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Posts posted by jmc

  1. I think it's a company policy at Payless to check that the shoes are matched. They all seem to make a point of checking. Since all the boxes are open on the shelves and the store is essentially self-serve, you might wind up with a size 11 in the same box as a size 7. That really wouldn't work for most of us!

  2. THG, your story would be better without all the lurid details and the gutter language. Leave a little bit to the imagination. You are telling us about a lover here, a person who was at one time very special to you. (Forty or so "encounters" qualifies as "lover" from any reasonable person's definition.) Why reduce it to something as basic as a couple of cats "getting it on" in a back alley? It seems that any person that special should deserve some respect. This site is all about high heels, and we are all well aware that high heels engage the libido. Discussions about heels will always have some sexual undertones, and yes most of us are adults here. But this is not an "adult" site, there are plenty of them around. We want to keep HHplace focused on heels, so it is a place where people interested in heels can go to talk about them. We want to keep it kind of an "entry level" heels site -- just as some people are put off by the crossdressing or transvestitism aspects, some are put off by blatant sexuality. If you want to explore those aspects of heels, you may be better served by joining another site. (No, I don't have any suggestions other than "Google".) We will always have make distinctions between what is permissible on HHplace and what is not. This goes too far.

  3. Technically, birch is considered a hardwood (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birch) -- clearly some hardwoods are harder than others. Even poplar and balsa are considered a hardwoods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardwood) although I doubt they will ever become popular for flooring.

    In my case, most of my floors are carpeted so the dings and scratches don't show. (Although it does mute that delicious sound. . .) I have some linoleum in my kitchen but it doesn't seem to be a problem, even with a pair of metal-tipped stilettos.

  4. I had edited the thread title to indicate the correct date (21-Feb-2009) quite some time ago but I could not edit the subject line of each posting (I'd have to do that to each posting individually). If you hit the "Post Reply" button, your posting inherits its subject line from the thread title, which will have the correct date. If you hit "Quote", your posting will inherit the subject line from the posting you are quoting, which may still have the old date if the posting was here before I changed the date.

  5. Alicia, I hope you don't mind -- I merged your posting into this existing thread addressing the same subject.

    The issue of plastic heel tips vs. metal tips and replacing worn tips comes up a lot around here and you will get more views and responses here. In fact, your answer may already be here -- look around this "Shoe Repair and Modifications" forum as there are a couple of other threads about heel tips.

    I know heel tips can be replaced by any competent shoe repair shop (although in some areas these are getting a little bit hard to find). The job is not even difficult if the original tips are not overly worn, if you can get the new heel tips you can do it yourself. One potential source that gets a lot of mention is http://www.stiletto-heel-tips.co.uk/ . Look around in here and you'll get some ideas.

  6. How do I thank people for posts. Also I cant list previous posts/threads from other members from the member list or by clicking an individual profile.

    is it soemthing that becomes possible after you reach some sort of threshold ??

    Welcome aboard!

    I know searches are disabled until you have a minimum number of posts, finding posts by member might be also. We want to encourage new members to take the time to browse the forums, it is the only real way to get the feel for the website. HHplace has been online in some form for quite some time, I think it is around ten years. There is a lot of material here to browse!

    Don't worry, you're close to the threshold!

  7. That text comes from an abstract of a document published by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers). It has to do with semiconductor fabrication lines -- making the chips that make our computers work.

    From Wikipedia, it seems to have something to do with processing credit card transactions. See Merchant_account. Most of this is done automatically by means of card readers networked to the credit card system but some transactions are still handled manually.

  8. My first question is how does his computer model work? Flawed methodologies lead to flawed results.

    Hmmmm, seems I recall the computer science people had a saying to that effect.

    Oh yeah, "Garbage In, Garbage Out".

    That goes back at least to the Fortran days, if not before!

  9. The 41/42 44/45 sound like European shoe sizes and this system is unisex. Meaning a 42 is the same size whether you are male or female. There is a detailed chart here.

    The "two size" difference sounds like it came from the US system -- a size 10 (US Men) is roughly the same ad a size 12 (US Women) -- although some sources say the difference is more like 1 1/2 sizes. And the two size difference goes the wrong way in your example.

  10. . . . My dad, on the other hand, is uncomfortable with the whole idea. When the topic of the next dress came up, he said why don't I make a Victorian suit to go along with it and show that I can tailor men and women's clothes. Not really subtle. :thumbsup: He's not comfortable talking about it so it rarely comes up in conversation. . .

    Some people will spend an awful lot of money for a dress with a man's name on the designer label . . .

  11. I guess it would depend on how much for me -- if a couple of dollars (perhaps an extra 10% of the price on a US size 6 - 8 ) would make the difference between a shoe I could only look at and one I actually could wear, yeah I'd go for it. I have seen a number of styles I really liked but did not buy because the biggest they went was still a size or two too small for me. Had they been available in my size, even for a bit more money, I would have bought them. I will not buy a shoe I have no hope of wearing, no matter how much I like the style. Seeing it and wishing it was in my size is torture enough in the store, having it in my posession without being able to wear it would drive me completely out of my tree. I can believe there would be some extra material in a large-sized shoe but I cannot believe the labor costs would be much different. There do seem to be some economic realities in carrying and selling the larger sizes and a higher price might offset that.

  12. . . .But what I saw in a lot of the replies made me shiver. A lot of men point oit very graphically their perversions towards heels and how they use them as sexual objects (or would I say Mis-use).

    In all fairness i don't think that any person would take men in heels seriously as a fashion if they keep on seeing men in heels with their productive organs taking centre stage or men telling the world just how much they like to have sexual acts with high heels.

    In all fairness I agree that people do have their personal choice in fetishes and I don't have the right to tell them they're wrong. But throwing it blatantly in peoples faces like this is making society in general believe that if you are a man wearing heels you surely fall into the same catagory and see you as perverted and sick.

    How many woman of men try to do the same search and end up with these results? How are we as as men wearing heels then going to explain that we do it for the wearing of a mere garment rather than a sexual fetish/perversion?

    This is precisely why we (as a member of the HHplace staff) are so diligent about keeping HHplace content clean and respectable. The general public has an image associated with men wearing heels and it is unfortunately a negative one -- thanks to people like you are describing in your posting. We are trying to dispel this image so more men can enjoy wearing heels more often.

  13. Although it is not very often, yes I'm serious about this one.


    On a less serious note, do I have to sign some paperwork or anything to avoid a flurry of posts as to why the thread was renamed? I definately do not want anyone getting upset. LOL

    Jen the Jester

    And with that, 'tis done!

    We'll forgo the paperwork (this time). As far as the flurry of posts, we'll just have to keep an eye on it.

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