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Posts posted by morpho

  1. Thanks for the advise guynheels and bubba, the moment is not the best right now, my mind is very clear i dont need to tell her for me to feel better, but maybe not to hide from her some truth in me which wrongly or not (for her) is anyway no relevant for me to keep from being happy with her, I am and i realize that if the moment will come, it wont be because i pushed it and jeopardizing my image in her mind. Then if she by any reason discovers then, that would be a problem to face, but is better not to wake up the lion if the outcome would be for sure negative already. I trust, the moment will come, as Obama said..we will get there..... For now let me prepare my second outing which seems to be very difficult to accomplish, recharging energy. it would be very ironic if i find her when out and about in femme face to face and explaining i was going to a party with my buddies, and the restrictions were to go as a drag, hahahaha, o yeah right.

  2. very interesting points of view and choices. I voted subdued becasu i still dont dare to go out in heels in real public, BUT let me say something here that may be confusing, I could perceive that many can understand as a high heel from a 5inch styletto or needle heel boot, to a pair of 1.2inch mens shoe or boot, or even a 2inch mens boot such as the giorgio brutini shown earlier. I wear my normal mens shoes with a 1.75inch high always, they are modified, for many reasons, 1, becasue i like the "high heel" of course and second the shoe will last more and wont damage the perimeter of the actual heel which normally is made by wooden material, so if i need to replace the heel cover is easy and fast. With mens shoes with up to 2inch heel, sorry thats not heeling out in public, is only normal, and many men has even all their shoes in 2inch heel modification to gain height such as Tom Cruise. If that is heeling then im the louder one, but frankly, is not heeling again, I think that the guys like johnieheel and other that go out in huge real women shoes, heeling without a problem are real pioners of the heeling fashion that is gonna come, hopefully soon. I didnt wanted to be long in this one but the following experience is also very linked to this fantastic thread: I always like to wear high heels, and in order to have the best results and best experiences when wearing my shoes i needed to do many things, such as experiencing and discovering the fantastic invention of the nylons and stockings, then because i believe that trying the heels in public in a man mode is really catching the eye and i cannot psicologiacally afford to show my self as a man that puts on women shoes and people to judge other things that are not true just by ignorance (it really sound stupid right? but sadly is true, still ) so the only better way to try to wear them in public is INCOGNITO not by hiding them under my long jeans, but to hide my entire self in another person, say a woman, so......I started to try other things such as skirts, dresses, then underwear in order to give the shape, then to try to make up, and nail polish and select a nice wig, etc, which i enjoy sometimes but not always, ....how far someone can go in order to try to wear the high heel out in public right? but a myth of sexuality is never changed at least for my case, i am happily living as a straight man that loves his wife and still cannot tell her my love for the high heel wearing, anyway as long as we enjoy, hiding under jeans in man mode and present your natural self to the world and family or to hiding your shoes by hiding your self in make up and skirts, we will be fine and keep happines in our lives and what will come next. thanks for sharing

  3. I wear mine from time to time, becasue of the tight schedule, but the other day i wore it all day long under shirt, since it was cold i had 3 layers over my corset that was having also a cup D which was not showing because of my sweater, ...when i pull it off at the end of the day, say 10 hours with it, i felt a little weak, than when i went to bed i got a sotmachache, i dont know if it was related to not being used to wearing corsets regularly. no diarrea put only the pain inside me, hope it was not a serious problem.

  4. Welcome ace: Feels amazing knowing that there are discoveries in life that give us such moments and feeling right? I did those first quick outings before doing it in actual public, and believe me if made me feel so good and confident, since then i started to dare to do more things not only in heeling or dressing, but in actual life, in my work, in desicions etc, is good to pass over set limitations and know that is not a problem to do what is supose not to do right? not meaning the wrong things of course but rerefering to things that are mostly taboo and/or social offenses that keep us from being free. Those Loafers are so cool i bet you can walk in them with no problem in crowded places people wont notice you are wearing a woman shoe, as well as the demonia, .....I thing the bravo can easily be worn in a club or lounge withour a problem of people to see them, and if someone notice them is not that femminine, it could be worn by my friends or motley crue or kiss, anyways good luck and keep telling us your experiences, ... do you like thiner heels?

