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High Heels for Men - Just in case you missed it!

Mickey S.

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One funny thing I noticed as I compulsively read all the posts (which I also did catching up on cakewrecks !), I noticed that this picture : http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/susie_bubble/Style%20Bubble/vogboys10.jpg is actually of a woman.

It can be pretty hard to tell with some of the models these days. :winkiss:

I'm not sure if that's a step forward or just fashion's latest stick-insect female models.

But on a more cheerful note, it was interesting to see all the different ways men wore high-heels. I've never seen a guy in heels in real life in an "everyday" setting - maybe I should pay more attention next time I'm in Boston. :silly:

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I noticed that this picture : ... is actually of a woman.

Yeah, I guess if she would be around like this for an everyday setting, looking a little 'androgyne' like this, and if 'they' knew she was a girl noone would actually complain. But if a guy just wore heels or had his nails done... OMG! ... you know. ;o)



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I can't say that this bit of information is surprizing, but it is good to see that others are actively heeling whether they know of this forum or not. The public attitude is accepting male heelers in certain areas. Perhaps, this attitude is ready to spread as more people realize men everywhere want to share in this choice. This article is showing some of the more flamboyant pictures which mostly features stilettos of which I personally want to promote, but this will also open the way for all to wear the heels they like with out having to nitpick about what gender the heels portray.

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One funny thing I noticed as I compulsively read all the posts (which I also did catching up on cakewrecks !), I noticed that this picture : http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/susie_bubble/Style%20Bubble/vogboys10.jpg is actually of a woman.

It can be pretty hard to tell with some of the models these days. :winkiss:

I'm not sure if that's a step forward or just fashion's latest stick-insect female models.

But on a more cheerful note, it was interesting to see all the different ways men wore high-heels. I've never seen a guy in heels in real life in an "everyday" setting - maybe I should pay more attention next time I'm in Boston. :silly:

Wow, that could have fooled me! Looks like a man in heels to me.

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One funny thing I noticed as I compulsively read all the posts (which I also did catching up on cakewrecks !), I noticed that this picture : http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b183/susie_bubble/Style%20Bubble/vogboys10.jpg is actually of a woman.

It can be pretty hard to tell with some of the models these days. :winkiss:

I'm not sure if that's a step forward or just fashion's latest stick-insect female models.

But on a more cheerful note, it was interesting to see all the different ways men wore high-heels. I've never seen a guy in heels in real life in an "everyday" setting - maybe I should pay more attention next time I'm in Boston. :silly:

I don't agree with you that the subject is a woman. It is an androgynous image (could be either).

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Does it really matter? Many women have had masculine dominant features, just as many men have had feminine dominant features. We are both human and should be given the respect and equality that is our right to expect.

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I don't know, I think that raises an interesting question of what being a "woman" is. Although, it's just a fashion photo shoot where the model was hired and probably didn't really care about what she looked like. As a fashion image, I agree that it's androgynous - but I suppose that I read enough fashion magazines that I'm used to flat-chested women being pictured not always in poofy party dresses that scream "I have a girlybits". Perhaps some photographers are using it seriously to comment about sex and gender, though I often feel that it's just a shock tactic just like many other common trends in fashion photography (including "dead/stoned/abused women" and such). I'm all for breaking down gender boundaries, but perhaps it's me being cynical of the fashion world that makes it come off as false to me. :silly: Not meant to be offensive. I'm just interested in how people decide if something is "male" or "female". I admit, I'm don't always dress like a girl or act like one or look like one, and from the time I've spent talking to cross-dressers and transgender/transsexual people, I gather it's usually more than just what a person looks like. :winkiss: Obviously not all *that* relevant to a fashion shoot where everything is usually just about topical image.

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The posted photo is a woman. I remember seeing the photo in Vogue or something similar when it was 1st printed. It was meant to confuse. Still a great look... I'd wear it... I have worn similar outfits in public quite a few times. Cheers, Ben

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It's Natasha Vojnovic (I dunno if she has a twin). I remember her from a "Joan of Arc" style photo-shoot in "W" Magazine - they did her up all manly that time too, and I thought it was a man until an opportune breast-shot. :silly:



A little risqué (nothing actually showing, though) : http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sKP94Mmu28s/SU57ajYM8uI/AAAAAAAAGtY/ZcNLi1SNF5o/s400/17_natasha.jpg veerrry thin and not very curvy. :c

And something completely different from her : http://www.bwgreyscale.com/adimg14/adv_7653.JPG :winkiss:

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Wow that can certainly play with the mind, as well as show that both men and women can sway the looks to the point of confusion. Good pics and thanks for setting that up OLC. Pictures like that let one think about more outfits and put togethers which we could do. Awesome, thanks, Mtnsofheels

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How does anyone KNOW this is a woman? Do you have the model's name? I need some convincing on this one.

I don't, but I do have those same shoes as you in your avatar -- of course, I doctored away the bows :winkiss:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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