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Posts posted by jmc

  1. It is ILLEGAAL wih the fashion police because us guys arent supposed to wear skirts. I'm against the grain any way.

    Who gives a rip about the "fashion police"? The "fashion police" en masse are not all that keen on the idea of guys in heels either. They are just going to have to get accustomed to some new looks.

  2. I would like to expand a bit on Richie's comments. HHplace is a community, a group of like-minded people who come here to talk about what's on our mind. Mostly shoes (heeled shoes of course!) -- those of us who have other interests go to other sites to discuss them. The community spirit is quite a bit stronger on HHplace than it is on other discussion sites -- although HHplace is worldwide a lot of our members actually do know each other in "real life". A lot of our members have met face-to-face, had beers (or other suitable beverages) together, shoe-shopped, etc. Check out the heel-meet threads chronicling some of these meetings. You had a bit of a rocky start but you came clean and we respect that. The easiest person to be is yourself, you don't have to deal with pretense and persona that way. So go review the forum guidelines and start getting to know a bunch of very interesting people. While you're browsing, the wealth of old threads make for fascinating reading too!

  3. Welcome to HHplace! If you have never worn heels before you might want to consider starting with something that has more of a block heel or a wedge. They are more stable and you will have a better time getting the feel of them at first. Then you can go on to stilettos. Also, start out rather moderate on the height -- don't slip on a pair of 6-inchers right at the start. Try 3 or 4-inchers instead, get accustomed to them, then work your way up if you want to. As far as shoe-shops, there are lots of other members far more qualified to offer good suggestions. Explore the site -- you will get to know a bunch of interesting people and there is a lot good advice for beginners already here.

  4. Amanda, if the word you had in mind is a synonym for "height" then you got the right one. JeffB, I would change one word in your comment a couple of posts back. I would change the word "simplistic" to "simple". Other than that, I am in full agreement. There's nothing wrong with simple statements like "I wear heels because I like the way they feel" or "I like what they do for my stature." Our society seems to have gotten hung up on long-winded, wordy explanations rife with deep-seated and hidden meanings, explanations that require a PhD in something to understand. Some things in life just ain't that complicated. (Thank goodness.) Whatever your reason for liking or wearing heels, just figure out how to live with it and have fun!

  5. Can't remember where or when but 2 men trying to steel an ATM machine by hooking a chain around it and to the bumper of there vintage pu truck were arrested when the police found the bumper and chain still attached to the ATM machine. LOL!!!!

    License plate still in tack.

    Another pair of geniuses decided to steal an ATM machine by chaining it to a big Caterpillar tractor/loader. The tractor had enough power that they were able to break the ATM loose and drag it off the concrete pad. However, while it was operational the machine sent numerous photos of the thieves to the main bank office. Further, when the electrical connections were severed the local police station received immediate notice. These two got caught also, Cat tractors can be very useful for a wide variety of jobs but they are not recommended as speedy getaway vehicles!

  6. If you think about it, Planet Earth has been in a global warming phase ever since the end of the last Ice Age.

    . . .and that's a good thing!

    I find it ludicrous that these climate scientists expect us to believe they can extrapolate global temperatures fifty years into the future while meteorologists cannot tell us what the temperature is going to be next week.

    Mankind has only had the instruments to monitor temperature for 100 years or so, and instruments from more than 20 years ago were not all that accurate.

    It's more than a lie. It is a gigantic hoax.

  7. . . . nail polish has some acetone in it (it does?). . .

    Yes, acetone is the solvent in most types of nail polish, as well as nail polish remover.

    Unless you are deliberately concentrating and inhaling the stuff (as in "huffing"), I wouldn't be too concerned. Just air the place out well until your nails are dry.

  8. . . .right now ive got the problem with a pair of heels i have though that the tip keeps falling out of one of the pair ;) first time i thought it was just nothing but then it happened again... help anyone? the other heel is fine so i know im using the right size of tips for it.. when i put it in it feels completly solid and stuck in there.. it just falls out while im walking.

    Try applying a drop of Super Glue or the like to the pin next time it falls out. That should make it stay put.

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