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Posts posted by Highluc

  1. I bought a DVD from Motley Crue with great expectations of some good shots of the guys on heels, not only on stage but also in the making og hell on heels bonus tracks but was quite disappointed. The cameraman definitely was not interested in that aspect and only got a few accicental glimpses of the block heels of the lead guitar and platform wedges of the bass guitar. On the other hand, sound quality is superb and the replacing female drumster is fabulous. No heels but great music.

  2. Talking about roadscraper wide jeans, do you guys from the London meet remember the girls waiting for the train inbound London in the morning. Due to the wet streets at least 6 inches of their pants were already soaked (from the bottom). I just can't imagine how they looked and must have been very heavy an uncomfortable after their shopping. Im convinced their trainers were more damp on the inside as the outside with all the rubbing from the wet pants on their socks.

  3. You think people in your area are close minded. Have you tried it yet? You'll be amazed how little people are interested in a man's footwear. Just think about how few glances you do to what your mates wear. Not everybody is as intersted in shoes as the people on this board. Girls will catch it sooner because they are more interested but most will find it "cool" a boy also wears nice styles for a change. Take the bull by the horn and go for it. The reservation is more in your mind as in theirs.

  4. While I approve the setup for local interesting things I much prefer the global idea. If the previous board would have been split like that we would never have had those European heel meets. Segretating us would for sure close the door to a world heel meet. Even splitting up between genders is already doubtfull. Why couldn't our heel meets be open to all, I'm sure girls from all over the world would be interested in a shopping trip through London or Paris mainly directed at available footwear.

  5. Due to a military butcher who operated my wife on her ankles more than a decade ago, completely messing it up forever and having grandgreen develop before the cast was removed, she is also stuck in flats now. I still love her and wear the heels myself now. I can assure you I have more pleasure now than watching her moving in heels before.

  6. Debbie, please don't get a heart attack.

    Platform Dude, look at this one !

    Another variation of trainers I have which are fun to wear even having no heels

    Posted Image

    PS: regarding the posting of pictures, wouldn't it be possible to add this syntax in the options on the bottom of the reply messages so inserting the URL is all we have to do?

  7. A few years ago I replaced the full carpet by strong tiles. I noted in one of the restaurants/pubs they had very strong resistant tiles because they used metal tables and chairs and the tiles werent scratched after a couple of years. After enquiring where they got it from I changed my living room as well. The tiles are 40x40cm and I laid them down with a narrow seem, because that is the week point for stilettos. I have floor heating and love it, especially coming out of the bath or shower.

  8. To Inga: this is a discussion board, where do you get the right to tell people ENOUGH SAID. This privilege is for the webmasters, all others are allowed to give their opinions, as long as they remain decent. Just be glad about the variety of footwear available. Imagine yourself being stuck in a universe where only flat 4-inch platforms are available. Tollerance of styles is what this board is all about, let's keep it that way.

  9. I know what you are talking about. I had the same problem for ages and also got some expensive orthopedic soles from a doctor at young age. Heels are much cheaper and offer the same benefits. I'm just back from a ski vacation. I love plowing through the snow but always hate to wear those flat ski shoes for a week. Even apres-ski footwear is flat. I also had my Bertulli inside heels along to relief the pain in my back during the evenings. I'm glad to be home again in my heels.

  10. It's amazing how similar looking shoes can feel so different. Over all those years I have had 4-inch heels that were much more comfortable as flats and during a recent visit to a Belgo-French collector I have worn some of his 5-1/2 inch heels from Yves Saint Laurant that felt like slippers. The comfort was never directly related to price, some of my cheaper heels are perfect for all day wear, while other more expensive models hurt. Just keep on trying in the shops and don't settle with a pair that doesn't feel right at once. Off course you all will like to endure the pain for a style you just adore.

  11. When visiting the USA two years ago I took the oportunity to make the tour at Meteor crater in Arizona. The guide warned us we needed solid stable footwear for the walk within the crater sides. After looking at everybodies shoes he decided 2 candidates couldn't join because of inadequate footwear. I was in the group with adequate wear although I wore my recently acquired platform wedge boots. I also used those later that day when touring the Grand Canion. I never turned an ankle and wore all kind of heels on uneven grounds all over the world.

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    Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Highluc on http://walk.to/highluc

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-02-17 15:47 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Highluc on 2002-02-17 15:49 ]</font>

  12. A few years ago I was able to purchase these, they allowed me to combine the fashion of sneakers (trainers) with the fun of the heels. Don't mail me to ask where you can get them or purchase them please. I got at least 100 requests so far but unfortunately the line was discontinued and nobody produces anything similar anymore. Just watch the Steve Madden site, sometimes he offers trainers with a little heel. PS: I hope the picture link works, that was much easier on the older boards as well, I needed to open 3 windows on my screen to get this done here.

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