  5. Great Johnie, looks like you are pretty much settledown with the heeling life, Tell us where would be the places you wouldnt dare to go with or without your wife, in heels, ...have you wear a dress or a skirt out? thanks for sharing, I like the boots of your wife more, sorry, but your yours are great as well. which sizes are you guys?

  6. Rxrenesis: Woa, that was an exciting ice breaker with your self on showing off your heels, ok tell us....and describe your boots more (3inch, pointed toe, stylettos or needle heel? color? so i can imagine the level of the outing, ...., I could never show to anyfriend my afection to high heels, ....good for you, are you maried? does your wife know about your hobbie?, Related to your story RX, I have a friend that doesnt has any relation with my family and friends, not yet, I was wondering to tell her my afection to this hobbie, in order to take her with me to heel around if she wont mind. it always depends on the person of course, but i think is like cheating to my wife, even if there is nothing wrong with it (not wrong to me but to her), the simple fact of heeling around is a secret and if shared with someoneelse it may appear wrong therefore, i think is cheating at least for my situation. Anybody has different perspective? I will try to convince that is a hobbie friend such as a tennis friend which i play everyweek.

  7. Thanks to all, I have to accept that when im wearing the metal heel high thigh boot that i shown previously, i feel that i will dare to go out (so the good thing is that my shgyness is not the problem) but the problem is that i am sure as all of you that it will definatelly grab the atention since the hill is too thin and is metal so it looks even sexually atractive to most men a women, therefore i will be an object to be stared and absolutly i wont like any men to start talking to me, hahaha, which would be logic and ironic, ....think is better to use them in the privacy, the other drawback is that when i walk in them it feels easy on carpet or soft floors, but in the concrete and hardfloors is kind of tricky, i may slip or break the heel or get stock the heel in a crevice of the floor or anything may happen which could turn an outing into a night mare, plus the boot is a little big for me in the leg body ( i have thin legs), i prefer the boots to be tight, sadly i think i will return them to the store and look for the other style i prefer "Amsterdam", unless somebody wants them, they are size Eu40, pm me for arrangements, until friday.

  8. Yes ideed there are those sock that are open in the tip and the heel of the foot, so you can put some hose underneath and wear the boots mush more confortable without tearing your favorite hose with the zipper or the inner cover of the boots., great accessory indeed, and...kepps you very warm and dry.

  9. hi guys, i went to the mall 2 days ago and bought this pair of boots, i always wanted to have a metal needle heel, these are 4.5 inch, perfect for walking but im still looking for another model that i havnt seen anymore, amsterdam is the name of the model, if you guys see them posted somewhere "new and size 11" please let me know. tell me if these are proper to go out in femme, as I have a record of only one oficial public outing (very shy still and self conscious but less alarmed than before since i did it see "women halloween outfit: thread), and next time i will try to go all in femme again in high fashion, browsing maybe a mall or the busy streets in rush hour still deciding, I guess these boots may atract the atention but i dont want to look like a hooker or something, and less if many people will guess right that i am a man, or a man hooker. Boot lover and Daniel those ones are impressive boots.!!!





  10. I answered more feminine, just becasue i like the dresses and skirts, as well as all the accesories, but not trying to be a woman, just as many said exploring the fun of doing that too, but my passion is shoes and hose, thats it,

  11. i am preparing my second outing, is not easy to go how you all use to go, my respects, I hope one day i can step into the mall in heels and dont care, but it will take me a lot of time to convince my self, so i will take it easy and go step by step., I think, bars and clubs are the best places, and maybe movies and shows., of course casinos could be a nice experience, hope to go to las vegas soon.

  12. Matching Pantyhose and Leggings with some of my favorite boots, I love pantyhose and leggings, Is not that want to look as a hooker but the colorsa and designs are very attractive, and the feeling ofo the designs on my legs combined to the tightness of the hose by it self makes a very exciting feeling, anyways, is not really to go out in them but just to play a bit, Show us your pics of your favorite combination, here are some of my collection.






