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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Ive read all this, and i cant understand why we cant all get along. . . .

    Look in the mirror, bud. You set this ball rolling.

    richie no offense but I wish to point out that should have been done in pm.

    I dont think you would appreciate being called down infront of others like that

    and im saying that because I admin 3 mmorpg games with 20k users on each. I would not tolerate such actions as you have just displayed on my boards.

    Digi, how many users you deal with in your Internet activities is irrelevant. You do not admin or moderate HHplace and you do not know what goes on behind the forums. HHplace is entirely a volunteer effort, all of us have jobs and lives outside of HHplace. Further, the subject matter on this site tends to ignite passions and causes some users to want to skirt the guidelines.

    PM's? Yeah, been there, done that. They're usually ignored. I have a "standard PM file" from which I cut-and-paste the ones I send. I've sent that many.

    Rules? Pah! When they get in the way of someone's wishes they are forgotten fast -- only to be sheepishly "remembered" later when the whole forum is up-in-arms.

    Infractions? Who cares! As long as the login works, the poster is happy.

    That leaves us with the ban. Even that has been circumvented in a couple of cases. Watch it!

  2. I am certain that being an in-between size presents its own challenges but it's a situation any "bigfoot" would prefer. At least if you can get your feet into the shoes, you have some hope of making them comfortable using a little bit of stretching or filling in space with insoles or pads. There is no way you can make a size 10 or 11 shoe fit a size 13 foot, no amount of stretching can help. Even if you eventually wedge your way into the shoe, there is no way it will be comfortable.

  3. I hear ya!

    Being a 12 is bad enough, the nice styles always seem to end at 11 and the really nice ones end at 10. It's gotta be a real pain for 13's (and bigger).

    Shoe manufacturers, ya hearin' this? Ya tunin' in on this? (Hint, hint -- there's sales revenue here!)

  4. I'm wondering if watches in general may be losing popularity from a practical standpoint. With the advent of cell-phones, it just is not necessary to wear a separate timepiece anymore. Any modern cell phone displays the time whenever it is powered and it sets itself from the network. You never worry about your cell-phone being "fast" or "slow" and it handles time-zones and Daylight Savings time automatically. Come to think of it, I've never seen "men's" or "ladies" cell phones. . .

  5. Hi Dave! and welcome to HHplace!

    Browse around the forums a little bit, you will find lots of threads about sizing and style selection.

    Basically you are going to find that sizing is a little bit indeterminate, it tends to vary a lot depending on manufacturer and style. The best way to determine the proper size is to try the shoes on -- which is a complication for those of us who order online. If you order online, deal with a vendor who has a generous return policy -- a lot of them do because they realize the sizing problem is such an issue.

    Styling is more a matter of personal preference and the image you wish to adopt -- and to a large extent, how much you want to "push the envelope". Blocks and wedges are a little more conservative, while stilettos are more avant-garde. Again, look around -- we talk about this stuff all the time.

    While I'm at it I should mention www.heels4men.org -- HHplace's "brother site" dedicated to guys wearing heels.

  6. Really nice boots but why or why is ebay full of boots with crazily high heels?

    Because eBay provides an anonymous way for timid buyers to purchase the footwear they have always dreamed of wearing!

  7. I think you're mixing metaphors here -- taking some of (but not all of) the stereotypical characteristics of a redneck and a metro. You sound like either a sophisticated redneck or a down-to-earth metro -- both of which are almost contradictions in terms :smile: In simpler -- though less descriptive -- words, you are an individual with a unique sense of taste and even more unique ways of expressing it. :thumbsup: Congratulations -- it's something for which we all strive. Some of us even achieve it with varying degrees of success.

  8. These are the types of images the "Men should not wear high heels" crowd would use as evidence. Please try to show us how you use heels to complement a look in a dignified manner, not just blatant exhibition.

  9. And the more you keep on buying and paying, the more the UK government will keep charging. If we all stopped buying from the states, then the USA might also join in and help us to kick the crap out of our theiving politicians...

    We need to kick some significant crap out of our own thieving politicians while we're at it!

  10. . . . Can we mention such name brands? If not, please let me know. Easy does it.

    <mod mode> Yes, we mention name brands all the time. As long as it is done in the spirit of discussion of various styles and looks (as you did in your post), we have no problem with it. If it descends into blatant advertising then we have a problem but that doesn't happen a lot. </mod mode>

  11. I would have to believe that releasing security camera video footage to the general public might put whoever shot the footage and whoever released it in a sticky legal situation if the victim decided to pursue the issue. If I were running a business using video surveillance equipment, I would only release video after an incident, and then only to law-enforcement officials. I have seen a few clips of such video but it was released by the law enforcement agencies, not directly by the business owner. (The video did not feature men in heels either, it was more along the lines of "stupid things criminals try to get away with".) This, of course does not address the potential issue of being filmed or photographed by an individual using any type of compact camera. This type of situation would be much more difficult to police because it would be between two individuals -- the photographer and the subject. At its worst it would become a civil suit should it be litigated and the publicity might be worse than it would have been had the victim just left the situation alone. <mod mode> Merging this thread with "Fears about being caught on camera phone" in "For the Guys". The two topics are similar and this thread does not concern a specific movie. </mod mode>

  12. This mermaid has a magic potion for having danced all night in heels, it's called paracetamol.

    Humans have a similar magic potion for similar purposes. It's called "alcohol".

  13. In my case I would have to answer "no", I am not trying to re-create an image I have seen on a woman in the "real world". This is because I generally do not try to wear the same styles as the women I notice are wearing. In other postings I have come out in favor of block heels and wedges for my own wear and I don't seem to see a lot of them on women. I tend to see more stilettos on women and while I love the look, sound, motion, etc. of them I don't think they look right on me.

  14. Sure it's possible. I can even suggest a glue to use -- Contact Cement (Pliobond or Weldwood or Evostik for those of you "over there"). Guess I'm not sure why though but I'll file that under "to each his/her own". I would be a little bit concerned about stability -- the flip-flops have somewhat spongy soles and stacking up a half-dozen or so pairs to make a tower might be a little bit shaky.

  15. Well Nick, we do wholeheartedly subscribe to the "Whatever floats your boat" theory here. We wish the world would apply that approach to our chioces with equal zeal. There are a couple of crocs aficionados around here but most of us just shudder a little at the sight of them.

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