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A night out in high heels

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I went out for a casual night on the town as a spur-of-the-moment decission. I wore blue jeans, t-shirt, a navy blue hoody, and the high heels pictured below.


I went to a little mexican cafe for dinner. There were not too many people in the cafe but every single person noticed my high heels. No one said anything except for a little girl who said to her mom, "that man is wearing high heels." The mother shushed her and told her not to stare at me. I could feel every eye in the room on me, but nothing was said. I ate my dinner and left, with every person quietly watching me leave.

I went into Old Town to see what was going on. I saw an antique car show with many vintige cars from the 50's. I saw a 54 Ford sedan, which looked like the first car I ever owned. I talked to the owner about the car, but he could hardly talk to me without looking at my high heels. I looked around for a little while and noticed I had drawn a few onlookers to me instead of the cars. I was hoping someone would say something to me about my high heels, but there were just some raised eyebrow glances.

I next went to a little outdoor patio bar and had a beer and enjoyed the evening air. There was a table with three young women across from me who were giving me and my high heels the once over. One of the women came over to me and said, "We couldn't help but notice your shoes. Do you wear high heels often?" I briefly told her about myself and my heeling experiences. She said she and her friends were admiring my high heels and wondered where I bought them. I told her and she invited me over to their table. The four of us talked about wearing high heels and especially men wearing high heels. They asked if I was ever harassed or attacked while wearing high heels. I told them of a couple of harassments, but the majority of my experiences were positive. They then asked if I was gay. I told them no, I wasn't gay, I didn't cross-dress in women's clothing except for high heels. I told them that I always dressed in men's clothing and women's high heels because they were pretty and comfortable (I told and showed them my narrow feet and high arches). They asked me if I wanted to go to a particular club with them. I was familiar with the club and I told them I didn't think it would go over too well with me in my high heels. After second thought they thought it might be best if maybe I didn't join them. They thanked me for the round of drinks I bought them and we went our separate ways.

I went for a walk through Old Town just watching people go about their business and all the different groups of people milling around. A police officer approached me and asked how I was doing and I said I was having an enjoyable evening. He said he noticed my high heels and said I might want to be carful where I went. He said there were some gang members just hanging around possibly looking for trouble and my appearence might make me a potential target. I thanked him and told him where I was parked. He walked half way with me to my car and I drove away.

Before going home I stopped at a little coffee shop for a cup of coffee. There was a man/woman couple at one table and a man about my age at another. If they noticed my high heels, they didn't show any reaction. The waitress brought me my coffee and lokked at my shoes. She was probably in her early twenties. She said, "Those are some killer heels you're wearing. Do you have trouble walking in them?" I told he no because I wear high heels every day. Up front I told her I was not gay or a cross-dresser. I just enjoyed wearing high heels. She said she could never walk in high heels so she didn't wear them. She said she had seen some TV's come in wearing high heels with their outfits and she said those guys had no problem walking in high heels. She said, "Who knows, maybe the tables are turning. Some women like wearing jeans, plaid shirts, and combat boots and some men like wearing high heels. Who knows what the fashion trends will be?" I thanked her for the coffee and the conversation, drank my coffee, and headed home to type and send this message.

I go out every day and sometimes nights in high heels, but this was the most populated area at night that I had been. Reactions, yes. Negative reactions, not really. It was an interesting night out in high heels. I wanted to share this with my friends here at HHP.


Wow!! What an interesting night you had!! And those are some killer heels too :-) That was very thoughtful of the officer to give some friendly guidance. I would consider that a positive reaction. And the girls inviting you to another club....DEFINITELY positive!! Overall I would rate that at about a 9 on the positive scale :-) Keep the stories coming as hearing of such wonderful events encourages us all!!

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee


Sounds like a nice evening, and very well told. Do you normally wear heels like that out or were those a step up from your usuals? Definite attention grabbers there :winkiss:


A great experience and well done! The only thing I worry about is people who say: "I wear heels but I'm not gay,". This implies that heel wearers are normally gay when the actual opposite is true. It would be better to say: "I wear heels but like so many others who do so I am not gay."

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

  roniheels said:

...They asked me if I wanted to go to a particular club with them. I was familiar with the club and I told them I didn't think it would go over too well with me in my high heels. After second thought they thought it might be best if maybe I didn't join them. They thanked me for the round of drinks I bought them and we went our separate ways...

If you were quicker on your feet (figuratively!), you might have come back with, "No, I don't think I'd go over well, but how about we go ___." It would have been great if you could have continued your night with them somehow. As it is, you were probably caught offguard things were so good already, you weren't thinking that far ahead. Sounds like a great time nevertheless.

  hhboots said:

Sounds like a nice evening, and very well told. Do you normally wear heels like that out or were those a step up from your usuals? Definite attention grabbers there :winkiss:

I normally wear my 5" stiletto high heels when I go out in public. I was in a very daring mood last night and as always when I wear high heels in public, I always enjoy the variety of reactions I receive.


That is a fantastic outing. I always admire your stories because you seem to find such diverse activities to do and places to go on your outings. You also tend to exhibit a relaxed calm demeanor and I think that leads to so many positive interactions. I draw ideas and inspiration from reports such as this! Recently, I have been going out a lot, but I have been going to the same places again and again. Mostly, my issues do not revolve around being comfortable wearing heels, they have more to do with where it is acceptable to go alone. You seem not to let that bother you; therefore I am going to draw on your outings and try to get past that myself. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience!

Style is built from the ground up!

  Dr. Shoe said:

A great experience and well done!

The only thing I worry about is people who say: "I wear heels but I'm not gay,". This implies that heel wearers are normally gay when the actual opposite is true. It would be better to say: "I wear heels but like so many others who do so I am not gay."

Dr. Shoe...

You are right. I automatically went on the defensive given my explanation. Your suggestion probably would have explained it better. But it was the heat of the moment and hind-sight is always 20-20. Thank you for your comments.


roniheels: Wow! That was quite an outing you had. And those shoes you wore were downright remarkable! Going out to dinner in spectacular shoes, being noticed, those women you talked to, quite an experience indeed. Thanks a ton for sharing, my friend.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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