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The lack of choices for us may be one of the factors that moves some mene into what is traditionally women's footwear. I think the choices for men are terrible. That is one reason (among others) that most of my shoe styles are "women's." Doubt if I'll ever buy another pair of "men's" shoes!

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Thank you for sharing the article. I wish just one men's shoes shoemaker would create and marker at least one pair of men's shoes with a higher heel, a little more feminine, maybe different color or material, and just see if it takes off? This is what happened back in the 70's prior to the "disco era" and platform shoes. Time will tell.
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Thank you for sharing the article. I wish just one men's shoes shoemaker would create and marker at least one pair of men's shoes with a higher heel, a little more feminine, maybe different color or material, and just see if it takes off? This is what happened back in the 70's prior to the "disco era" and platform shoes. Time will tell.

I think they're trying. The problem is, instead of just doing it, they're using the runways as weatherbells, and as you know, the fashion industry loves to pride itself on embracing change while ridiculing real change left and right.

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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Kikepa, Kneehighs, I agree with what you said. Also with Walkonit's comment on the article page (though I hate the way the author replied to him). What I don't understand is the following : I don't know about Dior's and Owen's, but apparently, Jeffrey Campbell's men's heels were sold out in no time. Isn't that a motivating sign from the market ? I don't think they made losses with the shoes. so why don't they increase the offer ? Don't tell me this would cause the prices to fall !!!

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Well I saw the thread on hhplace a few weeks ago or so, telling that solestruck was selling the shoes. I jumped on the internet with the intention to buy a pair. Only one pair in size 46 was left, and Solestruck is not specially close to Europe. So I checked at other retailers, found one with the one same article left in size 46. Not my size anyway. I checked yesterday at this store, they were sold out.

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Kikepa, Kneehighs,

I agree with what you said. Also with Walkonit's comment on the article page (though I hate the way the author replied to him).

What I don't understand is the following : I don't know about Dior's and Owen's, but apparently, Jeffrey Campbell's men's heels were sold out in no time.

Isn't that a motivating sign from the market ? I don't think they made losses with the shoes. so why don't they increase the offer ? Don't tell me this would cause the prices to fall !!!

Albeit it wasn't just us buying the shoes (I wish I could have, actually). I mean, c'mon. There's ladies out there that probably liked them wayy more than us. And on that thought, it leads me to believe that they could have bought them out for a number of reasons; yet, I retreat on saying them in terms of causing a flurry of responses in disagreement.

That said, One must keep in mind that although designers are making that effort in creating exclusive high heel footwear for us men, the reality is that when an attempt like JC made with a few nameless videos quite awhile ago hits the public eye, depending on how appealing the shoe may be, the race is on to find the retailer selling the shoes so that One can buy a pair for themselves. And it somewhat puts us in a tight spot.

Because I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going in thinking it would stick around for quite some time (before showing discontinuation) and that I could get my pair sometime further down the line. But I suppose since JC did take the approach he did in showing off those platform booties, attention for the shoes rose quickly for the ladies.

I know what I want to say, but I can't seem to get my point across.

Formally "HHDude"

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Well I sent an email to one of the representatives of Jeffrey Campbell and they sent me an email saying that they were going to have some more assorted colors of the Lita model and possibly more by the middle of September. Talk about someone who can't wait!!!! I know I'm getting my order in.

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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