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House vs Street Heeling


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i guess this is one for the new guys since im one of them.

ive been reading up on threads around here for a few months now, agreed with alot of things here but never actually put any of it into practice. Ive only ever worn my heels around the house when everyones out and didnt think much of trying it out anywhere else since if i was then i could at least do it with the right heels and try stealth heeling.

Deciding on my New Look 4" heel loafers i went out for a walk around my area early evening and the first thing that hits me is how good it felt to finally get out, suddenly the shoes feel different from only ever walking on carpet or garden path, il admit i was slightly cumbersome going straight to 4inches out but i loved the experience so much i went back to get my

my patent 5" Demonia Bravo102's which were so much more comfortable (and quieter!) and took a walk into town with more confidence.

id definately recommend to anyone else who was doing like i had and just sat on here to get out and take those steps in your most comfortable heels.

its inspired me to order these bravo 106 boots that i know i can wear out

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Fantastic! Now that you have gotten out, you will only want to do it more and more. You should be proud. I love the loafers, btw...great street heeling shoes!

Style is built from the ground up!

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Welcome ace: Feels amazing knowing that there are discoveries in life that give us such moments and feeling right? I did those first quick outings before doing it in actual public, and believe me if made me feel so good and confident, since then i started to dare to do more things not only in heeling or dressing, but in actual life, in my work, in desicions etc, is good to pass over set limitations and know that is not a problem to do what is supose not to do right? not meaning the wrong things of course but rerefering to things that are mostly taboo and/or social offenses that keep us from being free. Those Loafers are so cool i bet you can walk in them with no problem in crowded places people wont notice you are wearing a woman shoe, as well as the demonia, .....I thing the bravo can easily be worn in a club or lounge withour a problem of people to see them, and if someone notice them is not that femminine, it could be worn by my friends or motley crue or kiss, anyways good luck and keep telling us your experiences, ... do you like thiner heels?

V. Morpho

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thanks for all the support, i look forward to taking the next step and heel during the day but the idea feels more like a dare rather than another walk.

this is the rest of my collection, i know there are a few flats there but ex-girlfriends have had an influence (and never thought it was more than a passing interest i had) hence the pink pleasers. Id love to try out thinner heels but pumps seem so formal for my style, so id probably go for something more casual like these, for now i think il try the loafers or new boots i mentioned in somewhere like camden in london

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thanks for all the support, i look forward to taking the next step and heel during the day but the idea feels more like a dare rather than another walk.

this is the rest of my collection, i know there are a few flats there but ex-girlfriends have had an influence (and never thought it was more than a passing interest i had) hence the pink pleasers. Id love to try out thinner heels but pumps seem so formal for my style, so id probably go for something more casual like these, for now i think il try the loafers or new boots i mentioned in somewhere like camden in london

Hiya Acesecret

Congratulations on your 1st outting. May you have many more and all happy events for you. I love your collection, especially the two Pleaser pairs - the pink and black plus the all black stilettos. I once tried a pair like the pink ones but in red and black. This was in a fetish shop and the lady who worked there (I assume also was the owner) absolutely loved me in them and the black PVC catsuit she sold me though at the time I didn't have the nerve to buy them. Today I'd get them like a shot but I'm running outta space lol

Have fun :thumbsup:

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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once again, thanks for joining our club !

You will find confidence grows as you go along, and you will be street heeling soon.

Remember whatever you do or wear, ever, you will never please all the people all the time - thats life. The other night I was told I was brave wearing red jeans let alone 4" stiletto boots in London...

Only one life, remember !!

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Yes, I have been told that I am brave wearing a red shirt. An old friend once told me "Do what you want, you are only going this way once!" It takes some courage and I would like to go out in long boots and skirt but it is a trifle chilly here at the moment!

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Yeah I have tried street heeling, at 5.30am down my dead quiet street in the dark and then changed into my normal shoes at the bottom of the road and then on through the busier industrial estate and into the station... but that's only been with rubber wedges which never go too high are way too bouncy. The problem for is the sound, mens shoes do make similar noises but the sound of a stiletto heel is very distinctive and when I did first try a non-wedge heel the noise was too much and I had to walk on the grass until I could get to my 'safe spot' to remove them! Anyway street heeling is indeed very very different than doing it at home, and don't get me wrong, I loved the sound the heels made for the 5mins I tried to endure it before diving onto the grass, but until I can get over the confidence I need silent heels and I do have some but they don't feel 'proper' for the above reasons (low height/bouncy) I wore some 4" pointy toed shoe boots by Faith one morning and they felt great but like I said it was only for a matter of seconds before I had to take them off, the sound was just overpowering and I chickened out!

