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NPR story on Title IX suite


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NPR National Public Radio ran a story this afternoon about the justice department intervening on behalf of a boy because he was being harasses because he was effeminate. Bullies pushed him down a flight of stairs at school and the school system settled out of court with a requirement of staff training and a $50,000 fine. The interesting part is that the government used the Title IX statute, which prohibits discrimination against students on the basis of gender.

Justice Department Intervenes In Gay Rights Suit

Considering that most guys wearing heels, justly or not, are considered gay, I thought this might be of interest.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go. To right the unrightable wrong, to love pure and chaste from a far, To strive when your way worn and weary, to reach the unreachable star. The words of Don Miquel De Cervantes as express by Don Quixote in the "Man Of La Mancha" How can a human being be so condeming of another individual, because they don't fit into the stereotypical image that other people, who have a sketchy knowledge about humanity at best, said the individual has to comply or they will hate the individual who is being the person they are. Some serious brainwashing has to be undone, so that individuals can be free to live as they are able to relate and feel comfortable being themselves. Our world has seen fit to plague many generations to come with a gigantic financial burden. It would sure go along way to clearing up this mess if we as a people could care about the welfare of those around us and better understand the realities of their orientations and let them be them, while we are being us. Civic groups, adolescent training clubs, religous congregations aren't suppose to be the generators of hate and ridicule. I understood their roles were to help their community members to live together in peace and have a spirit of caring for their fellow human being, regardless of their orientational identity.

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Histiletto.. Well written, as always.. The answer to the question is, peer pressure.. Mindless followers, who do not use their capacity for free thought.. I always say, "a person is smart, but people are stupid"..

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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Except many religions are not tolerant, and take the position that everyone else is a non-believer, a blasphemer, or worse, and should be killed. Theirs is the right way and everyone else is wrong. That's why there are missionaries.

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I see intolerance evrywhere be it religion, political, social or family. I may be seen as too optimistic but when we have children I will support them in what ever choice they make in life outside of something harmful to them. If my son is gay and wants to live his life with another man you better believe that I will be at his wedding and I will be proud of him for being himself. If my daughter chooses to become a stripper then I would want her to be the best stripper she can be again I will support her 100%. I know that both cases are extreme but they happen everyday. Childen are taught by thier parents to carry the values that they themselves were taught. Until people change the way thier children are taught then intolerance will always be a part of every life in every country.

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I posted this note in how we see ourselves 5 years ago but I think its worth repeating:

There was a song by Oscar Hammerstein in “South Pacific” titled “You’ve got to be Carefully Taught” about teaching children to not accept people that didn’t look like you.

You've got to be taught

To hate and fear

You've got to be taught

From year to Year

It's got to be drummed

in your dear little ear

You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught

To be Afraid

Of people whose eyes

are oddly made

And people whose skin

Is a different shade

You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught

Before it's too late

Before you are 6 or 7 or 8

To hate all the people

your relatives hate

You've got to be carefully taught

And we wonder where some kids (adults) get their narrow minded ideas. On the brighter side, in the “Is Society being more Tolerant” thread I suggest society is more tolerant and it may be because we, as a society, are not teaching our children to hate and/or because the children are growing up in a much more mixed (racially and nationally) environment.

I do believe that social attitude change is a generational thing. I takes a while.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Except many religions are not tolerant, and take the position that everyone else is a non-believer, a blasphemer, or worse, and should be killed. Theirs is the right way and everyone else is wrong. That's why there are missionaries.

Many religions teach that it is their followers duty to hate and kill all non-believers and to destroy any and all literature, and all signs and symbols of the non-believers. Since the dawn of history hundreds of wars have been fought just for the sake of religious bigotry.

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