  13. I prefer to wear mostly pantyhose or stockings, Lately there are many new styles of leggings and pantyhouse, which comes in many sexy designs, (although I import them from Asia to US, Canada many European countries) so i have to wear them first and try on my to make sure the sizes are correct and the quality is adequate, is the fashion now and it would be a crime not to wear them. Sometimes when i can I like to wear all day long a pantyhose, the feeling is indescribable amazing, but because i dont dare to be high heeled in the street or at work, i put on some socks over the hose to cover my anckle and not to show that i am using a flashy purple, with lace hose or stocking on my legs, a thin sock is great. But if i am wearing those leggings without foot tip, i will be wearing a trouser socks or thin mens socks.

  14. Dawn, Is not me!!! sorry , in my dreams, i would love to be that flexible and run with those 5.5 hh pumps, These are videos that i pulled from youtube, I post them because i find them very impressive. Since the age of 12 i started to wear hh, from my mothers collection in private, as soon as i went to highschool i bought my first pair, and most of the time i stayed at home alone so i could practice intensively, maybe 3 to 4 days a week maybe 5 hours continusly wearing up and down inside the house in a marbleled foor, but at that time the highest i could find for my size was 3.5inch, i totally stoled from someone, i dont remember maybe an auntie, i really cant remember, but it was impossible for me to step into a store and buy it, even the stores were carrying up to 3.5 inch high anyways., although my mother had several in 4 but couldtnt wear very small for me by then. I always thought i could walk well and never found my self with a tireness or pain or difficulty to walk or even to run. (maybe the age) But surprise!!! ...last halloween whcich i consider it was the first serious outing in my life from 900pm to 500am in the street and in the lounge all dress up and keeping my boots on, wearing a 5inch thhboots, I have to admit i was so tired and couldnt walk well most of the party, i almost fell twice and i couldnt climb stairs or walk down slo[pes in the streets, i pulled my shoes off more than three times in order to avoid any accident and to relax (my shoes were not tigh, in fact bigger than my size. So I concluded that (as many has said is not the same to practice at home than to go out in the real life, VERY DIFFERENT), by the end of the outing i couldnt walk at all. This will explain my interest in exercising at home since i dont have many opportunities to walk around the house anymore and the possibilities i can wear my shoes are very limted as well as time to walk. Because Im planning to go out again soon...(still prepearing it) but this time to the real public in a normal night, (no halloween or nye etc), all in femme, well dressed, maked up, fingernails etc, but lower high heels, maybe a 4inch maximum, so i can last longer, the feeling of wanting to keep walking and enjoying when there is a pain that keeps you from wearing your heels and is saying thats the end of the outing is near, is the most unwanted feeling ever. After almost 2 hours of dressing up and arranging plus nails and mak up. I think that keeping a confi shoe and be in shape will guarantee a nice experience when when going out.

  15. what a cool job, if i do that and get paid, would be awesome, the reactions are not out of this world, anyways there are logic reactions, i supose. i wonder also the positive reactions, i wonder more whay they didnt include them. Maybe if the guy was a younger the reactions could be stronger from the men. I dont know why? maybe respect to a senior. what would be much more exciting is to keep walking with the pumps around the store looking for other designs and wearing shorts.

  16. Great video, great courage to show it, my respects to you my friend. great boots. I just wanted to make a point here, (believing in that neither bubba and demoniaplatforms never wanted to condemn the music or whatever in this thread) The sake of posting ideas, videos, pictures etc, is for a way of expression and friendship, not for initiating a critisism or negative comments, ....this is why many of us dont go out in heels ...just because that human behavior to say something either negative or at least not positive......just remember that if you care not to be citisized when wearing your heels out, .....this applies to anything in life.....personally is not my favorite music neither, but I liked it in the video, and i hated the negative comments, I know that bubba and demoniaplatforms didnt wanted to hurt anyone or bother, but unintentionally they did just becasue they werent asked to evaluate or judge the video, is only sharing some stuff guys. carefull with the comments. I believe that if or when we post something in this forum, it really means something very important to our personal life, in fact is a support to our personalitiy or our issues in front of others.