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Its all a head game for you. Those heels were deafening only inside your head. We all have gone through that same state of mind. When I first started, I had the same problem. Most people wouldn't even notice the sound. The girls make that sound, why not us guys. After you streetheel for a while you will begin to enjoy the sound of your heels. No matter who wears the shoes, the sound will remain the same. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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i love the sounds high heels make when on the street and i wear whenever i can and i dont worry about the looks if im alone. after what my gf said the other day she does worry what others think if they know im in heels after one of her co-workers made a comment about them.

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My thoughts, for those of us who are uneasy at the prospect of wearing very high heeled shoes in the street and overcoming the fears... It is difficult. It takes a little time. I have done all the things that have been discussed here. BUT....the head games are in OUR OWN HEADS. People are busy with their lives and are not some kind of shoe police. After a while you will see that people are not that interested in you, which maybe a shame but you really do have the freedom to wear heels...it is your God given and democratic right. Always coordinate and don't go out looking like a freak and you have NOTHING to concern yourself with, you are a busy person too. Get on with your own life and the rest of the world will do the same. You may get the odd wink or titter but SO WOULD ANY WOMAN wearing very high heels. I continue on my own path and every day it gets better. I wear high heels in a UK University full of people aged 18-25 (I am 40) and they are not that worldly. They realise I am not an average man when it comes to my choice of footwear...but we don't want to be average Mr.Bland and neither does any woman who wears 5 inch heels. If high heels give you pleasure, and it is harmless, what possible anguish can result?? A very happy new year to you all ! M

You won't get me wearing flat shoes...I really can't do it.

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For me, there are two reasons to wear high heels. First, is the feeling you get when you are perched on 4-6 inch heels. Second is that they just look so darn cool. If I were to go out in public wearing long pants to cover my heels, what's the point of looking cool if no one can see your heels. I would get only half the pleasure of wearing high heels if I covered them up or only wore them where no one could see them. My wife totally agrees with this and has really encouraged my to wear high heels almost all the time, just as she does. :thumbsup:

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Hi - I just put the bins and recycling out wearing my black leather mini skirt from Oasis, opaque tights and Volpert leather knee high boots. It felt great - the tights were surprisingly warm considering its minus 2 out there and the skirt is SHORT! I even caught a nosey neighbour twitching the curtain! :thumbsup:

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Thighboots:-) At least you are getting out and trying to be able to walk a pavement, which is much different than walking inside a house. Let the neighbors tweak the curtains if they want. Practice makes perfect. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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whoa okay i hadnt expected so many replies, but i have alot to say too

Does this mean you be going to the heel meet next month. I think some of us will be going to Camden on the Friday as well.

rest assured i shall be coming to the heel meet and would love to get some practice in on the Friday before if possible.

Yeah I have tried street heeling, at 5.30am down my dead quiet street in the dark and then changed into my normal shoes at the bottom of the road. The problem for is the sound, mens shoes do make similar noises but the sound of a stiletto heel is very distinctive and when I did first try a non-wedge heel the noise was too much and I had to walk on the grass until I could get to my 'safe spot' to remove them!

yeah il admit i did that once until i suddenly realised two things: 1) no one would ever hear or care about the sound if you were in a busier place and 2) i figured if i kept walking youd be past it

If I were to go out in public wearing long pants to cover my heels, what's the point of looking cool if no one can see your heels. I would get only half the pleasure of wearing high heels if I covered them up or only wore them where no one could see them. My wife totally agrees with this and has really encouraged my to wear high heels almost all the time, just as she does.

i read alot about heelers here having the support of their wives/girlfriends and partners, and being single i can say id be out there like a shot if i had such support but i dont and would love to hear about the reactions, opinions and support from their friends. Wives/partners youre probably living with, whereas friends can swing either way, the last time i read about a heeler telling his friends, he didnt speak to them for 3 years after! (cant find the thread right now)

i only ask because im sure i wouldnt mind heeling somewhere busy, but just not local

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i went to my church this morning wearing boots like my avatar and womens jeans with only a small amount of the heels showing and i got some weird looks and seen a cpl of people talking about my boots but one of the girls was wearing heels like these and i dont think that s the kind of heels to be wearing to a church and yet she was talking about me. its not that i dont like her heels its just i dont think they need be in church not on a girl thats already over 6' . any others got an opionion about this matter. i welcome all thoughts.


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