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Hello from Calgary Alberta Canada

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Hi, I am STEFFY a fetish Model from Calgary. I have joined this site as I am hoping that I might find out where I can get a specific type of shoe for an outfit I made and modeled. I am not here to SPAM or embarrass anyone. Just make some friends and hopefully get a lead on these elusive shoes. Regards, STEFFY

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HI Dawn, thank you for the kind welcome. I would like to attach a photo of what I'm looking for in the appropriate forum but apparently there is no way to do this as there is no "manage attachments" when I go to start a new thread. Would this be because I am a new member or do you not allow pics now? Thank you. STEFFY

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Hi STEFFY, Welcome to the forum. I hope that you'll enjoy the time spent here and will find lots of things of interest to write about. In the past, we there was a gal from Calgary who was a very active participant. She moved on to other things, but many of the older members here remember her well. Perhaps you'll fill the void. If you're looking for a particular style of shoe, there should be someone here who can assist in guiding you to find just what it is you're looking for. Providing a description of some sort would be helpful, and as johnieheel said above, a few more postings by yourself are necessary before you can post any pics, which would we will look forward to!

Women who wear heels are to be admired and appreciated for the feminine visage they create.

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Greetings Steffi, Welcome to HH Place. Nice to have another Canadian and girl enjoying heels and heeling. Do you have a verbal description of your shoe you are looking for? I am sure it can be found, hope you enjoy your searching through here! Mtnsofheels

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welcome to hhplace from me too, Steffy :) Keep your eyes peeled for a very nice looking blond woman, about 30 or so, walking around Calgary wearing great looking heels :) It's bound to be our long lost Laurieheels. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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