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Posts posted by balletboot2000

  1. Hi Heelsrule, walking is a piece of cake. You are tightly laced in, so there is a lot of support, but the secret is to have some proper toe cushions in the bottom to protect your tootsies. Hi Jim, yeah they are LSB, but they are only knee high. It takes long enough to lace them up as it is, nevermind all the way up to the to of your thigh!!

  2. Hi Jo, the instep is 5", so they are comfortable to wear. I've been out in them, and the only problem is if you get over confident going down hill. You start to go "over the top", and then you end up running, which isn't the best idea with a 7" platform under your foot. If you take your time the ankles and knees don't seem to mind. The problem is potholes and stones, which can pitch your ankle over. Otherwise - I luv 'em.

  3. Kerridwyn, yes I can walk outdoors, not very far, and that heel sounds superb. Heelson, yes it can be done, as long as I don't have to go down hill. Then it looks like are a beached whale as you end up taking ridiculously small steps. Nhoj62, yes they are leather trousers, but they are not especially long in the leg to cover the heels. That is just where they fell to. Wheels, I got the same feeling last night when I got in from work - where are my Screams. Ruud, I'm working on the practice for the stroll. You don't seriously expect to go for a hike in those 7"ers do you?? Thanks for the compliments folks

  4. Jennifer was right,

    they were a mock up to show what could be done. It would actually be a piece of cake to screw through into the platform.

    Bill, I've skated in these boots inside the normal tops, and would rate as a 3. The ballets, even though they are somewhat set back rate as a 9. You can't push forward, you just end up going back as you've experienced.

    The 12" heels rate at an 8. You can cross the room, but as you can expect, they are somewhat precarious.


    Hope the link works.

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