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Judge might cancel Louboutin Trademark

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  gaijin gig said:


I guess this might mean that Subpar shoes might look like CL's..... I hope that this does not happen..

Subpar? OK.. so.. if a company like Guess, NineWest or Bebe, shoes the average person can afford that have good quality decide to use a shade of red on their soles.. they shouldnt be allowed to? I dunno about you, but I hvae THRASHED a pair of NineWest boots and they are still serviceable. Id like to SEE a pair of CL's go out in the mud on an ATV! I bet they wouldnt last an hour.

' Subpar '?

Seriously, its a COLOR! Does the COLOR of a shoe inflict anything on its quality?

If by ' Subpar ', do you mean the 13$ eBay knock-offs? I might be inclined to agree, but with such a broad representaion of trying to make one thing exclusive, it might as well just be called a ' monopoly of thought '.



I was Infact talking about the "redsole" army that will be now sprout up all over the place.... Yes, while it is only a color you will now see ALL kinds of shoes with that color on the bottom... I wonder why that is? I'll bet it might have something to do with CL making it popular(with help from TV people). Now you will not be able to tell the difference between GENUINE CL's, the cheap ebay brands, or the regular Department store offerings. I guess those brands you mentioned are of decent quality... i'm not the shoe wearer you would have to ask my Gf.. certain shoes she can wear and some she wont.. I'm just here because i love women.. and heels


  gaijin gig said:

I was Infact talking about the "redsole" army that will be now sprout up all over the place.... Yes, while it is only a color you will now see ALL kinds of shoes with that color on the bottom... I wonder why that is? I'll bet it might have something to do with CL making it popular(with help from TV people).

Again, YSL had red soled shoes back.. 30 years ago or so.


Now you will not be able to tell the difference between GENUINE CL's, the cheap ebay brands, or the regular Department store offerings.

I think there will still be a great bit of difference.

1.) Quality. The color of the sole has no impact on how a shoe feels on our foot nor their durability.

2.) Label. If the names of CL, Elle, Pleaser and NineWest were all on different shoes with red soles, they would still be different shoes.

3.) Price.

This whole ' CL with the red sole ' is about some Designer whom commands thousands for a pair of shoes has a MINDLESS following of people whom are crying about a ' red sole '?!?! Above you mentioned an ' army ', it already exists! There have been redsoled shoes coming out of china and all over iDeeli, Ebay, iOffer and some of the local cheaper outlets in my own neighborhood.

If *I* were a judge, I would have told CL to get his ass out of my court, theres better things to worry about then someone putting a red bottom on a shoe.

I could see if Mr. CL invented the color spectrum and reserved a tone or 2 for himself, but the atmosphere and sunlight are the biggest players of the colors we see, neither of which some rich frenchman is entitled to.


I guess those brands you mentioned are of decent quality...

They fit and they are comfortable. Some might say they even look nice.


i'm not the shoe wearer you would have to ask my Gf.. certain shoes she can wear and some she wont..

Thats unfortunate. You dont know what your missing :smile: . You should buy a few pairs in your size and give it a shot. :irked:



I would have thought that the position of CL is that every shoe they make has the same colour sole - which makes it a distinguishing feature - or trademark - just like the BMW or Mercedes grill on the front of their cars which are instantly recognisable.

However, if some manufacturers chooses to put a red sole on some of their shoes it is then an attempt to be like a CL shoe.

Yes, they are exclusive shoes - and that is precisely why he wants to defend his position. He doesn't want every high street full of lookalike shoes because his followers would then desert him.

His followers love to flaunt their ability to buy CL and would not like to see everyone else in similar shoes.

An army wearing loubies or similar? Conjures up quite a picture - might mean a more peaceful world! :irked:

"A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner" - Thomas Carlyle

  manluvheels said:

However, if some manufacturers chooses to put a red sole on some of their shoes it is then an attempt to be like a CL shoe.

So.. if pleaser took their 30-50$ platforms.. the ones that the porn stars wear.. and put red bottoms on some of them.. they should be sued?

SURELY, those pleaser plats look NOTHING like what CL's line of shoes offers.


Yes, they are exclusive shoes - and that is precisely why he wants to defend his position. He doesn't want every high street full of lookalike shoes because his followers would then desert him.

Earth to CL : China HAS BEEN and WILL CONTINUE to pump out knock-offs of every ' top name ' product out there.


His followers love to flaunt their ability to buy CL and would not like to see everyone else in similar shoes.

If they want to flaunt, so be it. If they advertise they have that kind of cash and live in the UK.. Just sayin.. :smile:


An army wearing loubies or similar? Conjures up quite a picture - might mean a more peaceful world! :smile:

It already exists. Its called ' Hollywood '. :irked:



It has nothing to do with the price of shoes. Next had a few styles with red soles a couple of years ago and you could tell at a glance they were not Loubies. Most people do not buy a shoe just because they have a certain colour sole, they buy them because they look nice. Personally I would still buy them if they had beige soles.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


Some thoughts on this topic:

  • Loboutin is acting like a kindergarten child
  • You just cannot get a patent on a color (even if limited to soles, screwdrivers, condoms or anything else)
  • My girlfriend has some red shoes. The sole is red, too. Can we keep them or should I burn them?
  • My personal opinion: CL shoes are expensive, high... and ugly (most of them).

Zetex, We are not talking about a patent. We are talking about a trademark. There is a big difference. And yes, you can trademark a color. If you are granted a registered trademark, then competitors should not be allowed to infringe on that trademark, and if they do, the trademark owner has the right to sue them in court. That's the whole idea behind trademarks and protection. Steve

  Trolldeg said:

Why would they?

Because the red sole sends out all sorts of messages - mostly that the wearer can afford shoes that the average person can not afford to buy.

If every second person with heels on had red soles then the exclusivity would disappear and there would be no USP

I am not bothered either way. I can just understand his rationale of trying to defend his place in the market.

"A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner" - Thomas Carlyle

  manluvheels said:

If every second person with heels on had red soles then the exclusivity would disappear and there would be no USP

Do you really think the only USP for Louboutin shoes is that they have a red sole? Do you really think that people who can afford them would stop buying them if other shoes had red soles (which other shoes already have incidentally, and Louboutins don't seem to stop selling...)?

People who know their luxury fashion can spot Louboutins regardless of the sole. And those who can't afford them, well.. why would Louboutin care about if they buy other shoes with red soles, they're not his market anyway..

And besides, Lobuoutin is only suing for a certain shade of red. There is nothing stopping shoes with soles in other shades of red.

  Steve63130 said:

We are not talking about a patent. We are talking about a trademark.

Thank you for pointing out this difference I was not aware of.

Still, I think it is sick.

I hope, the judge will kick his shiny red @ss.


Steve, if you CAN trademark a color i'd say some one screwed up... i'm going to guess that the legal team was pretty top notch if what you say is correct they he needs a new one, but then again to some this might be considered a "Waste of time Lawsuit.. who knows... thanks for all of the replies and insight on this matter. I am sure there will be a lot more on the subject .



I'like, thanks again for the tips... yeah she's the wearer and i'm the Buyer... too bad we dont have the same size! she has tiny feet if i ever stretched out a pair or hers she would make me buy her a new pair... that kinda money does not grown on trees.. just special occasions



Buy a pair from eBay or something for 50$ and just check it out. Cant hurt :irked:



The whole affair simply shows the sorry, greedy depths that the human race has descended to.

Legal action over a colour.....Good Grief..!!:irked:

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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