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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. http://www.youtube.com/user/officebug

    So what do you think?

    The case against:

    1. Muscular calves

    2. No convincing office sounds in the background

    3. "She" is the only one who ever appears in shot

    4. No dialogue

    5. Sanitised office sets which could almost be part of a private home

    If it is real, it's almost too good to be true. Give me a job there ;)

    I remember this clip from early last year so even the date is not legit.

  2. I think TBG has covered the spectrum but it is in no way a foregone progression. I have no desire to look like a woman and I have no interest in any other feminine garments. Never have and after 60 years I believe I never will.

  3. When I was married to my first wife we went in to counseling. As we were discussing our issues I let the counselor about my thing for heels. The upshot of it was that the counselor invited me to some private sessions at her place. I really was in love with my wife so I respectfully declined (dammit, integrity gets in the way again).

  4. Hey Shortskip. I can appreciate where you're at right now and I just want you to know that it doesn't have to be this way. It has taken me a long time to come to accept myself as I am and as I have I have come to know many who have been aware of me and my preferences all along and who also accept me as I am. I've also learned that those who rejected me don't matter. Places like this have been a really big help in that process because I had never been able to discuss my feelings and preferences face-to-face with another man. I was worried about the assumptions that I might be gay or submissive or just a target for abuse. Those fears have proven to be unfounded but it takes time for that all to come about. Hang in there buddy.

  5. One of the reasons why I patronize self-serve shoe stores is that if its not really busy I can try on womens' shoes without attracting too much attention. The racks are high and the large womens' shoes and the mens' shoes are on the same aisle. I've often thought of having a store and offering private areas for customers to try on whatever they wanted. Its also worth noting that some full-footed ladies are also embarrassed to be seen trying on shoes.

  6. PiB, you're the exception to all my rules, especially the one about no platforms. I don't know how you do it. It must just be a gift of yours. Still my first preference is clear pumps or sandals WITHOUT platforms.

  7. Radiodave and Bootking. In both cases your boots from the front look like regular men's shoes just that the heel is higher. Even my keen eye might miss them in public. A narrower toe or heel I'm sure would catch more attention though still not necessarily any comments.

  8. There have been instances when I have been direct with women about my feelings for heels (theirs). The reactions range from horror to amusement to "concern about my condition" to knowing appreciation. There have been others who are aware of their effect on men in general and me in particular which has sometimes led to teasing sessions in sometimes inappropriate settings. I had one coworker who I had never mentioned my preferences to. One day we were in a long, boring meeting. She was sitting next to me and as I started to nod off I felt a soft kick and a lingering contact. Believe me I woke up! I thought it might have been accidental contact so I decided to test the assumption by pretending to doze a few minutes later. The same thing happened again. When I looked at her she was non-reactive except with her body language. As we were leaving the meeting I said thanks to her and she nodded very slightly with a slight grin and nothing else was ever said about it.

  9. What better way to settle this issue then here on the high heel community discussion forum.

    I have many guy friends who I talked to about this.....and u know how some guys are.(wink wink blush blush) But one of them said that if the shoe on top is clear then its ok....but if the bottom of the shoe is clear then its "stripper pole" material...and he always flirts around and asks me if I would be wearing any of these "clear" shoes for him...he likes to tease me alot:nervous:

    but i always thought does clear mean a bad hing..Like I always liked clear..I thought it looks pretty because ur skin shows through and stuff paired with a nice color nailpolish(HOT).....

    for example




    Here are some clear pumps that I think are sexy and not stripper shoes.


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