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Posts posted by Highluc

  1. This BBC millenium babies series was also shown on Belgian television. It is excellent and I recommend everybody to look at it, it's bound to show up in any country like the Dynosaur series. It is a thorough investigation and follow up of 25 babies raised in different families and environments and some experiments are done at some times. The idea is to find out how outside factors influence the development and behavior of growing kids over a period of 20 years (the babies are 1 year now). So far it was very obvious the fathers had a very rigid and stereotype idea about raising their kid into well defined sex boundary limits compared to the open minded mothers who allowed their kids more freedom in self development.

  2. Jeff and Lion, thanks for the info. I just showed some concerns about the very reduced vertical space available in the toe box. Beware of developping grown in toe nails in such shoes (I speak of experience unfortunately). I tried lots of similar nice looking models from Rob's for sale collection and although I had extra length available, my big toe was not sufficiently comfortable to wear them for any lenght of time.

  3. Thank you all for the regards. Terrayon: As a granddad I've been through all this with two daughters, my first one actually conceived in my BT1 suede over the knee platform wedges with my ex wearing a similar pair. They've grown up seeing dad in all kind of shoes and never questionned me but had twice the fun running around in their parents' shoes. As I've never been provocative I knew I had to tone down when strangers were around but if they showed up often, they were not strangers anymore and I slowly started wearing something higher again. I never gave up (slightly) flared pants after the 70's and as some guys of this board have seen, I'm able to wear some pretty high heels and styles with normal looking pants without causing undue attraction (unless I'm selectively provocative). I think it's positive to raise kids with an open mind and the ability to defend other people's ideas to other boys and girls. Neither of us regrets what we did and we still have that strong bond.

  4. I finally found a (suitable?) recent (2 years ago) picture of me. I needed help reseizing it, and this has been done gratiously by Firefox in the post below. Thanks you.

    Posted Image


    Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Highluc on http://walk.to/highluc

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-03-31 22:10 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-04-01 08:52 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-04-01 08:54 ]</font>

  5. Very dressy indeed, but I would prefer her having hair dropping down loose around her shoulders, to complete the long flowy looks of the boots. I agree this outfit alows a girl to wear thigh highs without looking tarty. Must feel great around the body with those leopard cuffs etc.

  6. With the latest findings of difference in gender and sex it gets pretty obvious there is no sharp dividing line as thought previously. Some of us are much less different as what's written on our passports as M and F. I've just been looking at a replay of Mary Poppins on television and had a crop in my throat, almost crying. The morale of the story is so true, the expressions on the characters so honest, and the whole is filmed in a relaxing way compared to the flashy multi camera action shots in the movies last decenia. I guess I got a bit emotional, not very representative for a male but I don't care, I've learned to accept my own lately and enjoy it instead of hiding after that society build up facade. I'm not ashamed of crying anymore when I feel like.

  7. Congratulations to you and your wife as well. We're in a race again, yesterday my daughter came to announce me I'm gonna be grandfather again in 7 months, wait and see who'se going to be first to deleiver. Greetings from a happy Highluc to a happy Lion.

    PS: My last visit to Silhouette resulted in about the same shoes and boots as yours, now I follow you, how things change quickly.


    Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Highluc on http://walk.to/highluc

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-03-31 17:19 ]</font>

  8. In case you were wondering this explains it all. All babies start out with the same number of raw cells, which over nine months, develop into a complete female baby. The problem occurs when cells are instructed by the little chromosomes to make a male baby instead. Because there are only so many cells to go around, the cell necessary to develop a male's reproductive organs have to come from cells already assigned elsewhere in the female Recent tests have shown that these cells are removed from the communications center of the brain, migrate lower in the body and develop into male sexual organs. If you visualize a normal brain to be similar to a full deck of cards, this means that males are born a few cards short, so to speak, and some of their cards are in their shorts. This difference between the male and female brain manifests itself in various ways: Little girls will tend to play things like house or learn to read. Little boys, however, will tend to do things like placing a bucket over their heads and running into walls. This basic cognitive difference continues to grow until puberty, when the hormones kick into action and the trouble really begins. After puberty, not only the size of the male and female brains differ, but the center of thought also differs. Women think with their heads. Male thoughts often originate lower in their bodies where their ex-brain cells reside. Of course, the size of this problem varies from man to man. In some men only a small number of brain cells migrate and they are left with nearly full mental capacity but they tend to be rather dull,sexually speaking. Such men are known in medical terms as "Engineers." Other men suffer larger brain cell relocation. These men are medically referred to as "Fighter Pilots." A small number of men suffer massive brain cell migration to their groins. These men are usually referred to as "Mr. President or Mr. Congressman"

  9. For all of you out there who've had to deal with an irate customer, this one is for you. An award should go to the United Airlines gate agent in Denver for being smart and funny, and making her point, when confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as baggage.

    A crowded United flight was canceled. A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk. He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, "I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS."

    The agent replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I'll be happy to try to help you, but I've got to help these folks first, and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out."

    The passenger was unimpressed. He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, "Do you have any idea who I am?"

    Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone. "May I have your attention please?" she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal. "We

    have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS. If anyone can

    help him find his identity, please come to the gate."

    With the folks behind him in line laughing hysterically, the man glared at the United agent, gritted his teeth and swore, "F*CK YOU!"

    Without flinching, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stand in line for that, too!"


    Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Highluc on http://walk.to/highluc

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-03-30 22:11 ]</font>

  10. Your mom seems more comfortable with the idea of heels as you. Step out of the herd that all wear the same styles at school, have guts and be yourself, but show good taste and coordination.

  11. I've been driving in heels and megaplatforms since more than 30 years and never had a bad experience. It is just natural to me but the last 10 years my primary car has automatic gearshift, a bonus and not only for heels in this inreasingly crowded stop and go traffic. When I choose a car I make sure there is sufficient distance between the gas and brake pedal in order to allow the wider platforms I sometimes wear. I also check there is an adequate footrest for my other foot. My curreent car is a Lexus and this has this automatically raising steering wheel coupled on the contact key, making getting in and out a lot easier in whatever heels or platform I wear. It got to the point that footwear influences my choice of cars but I had to set some priorities and so far have been able to combine both.

  12. Hi Lauri, getting more shoe pictures in here could bring a lot of lurkers only interested in cheap sensation. I (personally) think it might detract from the pure interests of all facets of heels shown by most actual members. I would hate to see the spam and associated sexual connotations as seen on other high heel sites invade our sincere environment.

  13. I think this board has matured very quickly. It provides a wealth of usefull information and a diversity of people posting and honestly discussing all sort of subjects, serious and lighter ones which makes this board quite unique and active. Thanks to all who have worked hard to produce it and still maintain it as a usefull tool. The biggest achievement was to bring people from different sexes and parts of the world together in an open forum, followed closely by the incentive to more reserved people to open their minds and start enjoying what they refrained from.

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