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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Wow, so many photography aficionados in here! . . .

    Sounds like it!

    So I'm starting a new thread in the "General Chit-chat" section devoted to photographic gear and techniques.

    Since this is Kneehighs' "Adventure" thread, let's keep it on that track. Let's talk about the photography stuff here.

  2. I'm spawning this thread because the subject of photography came up in another thread. It became immediately apparent that a lot of us are enthusiasts, and have been for quite some time. I myself still own my old Minolta SR/T, which was my "pride and joy" back in the 80's. That camera took a lot of pictures, it was strictly manual -- manual focus, exposure control and manual film advance. But I had no problem snapping off a frame per second when things were moving fast! I shot a lot of black-and-white film with that camera because I had my own darkroom -- complete with a home-made enlarger necessitated by my limited budget. I couldn't do color but b/w worked great! Now, although I've joined the digital revolution, it's still fun to break out the old 35mm and give her a whirl. The digital point-and-shoots are wonderful but the sound and feel of that mechanical shutter is something I'll never forget.

  3. Aren't we already chatting here on the HH Place about heels?


    Dawn HH


    Although the HHplace discussion forum is a message board, not a true chatroom. A chatroom is far more immediate -- members are online as they chat so the conversation is immediate. Here, a new message waits until you log in and respond.

  4. If indeed you do chose to ride a train I would highly recommend a trip to the west coast from Chicago aboard Amtrak's California Zypher or, if you would rather go the northern route, the Amtrak's Empire Builder. I strongly recommend the Cal. Zypher, however. Great scenery, great service and comfortable accomodations for the 3+day trip to Oakland/San Francisco.


    Just as a side note, the last 500 miles of the California Zephyr's route (into Sacramento) follows the path of the old Transcontinental Railroad -- through 37 tunnels blasted through the rock and all! And the California State Railroad Museum is within walking distance of the Amtrak station in Sacramento.

    It's a "can't miss" for any railfan!

  5. Why should I try to "fix" something that ain't "broke"? Yeah, I may be out-of-the-mainstream in my footwear choices but I have a better word for that:


    Throughout my early years in school, this concept of "individuality" was stressed as being important. Heels are part of my individuality.

    Besides, not enjoying heels would be just plain boring.

  6. I would dare say people are looking out of admiration. Let's face it -- high heels are designed to capture attention! They generally do so quite well no matter who is wearing them but when worn by a lovely woman they are especially effective. Sounds like they are doing exactly what they are supposed to do!

    As far as the "slipping and gripping" issue, you just have to be careful where and how you walk. There are stick-on sole pads that will improve traction on slick surfaces -- look in the shoe care section of stores. But walking in high heels is not like walking in sneakers (or trainers if you please) -- and we wouldn't want it to be, would we?

  7. Just Do It! Start out with a block-type heel or a wedge, something not so high as to be uncomfortable. Wear a long-ish pair of pants to hide most of the heel if you are likely to be self-conscious (most of us are) and go out at night for a little more obscurity. That will break the ice and give you the rush we all talk about here -- and you will want to go out more! As you build confidence you will be street-heeling regularly in no time!

  8. . . .Anyone here knows how to control this sudden need to buy shoes ?. . .

    There is no known cure, sorry.

    If you ever find one, please post it here -- you will blow out the server with all the thanks you will get!

    I have one treatment (not "cure" but "treatment"). It's like a diet, it requires a lot of won't-power and it is not foolproof. (Won't-power, not willpower. If you use willpower you will buy shoes!)

    The treatment sums up in two words -- don't look (told you it was not easy). Don't shop, don't go to the online shoe sites, and don't browse. (No eBay either :-( ). Put shopping out of your mind, just wear the shoes you have. Avoid those situations where you will be tempted to buy. Your resolve will fail occasionally so take time to savor those new additions to your collection.

  9. HHboots, you are essentially correct. It was roughly 5-6 years ago that HHplace was wide open, anybody could post anywhere. Male postings outnumbered female postings in the girls' forum by a phenomenal amount -- like 8 -10 to 1. The women didn't like it and many left. . .which exacerbated the situation further. Finally the "no guys in the girls' forum" rule was adopted and the situation has improved since. Realistically, we will probably never have a comparatively large female membership here -- heels are just not as interesting to women as they are to we guys. This makes us value those women who do share their perspectives with us that much more. I promote the "no guys" rule as a simple courtesy to a group of members whose input we value. Those unique ladies who join us are worthy of a little courtesy.

  10. <moderator mode> Please don't go into specific detail about crushing living creatures -- many members consider this subject to be abhorrent. If one believes life is precious (and we do), how can one condone the violent destruction of life for mere titillation? </moderator mode>

  11. You won't make some friends by ragging on bikers. I will personally call you DUH until you earn the respect due when you refer to BIKERS in any form. GOT IT???

    Umm, I think Misazeno was referring to a specific style of shoe. He was not "ragging" on anybody, certainly not bikers. And as the proud owner of a 1200 cc GoldWing, I consider myself a biker!

    Welcome aboard, Misazeno.

  12. . . .

    So where does this leave men who like to wear high heels?

    . . .

    In the shadows, unfortunately. At home, at fetish clubs, and "sneaking in a quick stroll in the middle of the night".

    That is, until we pluck up the courage to venture out in broad daylight without a care for what the rest of the world thinks. It's all about individuality and self-expression, and sometimes being unique means you have to take the slings and arrows. That can take a special kind of courage and an "emotional armor".

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