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Strength in numbers??


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I read the threads and try to post thoughtful and apprecaitive replies but am compelled to start only my second thread because I wonder how many do this and the effect it would have if we all made the effort. I notice the vast majority of us talk about our experiences alone, or perhaps with a wife or girlfreind. Why don't we shop, investigate, and learn together as the widely spread-out community we are?? I wonder how much quicker the dynamic could change if we guy-heelers made a habit of shopping in pairs or threesomes much the way the genetic girls do. This would eliminate much of the mental stigma for those who are wary and shy and would make it even more enjoyable for all concerned. Think about it...every movement that demanded change, equality, and ultimately acceptance was bolstered by people acting as small groups ad occasionally as large ones. This would raise our profile not only to the world-at-large but also to the stores we wish to patronize. As others have said, the frequency of exposure leads to eventual accustomization. If we choose to operate on the periphery or in the shadows that's how we will be viewed. What are your thoughts?? HappyinHeels (no matter the venue or the height):)

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I think you answered your own question. We are a "widely spread-out community". Folks have organized heel-meets for heelers in the same region to get togeather but for the most part we are a collection of "Lone Rangers".

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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The funny thing is, I believe that there may be plenty more guys out there (in all of our communities) who are secretly into heels, but since they hide it, it creates the impression that we are only a tiny minority.

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I'd bet that you are so right, dblair, most men who do wear heels just wouldnt/couldnt be "caught dead" being SEEN in public in heels, so they do hide it @ home, hence this idiot "syndrome" if you will about "real men" not "wanting" to seen in public, as if any of it would ever make any difference!! (go figure):)

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Hey there guys i'm into heels & skirts & get some really great reactions from people when i go out wearing myheels & skirts & i've tried to organize a casual heel meet here in Melbourne but no one was game enough to show up .I'd really enjoy going somewhere & meeting up with another fellow heeler for coffee, drinks, lunch, nightclub, shoe shopping, but so far no takers :P no strings attatched just meet and compare notes could be great fun & combine that with the interaction of the regular punters where ever you go it would be a great time iI wait in anticipation any body up for it pm me

cheers malinheels :)

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