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Matching new heels with the rest of your outfits


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I have always been trying doing this. Its fun and me, well I´m looking better too. Now my boyfreind, my fiance has starting doing this too. Since he started wearing his boots he has changed a bit. He´s more aware of what to mix and what not to mix. my fiance, -Yes love, its cool doing this, don´t no why but I kind of enjoying this now. I think its great, I think its great my fiance started doing this. I think more guys should. This morning it took us a bit longer getting ready. I didn´t matter too us because we had such a great time. Me sitting doing my hair, putting my make up on while my fiance was shaving his legs. My fiance, -Me too, yes this is fun, he he. I was sitting putting my new hose on. You know after I, after we had been buying my pumps, we went straight over looking for a pair of light hose for me. It cool, its the same kind of hose, the same colour as yours, love. Yes honey its cool and yes we´ve have the same colour to our panty hose today. Very light sun tan hose and they very sheer to. "Take care when you put them on, honey!" Well then, a bit about our outfit today. Mine perhaps isn´t so much telling you about. Its a black skirtsuit, a white blouse and a matching scarves and my black 4 inch kee high stiletto boots. My fiace´s outfit, though you might found is. He was testing different things. Running around in just his hose and panties, trying different things. My fiance, -Was fun doing this, had a great time. At last I decided wearing my new light blue tight flared jeans, yes they´re ladies type. Thats why I stared wearing panties too. Its kind of fits better under my hose and my jeans looks better, feels better too and I got no wrinkels on my jeans wearing panties. My jeans fits me super fine, they´re snuged very nicely to my nylon clad legs and with my panties on, well its looking great. Yes seetie you looking so good! Very sexy! My fiance, -Now what, shirt or a turtle neck? Picked a black turle neck. Went super together with my jeans. Then, let me think, what kind of jacket? Decided a light brown blazer jacket would match the rest of my out fit. Woulden´t you think so, love? Yes honey, I do, I realy do. We was almost ready to leave the house. Me I had put my boots on, my fiance was slipping in to his new heels. He, he. My fiance did a bit of walking, a bit of catwalking you could say. How´s your new pumps? My fiance, -Oh they feels just great on, great to walk in, great to be in. Yes love I can understand the feeling you have and YES you do look good. Standing the tip of the heels of his pumps is showing and his flared legs to his jeans is hiding a bit of the vamp, nobody sees you wearing nylons. Sitting or walking, yes your nylons is showing. My fiance, -Well I dont care so much about this. I want to wear this pumps and well, nylons the only option for me. Let them see I wearing heels and nylons, so what. I don´t care.

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Lets see, in about 1-2 months time, maninkirt went from being with a woman, drifting apart from her, living with a man, living as a woman, now calls the man his fiance, man he's living with is now shaving his legs, wearing hose and high heels. Anyone else out there noticing this and skeptical? So with the rate things are going, in about 4 days, I expect the man he's living with to start living as a woman himself.

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First of all, in my opinion, there isn't a thing wrong with having a vivid imagination. I've been known to poke fun at the truth from time to time. Maninkirt has one of the most active imaginations I've ever come across.

For a long time this member has been posting a running soap-opera type account of his/her personal life on a website associated with the forerunner of this forum, called Jenny's Shoes and Heels Discussion Forum (located here: Jenny's ).

On this site, Maninkirt, posting as Erica, a secretary working for a company in Sweden, met and married a man named Jonas, a junior executive in the firm. The story line is that she loved to dress up and wear the highest heels with pointy toes. Jonas was attracted to her because of her shoes and the way she so fashionably dressed. Jonas also had a teenage daughter from a previous marriage and she had a boyfriend.

The story line follows the daughter's boyfriend's transition to wearing heels, dressing as a girl and eventually becoming transsexual. Then, her husband's (Jonas) conversion to wearing women's clothing and eventually living full time as a woman.

Time passes, Erica and Jonas have a baby boy, William, and Jonas' conversion to living openly as a woman gives courage to several other men they are acquainted with to also began wearing heels, dressing in women's clothing and eventually living as women.

All in all, the entries are well crafted and very entertaining, teetering on the edge of being believable. I visited the website about once a week and occasionally posted comments and questions just to let Erica know that someone out in cyberland was reading what she wrote with so much dedication.

The reason I say that Maninkirt and Erica are one and the same is because of the similarity in the writing pattern. But, I find Maninkirt/Erica's postings in the same frame as I did (do) "Lucy's Stories." Well crafted and extremely entertaining. It was a real shame that Heelfan stopped writing of Lucy's adventures. And, likewise, it will be a real shame if Maninkirt/Erica stops posting of her adventures.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Whether anybody believes the stories or not is ok. They are entertaining to read. I've seen other's on this site telling their experiances of shoe wearing that are more unbelievable. There are some members that want to know other members sexual life. To me thats where the posting cross's the line.

t-straps are my favorite style.

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  • 4 weeks later...

... Maninkirt has one of the most active imaginations I've ever come across.

For a long time this member has been posting a running soap-opera type account of his/her personal life on a website associated with the forerunner of this forum, called Jenny's Shoes and Heels Discussion Forum (located here: Jenny's ).

On this site, Maninkirt, posting as Erica, a secretary working for a company in Sweden, met and married a man named Jonas, a junior executive in the firm.


All in all, the entries are well crafted and very entertaining, teetering on the edge of being believable.


The reason I say that Maninkirt and Erica are one and the same is because of the similarity in the writing pattern. But, I find Maninkirt/Erica's postings in the same frame as I did (do) "Lucy's Stories." Well crafted and extremely entertaining. It was a real shame that Heelfan stopped writing of Lucy's adventures. And, likewise, it will be a real shame if Maninkirt/Erica stops posting of her adventures.

Well said. Bubba. We had both previously noted the similarities and I for one had wondered why Erica had stopped posting on the Jenny board in July - since when nothing has appeared apart from a query from me!

The developments and coincidences in Erica's diary (or 'dairy' as she often misspelled it!) were really getting too incredible and she was clearly effronted if anyone queried them. I doubt that there is something in Swedish water (or lager) that promotes transexual feelings - but how else can we account for an entire community cross-dressing and then changing sex?

I too miss Lucy's stories. They were entirely credible to me (being of a similar background and age to Lucy and her alter ego, Heelfan) and a most enjoyable way of reliving the 1960s. I make no bones about believing in her (and indeed fancying her!) and Heelfan was amused when I told him that! The important difference between Erica and Lucy is that Heelfan (as Lucy) was writing of real people and contemporary events that he had known or experienced, merely changing the names, dates and details to provide a cohesive, composite narrative. And it is a great pity that he has not found the time to continue them, either as Lucy or in his own persona. How about it, HF?

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I agree that fanciful stories should appear in the right thread, the Story Thread, so that people know that it is a figment of someones very imaginative narrative. Then if someone wants to read such stories they can go there purposely. if they don't, they can skip ahead. Demoniaplatforms:-) A really fancy pair of boots---too fancy to wear outside. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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