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run in heels?


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When you get to the point where you can walk so naturally in a certain heel height where you no longer need to exgaggerate your walk, running becomes easy. I can run easily in 4" heels, and I find that after 20 minutes on my 7+" heels, I can even run OK in my 6"ers (in the house, of course)... Tips? Well, make sure you're so comfortable at your chosen heel height to where your walk/gait aren't affected anymore. The running will become easy...

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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Running in heels is something you'll have to figure out the best way to do it for you. Find an area you would be comfortable in as you figure out the way to practice. Start with a familiar heel height and be careful. Injuries are possible in any new or unfamiliar exercise. I once went to a school running track and sprinted in 4" heels. Getting up to speed and slowing down were the biggest problems I had. The middle part was easy because it was in the natural fast running position with the balls of my feet doing the work. Then again, how fast you run will depend on the involvement you want your heels to be in the process. I've noticed some people kind of do a fast hopping action that is a modification of their regular walking in heels. Which ever way you find to run easiest, heels are logically and physically putting you feet in positions that are adverse to natural running. So be careful and keep on heelin'.

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any tips?

As you asked so nicely (?), it's just a natural progression really. I obviously spend a lot of time in heels so it just gets easier and easier. When you run it's really only your toes and the balls of the toes that really touche the ground, not really heels, so to me it doesn't really make much difference unless I'm going downhill.

Platforms like I say are more difficult, but I only wear stripper-style ones inside, and the ones I wear out are never more than 1.5"-2" tall anyway.

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I was in Minneapolis last spring for a conference and walking the downtown in my usual 5" oxford stilettos. there was a band playing at the square I was in the mood enjoying my surroundings that just generally forgot what my footwear was. A street crossing light changed a little earlier than I expected, and I had to hustle across the street - breaking into a 6 or eight stride run to the opposing curb. "Gosh, I did that in heels!" I thought to myself, I was in high heel nirvana... Just a note, when concentrating on my footwear and stride I think I fatigue about 50% faster than when "just walking" in my elevated footwear.

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