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Well after almost 2 months someone noticed I was wearing high heel boots


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Heh, just thought i'd share, was a barista at a local coffee shop 6 blocks down, just got a pair of http://www.endless.com/dp/B002WC8XCG/ref=asc_df_B002WC8XCG1231239 and was breaking them in while getting a panini. She saw me come in and when I ordered she literally had the look that a guy would when he sees a hot girl in heels that he wants.

But apparently its "so awesome you can wear those so easily, they look great on you". She was even doing the lip biting move/licking lips deal. O.o

So I guess I can't obviously know how she'd have reacted without the boots, but I'm just happy someone FINALLY noticed. Good or bad. Just a little surprised at the response though. Eh, whatever, time to go bouldering.

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Nice boots! Were you wearing them full exposed? They would look great with black jeans tucken into them. The contrast would be very strong and would get a lot of notice. But wearing them over cream or white slacks would also be nice... a lot less contrast so less notice.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Congratulations on your outing and the reaction you received. Any time you get a positive reaction like that, especially from a pretty young woman, it is extra special. Hopefully you'll run into her again and who knows what might happen. Good job and good luck!
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Was wearing some really dark blue jeans over the top, they are a bit too small to fit anything but skintight jeans inside. The heels were pretty visible as it was, though nobody else seemed to notice. I need to get them stretched my forays in them have led to a blister on one toe. Why can't blisters ever show up on both sides? But I'm not really looking for another girlfriend truth be told. She was crazy cute don't get me wrong, nice blue/grey eyes. I don't know, the whole being looked at as a piece of meat kinda threw me off a bit. I know, I'm a horrid storyteller.

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