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Posts posted by jmc

  1. . . . if THEIR minds were like roadways, they are just like old 2-lane hwys (hint:like old Rt 66, namely NARROW) . . .

    More like an old rutted dirt two-track out in the woods! The kind where you have to find a place to pull off to make room if somebody else is coming the other way.

  2. . . . There's a reason size 13 heels sell out in less than half the time that size 10 heels do.

    Actually I think there are two reasons:

    1). They are in demand. We want 'em!

    2). The manufacturers don't make enough of them because they are listening to a bunch of marketing gurus who are out-of-touch with reality.

  3. Step-by-step instructions to become a heeler: 1). Get your own pair. That way if you cause scuffs, breakage or other damage you don't have to come up with excuses. 2). Get a pair that fit properly. Improperly fitting heels are excruciating and probably account for 95% of the "My feet are killing me" complaints. 3). Don't go overboard right at the start. Start out with 2.5 - 3 inch heels at the beginning, and look for a block-type heel because these offer more support. Plus, a 2.5" heel on a loafer looks nondescript enough that you should be able to wear them almost anywhere. This will build your confidence as you grow accustomed to them. 4). Insert your feet in the usual manner. 5). Stand up. Enjoy the feeling of the elevated heel as you gather your balance. 6). Pick up your right (or left) foot and place it ahead of your left (or right) foot. Shift your weight to your right (or left) foot. 7). Regain your balance. 8 ). Pick up your left (or right) foot and place it ahead of your right (or left) foot. Shift your weight again. 9). Regain your balance. 10). Go to step 6 until you arrive at your destination. When you no longer have to think about your heels, when they become a natural extension of your feet, you may "graduate" to a higher heel (just like we do here by posting). You will be prancing in 5" stilettos in no time!

  4. Aside from anything else, I thought that the signal from a cell phone could interfere with the avionics?


    Hmmm, if a cell phone can put out enough electrical hash to send this huge aluminum tube crashing unceremoniously to Earth then exactly why do I want to be on it? There are a whole bunch of other things that put out a heckuva lot more noise than that (like power generation stations, high-voltage transmission lines, TV and radio transmitters, radar installations -- like the ones they use at airports -- and let us not forget lightning strikes).

    One of the myriad reasons I do not set foot on airplanes.

  5. Yup -- me.

    Other than me and the guys on this board -- no. But I am positive there are other other guys, some of whom I may know. They simply have various reasons not to let it be known (societal pressures, fear they will be ridiculed, etc.) and they have not found this board yet. DR1819 has an estimate in another thread about how much of the male population percentage-wise has worn heels. It's something like 33% if I remember right and his logic is sound. That's a powerful lot of us!

    Just look at the fetishy heels webshops. Look at all those size 12's, 13's, 14's and up. If they were making them just for women there certainly wouldn't be so many! Trouble is, we heely guys don't just want to prance around the house in our heels and it is long past time the manufacturers woke up to that.

  6. Howdy!

    For starters, a thread here: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=1192 links to a Website that shows how to make heeled clogs. The site is in German but there is an English translation in the thread.

    Then you have these two classic threads (again right here on this board):

    http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=274 and http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=304.

    There are some good notes in this thread too: http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=5830.

  7. . . . If I only tooled for men I doubt if I would ever need more than 6 different stains or colors.

    Reminds me of one of those "Mars vs Venus" things. It went something like this:

    Most men distinguish about thirty different colors, tops. It's more than the basic "crayola-8" set but definitely less than the big "64" set. To most men, "bone" and "taupe" are indistinguishable, "peach" is a fruit and "rust" is something we hate to see on our cars! Women, on the other hand, distinguish 14 different shades of white! To the technically-minded guy, white is not a color at all, rather it is the absence of color -- or it is all colors mixed together.

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