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I am a high heel wearing christian myself and have been for 58 years now. There have been a lot of positive postings here on this thread and sometimes it is amazing how many things that we have in common besides wearing high heels. I'm sure that if the good Lord was against my wearing of high heels, he would have struck me down long ago. I'm still here so I guess that he has much bigger things to worry about these days. If my arthritis will let me, I hope to be wearing my heels clear up until he taps me on the shoulder and says that it is time for me to live somewhere else. Until then it will be heels all the way. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Wow! This is such a great thread! Some of my Born Again Christiam friends have made snide comments about men dressing in the opposite sex's clothing which to them is wrong. That in turn has made me afraid to even hint at what I prefer in footwear, much less ever dare to appear in it when there is chance they or other Christians* will see me. I figured this was one group that would never understand. *There are a lot of Chistians around here but apparently not all narrow minded as I have been lead to believe. Keep up the good work! Wish I had more friends like you!

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Just exactly where in the new covenant does it state that a man can't wear high heels? The rules of "tradition?" Oh yeah, that's right, new born again's are bound by tradition aren't they? Oh, and I forgot that God judges men by their outward appearance, like he did David's height, right? Give me a break, nothing that goes into a man from the outside in can make him unclean. Perhaps, some "brothers" may stumble because of your heel wearing, but exercising your freedom in front of them is better left to your good discretion and judgement.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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To Kneehighs and Dressboots. I have always thought that it was God who judged us, man and woman. I also thought that Christians are those who believe in Christ, who also said that you shall not judge your fellow man. Dressboots, the next time your friends make comments about what others are wearing maybe you could remind them of who is judge and who is not. Jeff

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Ok, folks - I'm about to reveal a side of myself that I may have hinted at, but perhaps never fully revealed. Although I'm sharing this willingly, I can only pray that you'll not hold it against me, or subjugate any previous or future postings of mine on the basis of what I believe. In other words, please judge my postings on their own merit, not on the basis of my personal religious beliefs. I've gone through extraordinary lengths to separate the two for the sake of those of you on this board (since I didn't want a conflict over religion to cloud the issue). Nevertheless, here goes: I am a born-again Christian, as provided for in John 3:16. Having studies the Bible for many years (I am both a lay minister, a professional Christian counselor, and an amateur historian), I can only conclude the following things: 1. The distinction between men and women's clothing in all societies has generally been well-established. For example, while men's heels were common in the French courts, women's heels were indeed of a different style. 2. Hair length on men and women has rarely, throughout history, born any relation to sex. In many historial societies, a man's hair length was as long as, if not longer than, the woman's. Reference "The Last Warrior," during the scene when the Asian soldiers cut off the Samuri's hair in front of Cruise. Why? Because the government had bought in to England's belief that real men don't wear long hair! Nevermind the fact that a century earlier they wore long hair, with the likes of Sir Walter Raliegh and others, including the founding fathers of the United States of America, including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, and so on. 3. Heel height in the French regime originally meant you were a rider - that is, you owned horses. Much the same was true for British fashion for that era, although it's less well publicized. The trend continued through the late 1900s with Cowboys throughout North, Central, and South America, not to mention Spain and other countries who dealt with cattle and horses. And it's still alive, today, albeit solely for a riding boot, and only in heel heights of less than 3 inches (the being the maximum required to maintain stability in the stirrup). Back to the Bible: The entire emphasis on Biblical differentiation between the dress of men an women has to do with the concept of "defrauding," courtesy of Deuteronomy 22:5. Bottom line: God doesn't want men appearing to the public at large as women; nor does He want women appearing to the public at large as men. You may find it interesting to note that a full 18 verses are foundin in Deu 22 concerning marriage. Therefore, according to Biblical principles, your choice of attire really doesn't matter provided at initial glance your average person will recognize you for the sex you are. Having said that, I must admit that I've gone out with my wife in simple skirt and heels and have confused more than a few poor sods, so I must be frank about my own discretions! Nevertheless, I'll continue to wear heels, but will modify accompanying attire to ensure I'm not confusing the general populace as to my gender. These are MY religious beliefs and I will adhere to them! But I will also respect the beliefs of others which may prove contrary. Please bear in mind that agreement/acceptance is differentiable from respect. Thank you, and have a pleasant evening.

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Well, we don't know that Jesus had long hair, that's just a stereotypical image of Jesus - no one really knows what he looked like...

Yes we do! Numerous contemporary non-sectarian accounts of his appearance indicate that he was fairly conformist to his particular epic: long hair, wore robes (tunics in warmer weather), and hair faily long. The length depicted in "The Passion" conforms to the historical accounts.

