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tryin to post that photo...

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Hmmm! Me thinkest you need some assistance. :wink:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


And it seems that you can't use Mozilla either. There's a surprise.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


This is the way to make a link to an image, display an image, or link to a long URL:

Linking to an image, with the image URL as the link text, available as a clickable link:

Linking to an image, making the image itself display in the message:

Linking to an image, where the URL is very long, using short text for the link:

Nice Boots

Use this latter style of link when the URL is very long; only the words "Nice Boots" appear on screen instead.

This method prevents thread stretch.

Remember that you can always re-edit a post to correct errors if any problems occur now or later.



Thanks for everyone's help on this.

In general, to link an image, first save it on your local hard drive ("save picture as" right button click gadget on the picture). The upload it to the picture server provided by bpalmatv (using browse... hard drive to locate where you saved it)

Then follow Jo's instructions using the [ img] tags.

Only post heel type interest pics on bpalmatv's server and only link to them on this board.


Yamyam wrote:

"And it seems that you can't use Mozilla either. There's a surprise"

Have you tried changing the User Agent your browser reports?


Yamyam wrote:

"And it seems that you can't use Mozilla either. There's a surprise"

Have you tried changing the User Agent your browser reports?

No, not tried that. Having said that, it seems to be a script problem. Because the group is an age-restricted one, I have to log in with my passport. But I keep being prompted to log in, I can't get any further. Bah.

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


I can see your pic Bubba. Very nice! Use internet explorer for browsing or posting. It's rubbish, full of security holes, and takes up too musch space for what it does, but it's the "standard" browser and compatibility kicks the rest of the issues into touch in a computing environment.


When I try to go to White-6-Inch's site, I get a screen that says it doesn't exist. And I am an MSN member, too.


When I try to go to White-6-Inch's site, I get a screen that says it doesn't exist. And I am an MSN member, too.

Interesting .....

The first time I tried, I got the Passport login page, then the adult user agreement, then a message that the page could not be found.

But when I tried a second time, the site loaded along with the photo.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.


I can see your pic Bubba. Very nice!

Use internet explorer for browsing or posting. It's rubbish, full of security holes, and takes up too musch space for what it does, but it's the "standard" browser and compatibility kicks the rest of the issues into touch in a computing environment.

I don't agree. I use IE for things that only work with it, but Mozilla's tabbed browsing environment is wonderful. Plus there's the bit about selectively rejecting cookies, the option to ignore advert graphic files, the way it does syntax hilites on view source, the cooler script support... and I'll do without some of the stuff that I should need IE for :wink:

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


>> It's the picture jo was trying to post. <<

Umm, I wasn't trying to post anything at all. I was merely giving the instructions and examples of how to post here.

I just used an image that had already been posted in another thread, so as not to use any extra space on the server.

It just happened to be first image that I came across. I hope everyone is able to follow the three different examples.

As for browsers, I wouldn't use the Infernal Exploiter if you paid me. I converted to Mozilla long ago, and might consider Opera or Firebird, and not a lot else.


Well, I tried again to get to the MSN site, and after fending me off several times, saying it couldn't find it, suddenly it was there! So, with his permission (which I got via the old board), here is the mentioned picture:

Posted Image



A very nice pic in an appropriate setting. The browser wars continue! I'm not doubting that mozilla is a much better browser than IE, but those struggling to even post a picture are not interested in syntax highlights or selective cookie acceptance. They want to use a browser which is most compatible and get help on using it from the widest number of people. Hence my argument is not "what is the best broswer", but "what is the most compatible."


Hmmm! I gues I missed something along the line. I thought the image address that jo posted was one jo was trying to post. Sorry.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


thanks for your help BobHH. the pic looks good. the shoes on a downtown toronto street even look better!


Great pic! And yes, Firefox, sometimes I forget that what makes sense to me as a relatively advanced computer user sometimes doesn't make sense to others. Oh well, that's me reminded again!

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


...and there was me trying to be less geeky. Guess what didn't work then. Darn :wink:

Obsessed is such a strong word. I prefer to think of myself as "differently enthusiastic"


Great picture! Only thing is, I'm puzzled about the colour of the shoes in the picture. White 6" Spikes told us they were 'Sherbet'. Maybe that sent me on the wrong track, but when I lick fizzy sherbet off the sticky lollipop of my sherbet dab, its an orangey-yellow and I thought the shoes in the picture would therefore by an orangey-yellow. Huh? .... Pon? ....... HUH? Is American sherbet black, Huh? ......HUH? Cheers, Heelfan


That's Sherbert, not sherbet. It's a style you can find on the Pierre Silber website, for one. It's a chunky heel platform shoe rather than a spike heel.

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