Elizabeth" Have I cause to think I'm a lucky boy ? Xa BTW, the only boots she has yet seen me in are sturdy ones with treads that a tractor would be proud of. The 50 pairs whose only country use would be to spike the lawn she has no knowledge of ..... yet !

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BW probably means "Best Wishes" in this context. There are other possible meanings listed on Urban Dictionary but they are not likely. It sounds like Lady Luck is smiling on you!

Have a happy time!

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With mature adults, thats going to be "Best wishes" for sure... Nothing to work up a sweat over........... Yet.. Let her see you in your clobber asap though, but not one of those "I have something to show you" kind of arrangements like so many do and spoil things..

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Silly me; of course Bw = best wishes. Knowing the woman, that makes complete sense. Nice point about introducing the heely thing, not being too matter-of-fact about it. Thanks, Tech. Xa

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