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The entire emphasis on Biblical differentiation between the dress of men an women has to do with the concept of "defrauding," courtesy of Deuteronomy 22:5. Bottom line: God doesn't want men appearing to the public at large as women; nor does He want women appearing to the public at large as men.

That IS an interesting passage, Gene, and it clears up some misconceptions as well.

I too am of Christian faith - although I've not stepped into a church in many turnings of the seasons. I feel that as long as you are a good person inside, put God in your heart first, and do no harm to others, then no one should care one flip about your fashion choices.

One of my exes was of Wiccan faith as well, which their belief is "Do as you will with your life, but bring no harm to others." That summed it up quite nicely as well. :roll:

So I think in a lot of circles of faith, the choice to wear heels has little impact, if any, on how strong one's faith really is.



SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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genebj wrote:

Although I'm sharing this willingly, I can only pray that you'll not hold it against me, or subjugate any previous or future postings of mine on the basis of what I believe.

There are many Christian men posting on this site. I am one myself. I don't think that just becuse you've revealed this side of yourself that your postings suddenly will lose validity or your opinions will be summarily dismissed out of hand. Actually, religious belief has a great deal to do with how a person views the world and shapes their opinions on almost all subjects.

Never fear, I don't believe anyone on this board will ever ridicule you or think any less of you because you chose to reveal this integrall part of your personality. Besides, you're not alone on this board. Long ago I revealed that I was "born-again."

Any disagreement between us will continue to be based on honest differences of opinion. :roll:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Well, if you ask me--and I am not a practicing Christian--I don't think God gives a hoot if you wear high heels, or any article of womens clothing with a couple of caveats. First, whatever it is that you are doing can not control you or then it becomes "sin". So if you are still in a state of self-control when you practice your heel wearing, then go for it! Second, I think there is a passage somewhere in Corinthians where it talks about causing your "brother" to stumble. Something about eating food sacrificed to idols...so heel away when not present with a "brother" who to him, heel wearing is a "sin".

Wow, this topic could really digress into another thread, because it seems like at this point sin is subjective for the sinner. What is sin to one, is not necessarily sin to another. And this is while either sinner is still justified by faith. And then there are the effects of cultural context on the defintion of sin, too. Back then men practiced crossdressing in the context of religion to have sex with women.

As I see, to each his own...I see it all here in New York, and not much seems to shock me at all anymore.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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genebujold: (and others) Rigth on! One's religious beliefs are an integral part of one's being. I respect you more for being up front about it. Am not sure if I am Born Again but am a Christian. I think it is my resect for friends that I take what they saying to heart figuring I was heading down the wrong path so should try to bury my wish to wear heels.

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In the old testiment Deuterotmy 22. something, a man shal not wear that wich pertainith to women. I belive that was put in when the Bible was translated into the King James version because of the sumptory laws at that time. Yes Im a born again Christian too. I feel that any christian should treat anybody with respect and not be hipocritical about anybody who dresses differently. I am a heel-wearing Christian and I do not expect the chirch to be a fashion critic. There is too much dissing going on in this world to go around. Thanks for the good news SH.

The main reason the law about wearing women's clothing is there is because there were several heathen cults where priest wore these garments as part of the ritual. It is believed that in some they would be taken from virgins before they were sacrificed.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well guys, for the first time I actually gathered the courage to go clubbing in my 3.5" stilleto, pointy toe Banana Republic boots. It turned out well. First, I met a girl who was sitting to my left. She was blonde with brown highlights, pink shiny skin, and wearing a black spaghetti strap dress. She was sitting down and bent over fiddling with the ankle strap on her high heeled sandles alongside the dance floor. When I asked her if her feet hurt, she turned and said, "No, I'm just trying to adjust these Steve Madden's. F%% Steve Madden!" So I got to asking her where she lived in the city and it turns out she lived in Queens. In a big Jewish neighborhood. "Is that Forest Hills?" I asked. She said, "Yes!" Then I asked, "Do you think I could get away with wearing these in Forest Hills?" (pointing at my pointy toed-stilletos). She said, "Those are sexy shoes" And went on to say, "I didn't even know Banana Republic made shoes." On her way out, she brought her gorgeous friend over. And asked what the friend thought....So the first girl took my heels in her hand and displayed them to her friend. Instantly, her friend held a thumbs-up and off they went. Wow, right?

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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Kneehighs:-) Congratulations on a break-through event. You will probably not hesitate to go clubbing in heels in the future. Who knows, you may run into those same girls again and can talk about heels together. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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