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Posts posted by gary0618

  1. T-Strap

    In my opinion, Boots get more a positive reaction, because more guys feel freeer to wear heeled boots rather than pumps or sandals.

    However I think we all can appreciate any type of heeled footwear. So pleae do not leave. Just ignore our vocal minority who think they know more than you and I and do not hesitate to criticize others.

    Enjoy your heels!


  2. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I was not thinking about "Matching" outfits. That might me a bit much for me.

    Maybe Similar. We both wear jeans a lot. And I guess we could find shirts in similar colors.

    Well, I am sure Kneehighs will have his camera in New York, and I am sure he will be posting some pictures, and maybe a few videos as well.

    Gary0618 & Katherine

  3. My wife and I both liked this pair of boots from Steve Madden.

    We bought a pair and wearing the same size, we fought over who got to wear them.

    So.... We bought another pair. We now each have the same pair.

    This is the third pair that we each own our own. (does that make sense?).

    Posted Image


    4" heel western style. Very comfortable.

    We will both be wearing these to the New York City Heel Meet in Oct.

    Gary0618 & Katherine

  4. Tis an old scottish curse ya know.

    Ya go an change the shoe to steel when it was not meant to be steel, the heel god gets angry and voices his displeasure with every step ye take.

    Or has your hearing gone bad?

    But Seriously..... I have not a clue.

    Enjoy the new "quite" tips laddy.


  5. Perhaps a little inspiration for those who are still unsure of wearing your heels out and about.

    I was invited to join a small group of people for dinner tonight. We went to China Town in Philadelphia, as this week is the Chinese New Year.

    We all met at a Kung Fu school while waiting for everyone to show up. There were about 14 people there. I only knew the instructor and was introduced to the others. We chatted and finally left for Philly in 2 cars.

    I parked about 6 blocks from the restaurant, and walked with my 3 traveling companions. We all met at the restaurant, had a great dinner, then reversed the travel and we all met back at the school.

    The Point is: I was wearing my 4" heel Harley boots the whole time, and I was wearing long jeans, but at least 1 inch of the heel was showing when I stood. No one at all noticed, or if they did, no one mentioned my boots.

    So all you Shy Guys, Get out there and enjoy.


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