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Posts posted by jmc

  1. I think the eyelash thing is just one of the many ironies of nature. Women want lush eyelashes so men, (most of whom do not care) have them. Nature is perverse sometimes. I don't see that any of your options apply to me either. Further, I do not make the connection between them and heels. I think I started noticing heels about the same time I started noticing girls. I had an extra level of curiosity, wondering what it would be like to wear those interesting shoes.

  2. Greetings and welcome to HHplace. As far as sizing, start with a 13 (US women's) and expect to have some challenges: > Sizing is not absolute. You may find some 13's are tight while some 12's fit fine. Sometimes the sizes almost seem random -- there's a lot of talk about that here. > You are definitely one us bigfeets, which means your selection will be limited. Payless is a good place to start because they do carry larger sizes -- but there are a lot of lines out there that don't go above 10 or 11. You may have to look for stores outside of your area to get bigger ones -- or go to their website and order on-line. Happy heeling and we all envy you for that rush you get when you slip on your first pair of heels and stand up! We all remember it well. . .

  3. Moved thread to "For Everybody". If you are a guy, do not post in "For the Girls". If you are a guy, you can look but do not touch in "For the Girls". Do not start threads, do not respond to threads and do not vote in polls in "For the Girls" if you are a guy. Can I make this more clear?

  4. To quote an old saying "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" -- and vice-versa. She should wear what she likes. She should wear what makes her feel good. Just like we so dearly want to do (and some of us actually do!) I'm sure there's a war going on somewhere, or a company going out of business, or some politician getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, or some bigwig doing something outrageous -- "real news". As far as I am concerned, anybody who faults her for wearing heels has some deeper agenda.

  5. First, welcome to HHplace! You have just had your first experience with the sizing dilemma -- it just never ends. Sometimes I think they pick these sizes at random. Some lines run big, some lines run small. From the looks of the picture I would say those shoes are a bit big for you -- there's too much gap at the back of the heel. Although if they stay on and you like them, who's to say? Sometimes fit is as much a matter of preference as it is measurements. That's a nice classic pump and it is not pricey at all. There's a lot of folks around here who would like to know they run a bit big -- (bigfeets like me who would normally look for 12's). As far as taking them back, if they ask just say "she said they were too big". Most of the barriers exist between our ears.

  6. . . . But is there a way out, loving extreme heels, thight corsets, skirts and stockings?

    I don't think there is a way out. None of us have found one. (Not entirely certain we would want to "take the cure" if there was one.)

    There is a way to deal with it, though. Come to grips with it and understand it is part of you. Then figure out ways to express it. You have found your way to a place that can help you do all of these.

  7. Happy "pi day"! As good a day as any to take a stroll in a great pair of heels (there isn't really a bad day for that. . .) For the mathematically challenged, "pi" is a constant fairly close to 3.1415926535 . It is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter and it comes out to that number regardless of the size of the circle. Pi is an irrational number -- you can calculate it to as many decimal places as you want. Computers have calculated "pi" to billions of decimal places and the sequence of digits never repeats and never ends. March 14th, written 3.14 in some countries, is a crude approximation of "pi". Math and tech geeks like to celebrate "pi day" by having round foods for dinner -- like pizza (not rectangular, please) or burgers. Of course, you could go for heels that have a round shape, or shoes with round buckles.

  8. Well, it is different. That sequence showing the pumps kicking their way out of the bell-jar might even be symbolic -- "breaking out of the envelope". I'm not sure about the magician guy though -- is he trying to be a Vulcan version of Harry Houdini? When I think of CL I think of exquisite, trend-setting heels (. . .that most of us have no hope of ever being able to afford!) I would expect his site to show us what he has, this is just cheesy. I'm more a fan of simple "HTML with pictures" type sites (probably because that's the way I do mine). There's a place for the fancy stuff but you shouldn't need it to sell shoes -- especially Louboutins! CL should stick to what he does best -- design fabulous shoes!

  9. Since I am now feeling guilty about my rant . . .

    I don't think you have any reason to feel guilty about your observations. More than half the postings on that yahoo site contain the words ". . . I hate . . ."

    Such tolerance! Such open-mindedness! Such intellectual grasp! I thought, in polite society we were supposed to limit the use of "I hate. . .", especially when directed at people who merely dress differently.

    You are right, that site isn't worth the bandwidth.

  10. Search for "sizing" or "sizes" right here on HHplace, this type of question comes up a lot. There is not much sense to any of the sizing systems in use and converting between them adds to the confusion. Buying online is a viable option but be prepared to get a pair that doesn't fit, no matter how careful you are with sizing. I wind up sending back more than half of the shoes I order and I know what size I take! I have seen variation in as much as a size and a half in the U.S. system. Look for a shop that has a generous return policy because more likely than not you're going to send 'em back. If you are looking at a pair of shoes from an online seller that has a restrictive return policy, pass them by -- there are other shops out there.

  11. I think you want to add an avatar to your profile. An avatar is that little picture that appears under our user-names when we post. That should also wipe out the big question-mark. Avatar images have to be small -- 100 x 150 pixels and no more than 10 KB in size. Your profile picture would be suitable if you wish to use it, or you can use a different image if you wish. Click "User CP" (User control panel), scroll down to "Settings and Options" and click "Edit Avatar". There are tons of canned avatars to choose from or you can use the window below that to upload an image from your computer.

  12. Nothing wrong with excitement -- it is related to enthusiasm and we applaud that. Please take things one step at a time, get to know HHplace and its members. This place is addictive, just as addictive as high heels are! But please go in with both eyes open so you can really enjoy the experience!

  13. Welcome to HHplace, Liz! As for how to get started, I would suggest the following: First, we send out a "welcome package" to all new members. It will show up in the e-mail box you gave us when you signed up and if you have been able to make a posting it's already there. I know it's a bunch of dry "rules" stuff but please read it through. Most new members want to "hit the ground running" and they get themselves all messed up when they don't read the welcome package. Please don't be that way! Second, please spend some time browsing around the site. HHplace has been around at least ten years in one form or another and there is a lot of stuff here. Some of the threads may be a little bit old but they make interesting points. Certain features like posting pictures and searching are temporarily disabled for new members. This is intended to encourage you to peruse the site and get to know our membership, as well as to get to know how HHplace works. We consider HHplace to be more than just a discussion board, it is a community of heel enthusiasts! Sometimes it takes a bit of effort to find one's home in a community but it's worth the effort! As you look around the site you are bound to find something that strikes a chord within you, something that connects with your experience. You will want to tell us about it -- and please do! Once you get a handful of postings, you will have full access to all the site features. Then you can post an avatar picture and other pictures too. See the Tech Support forum for details on how to do this. Happy Heeling!

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