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Posts posted by balletboot2000

  1. Hi Poppi, I know where you are coming from. That is why some of us want to go higher and higher. As we get used to the height of one heel, we "miss" the totter and struggle, so we aim higher. That is why some us wear ballets and high platforms. in the back of your mind you know that if you take a wrong step that you are going to crash out. Your hubbie obviously likes to see you tottering on your heels. As others have said in this thread, as long as you are happy with that, go for it. It's not as though your trying to push a trolley around Sainsbury's in them is it, where the public might be watching. Enjoy.

  2. Hi Poppi, the first time out in 5" heels would have been a walk in the garden, it was partly flagged, so that was the first time out. We lived in a quiet area down a country lane, so it wasn't long before I was out at night practicing, not going to far at the start, but venturing further and higher as time progressed. That lane was the place I took my 7" LSB courts for their first outing. I came back with sore ankles, but it was a hell of an experience.

  3. Hi Poppi, it's nice to have you onboard. I agree with all the advice, start off with something in the 3-4 " range, and get some padded inserts to put under the ball of your foot. The cushioning will make life a lot easier. Plus, as we don't know your foot size, a 3" heel might seem very high in your in a size 3, whereas the a 4.5" inch heel in a size 8 would give your arch the same lift. When you venture out, think about where you are going. A shopping mall with level floors is a good start, but be careful in a hilly area. Going downhill makes the heels seem higher, and what you need at the moment is practice. BB2000

  4. Similar to Fogane, I have a pair of both, and the Femme boots are hard work, because they force your ankle past the vertical, whereas a ballet boot keeps your foot vertical. I can manage ballets outdoors - carefully, but I tried it with the Femme's and level is manageable, but put yourself on any kind of slope, and you end up with achy ankles and your knees bent.

  5. I have about 12 pairs of boots and shoes, all with heels from 4" higher. 1 pair of 5" courts. 1 pair of 6.5" courts 1 pair of 4"platform 8" heel 1 pair of 7"platform 12"heel 1 pair of ballet ankle 1 pair of ballet knee boot 1 pair of Japanese wooden tengu geta, with 8" ha. Comfiest - a pair of 4" knee high boots from Bronx

  6. I have worn various heels out, once taking my 12" heeled 7" platformed boots out under my jeans. I didn't get too far, as once my ankles got tired it was too easy to loose my balance. A superb experience though, one which I will repeat soon, I hope

  7. I've tried in various heel heights. In my 4" boots, it is possible. In my 5" boots things start to get somewhat inelegant, and you don't move that quickly. In my ballets - forget it In my 12" heeled platforms, it worked for about 10 metres, and then things got seriously out of control - mind you it was fun

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