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Posts posted by shrimper

  1. At the moment, the current state of the world's economy has a lot of people concerned. There are a large number of retired people in this country (USA) that have watched their investments shrink to a point where they are beginning to think they'll not have enough income from them to live on.

    The blame game is in full swing. The Democrat Party faithfuls have been quick to place the entire blame on President Bush and Republicans. The truth be known, however, the current "crash" can be traced back to the 1970's and the Carter Administration and "The Fair Housing Act.," and compounded by actions taken by President Clinton and Democrat members of the congress with the Community Reinvestment Act. Especially Rep. Barny Frank and Con. Senator Dodd.

    Two good sources for the facts surrounding the current economic situation are: (Google: Boston.com - Jeff Jacoby - article entitled: "Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco." And the other one is a utube video at: utube video .

    This is a rather lengthy video. Take a few minutes and watch it all the way to the end. It is factual in that every statement and allegation can be completely backed up by official US Government records.

    I don't know about you guys, but I am so angry at all of the members of our current government, I would, if I could, throw all of the bums out. Beginning with everyone responsible for this situation and severely punishing the guys on wall street and in the mortgage industry for their part in causing this world wide economic crash.

    As one of our commentators says: "Let your heart not be troubled, the truth will come out!"

    Bubba136, I respect you as a fellow heel man but your references are slanted and do not tell the full truth. There was an 8-part series that appeared in the Charlotte Observer that documented the chicanery of Beazer Homes and eventually led to their prosecution for mortgage fraud. I suggest you read that to get another perspective on the factors leading to this disaster. Their actions led to my home losing almost $50,000 in value because they slammed 100 homes in an area next to my subdivision, sold the homes to unqualified borrowers, falsified the buyers incomes to get the loans and walked away with the guaranteed loans and the subdivision experienced 50% foreclosure rates. When you haven't been directly affected by these types of actions its very easy to blame it all on the little guy who was taken advantage of.

  2. Welcome Tinkerbell (and hubby). I'm glad the two of you have been able to "get real" with each other. That will help you to forge a strong bond. There are some men here in the Southeast US working for "major financial institutions" who are not as fortunate as your hubby. I cheer for you both. (And open up Dude, we're all here for the same reason.)

  3. Hi Becs and welcome. My question for you: What about the height of the men you date? Are you comfortable wearing heels if the man is already shorter than you? I'm relatively short (5'7") but I prefer ladies who are taller than me. I've found that some don't have a problem but many do.

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