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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. Growing up I was required to go to church regularly. After I became an adult I quit attending regularly. My problem was the guilt and fear of damnation I felt as I'd be standing with my head bowed for prayer and my little friend would become active at the sight of the stilettos in front of or beside me. I recently attended an event at a local megachurch and after sixty odd years my little friend still gets rambunctious at the sight of a stiletto.

  2. By itself the Jadyn is a hot shoe, on you it would really sizzle. The zipper back elongates the look of the heel as does the ankle strap. The pointed toe accentuates the slimness of the foot. In all I'd say a very good choice.

  3. About 4 years ago my sister-inlaw seperated from her now X. She lived with my wife and I for about 2 months. She thought she should do our house cleaning for us. she found several pairs of my heels under and beside the bed. She ask my wife about it. My wife told her if she wants to know about my shoes then ask me, which she did. It was a little embarressing at first, but then when I realized it didn't bother her at all then it was ok with me. She did ask if any of my heels were a little to small for me then would I give them to her. I did pass on her three pairs. She has kept this a secret in the family to this day. Some women really seem to understand.

    So your sister-in-law has much larger feet than your wife? That could be interesting. My first wife's sister also had much larger feet than she (size 9 vs. size 5) and I used to "borrow" sis-in-law's shoes from time to time. She never confronted me with it but she was aware of it and didn't complain.

  4. One thing that Crocs is doing very subtly is getting people used to the idea of unisex shoes. That's an idea that once embedded in peoples' consciousness takes away the shock of seeing a man in fully feminine footwear. Think about it.

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