  17. That story from CasieJ, can not believe it, but is good, I have the fear of that, and of the office people or of any friend or anyone that could see me in heels and start pointing or sying something. and as you say maybe nothing would happen. I try to share more in this forum as possible, in order to have the courage one day and go out and try it in a normal day, but i supose I need more time. If i were with my friends watching sports, and if we spot a guy wearing 4.5 oxfords in the bar, most probably no one will care as well but i probably I will stare totally all the time, because i would definatelly would like to be the courageaus guy wearing those shoes, but also most probably the heeler wont see that as a complement, most probably if it was you CasieJ i would be making you feel bad or unsecure, without any intention. So I think the people that stares most probably are fans, and people that points are more than fans maybe jelous ones. Becasue i think there is no reason to hate someone in heels, as there are no heel hater in this planet (I Assume) and also because if there is any person with any issue toward crossdressing, sincerelly those people are much more discrete. And finally in a bar or a lounge, is supose to see anything and not aloud for kids or minors of age, therefore no problem. Tell me if you can wear 4.5 oxfords around disney? that would be something interesting. hope no one of you would dare, i dont think it can be a nice experience. thanks for sharing

  18. I use to buy in stores that has a flexible refund policy, but if i can i will try them in the fitting room. I never did it in the open, i dont have the courage to do that, i think it would be very fun but very disapointing if somebody i know would be there and start to make some comments or gossiping about me as this side of me is totally private. Once i tried them in the an adult store, they where hthboots, and they fit me a lttle large for my size, the lady was cheering me up, it felt well, i finally bought them just because i like them and felt so good walking around and the lady giving complements at it even if i know she wanted to make a sale and the size was one size bigger than mine. Once, i bought a pair of very nice boots, but no fitting room, the boots were very expensive but very nice, i was not sure the larger size the had, would fit me so i decided to buy them and tried them in the car, they were so tight and i broke the zipper, then my foot was stock there for at least 15 min i could manage to pull it off, it would be a shamefull moment if i were infront of all the customers hahaha, i guess, since that scene, i wont have the sourage to try them on in public. finally i returned them to the store. For the comments made by the associates, i guess i would prefer to say they are for me, than say is for a gf, since they always know is a lie, so on top of that you like to wear high heels or women shoes, you are a liar that wont be able to admit even doing the act of trying them on public, i guess, is more difficult to try them on than to keep lying...i guess there is no purpose anymore for doing that, and if you are buying but not trying them on, if you are a size over 10 is also better not to lie it wont be a problem to tell the truth to some associate or sales person that is not part of your family.

  19. I am particularly wearing them in private, i got the guts to wear them twice in public, and some outing where no one was around which counts as private. I am planning to try as much as possible to expose again just is so dificult, I would prefer where the moment would be just as a celebration where im not the only one male heeler. Maybe would like to join one day to those annual meetings.

  20. After jumping into those comments, let me say that. me too im straight with wife since 3 years, not knowing, I am not confused anymore, just wondering if this passion will enhance and will complicate my life in the future. I am unconfortable at labels as well, because this trend is to diferentiate right from wrong, in this society, the labels related to lifestyle, and condemns by categorizing in a way of descrimination or as a judgement. In any case for most people out there, whatever they want to be or feel free to do, is not what they are or what they do, just because this stupid concept of labeling for judging. (not for cathegorizing which previously has being said that is human nature and is acceptable) And most of the times is done by individuals that for example are attracted to same sex, but they refuse to be gay or try to be gay, because they dont accept themselves, most of homophobic people are like that, is very sad, or in the other hand guys that are so attracted to heels, in ladies and wish to try them up and learn to walk and feel, but refuse to think about it becasue would be wrong according to the rules of the society, (what are they missing!!!) in any case, the confusion is on them that had not tried and refuse to accept with themselves the truth. (is personal to keep it or to tell it, doesnt matter) My self i love to wear heels, but im afraid of the rejection of the people, that sadly exists. but totally happy and satisfied. more satisfied than when i wear a new pair of shoes and find them well on me.

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