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Posts posted by gary0618

  1. Gary,

    I met her (and you) at the first NYC heel meet. I was to timid to wear heels, but Katherine was so wonderful to me. She seemd an incredible lady.

    May she rest in peace.


    Nice to see you here again. Thank You for your Kind words.

    Katherine had asked me many times if I had heard from you.

    Yes, She was AN INCREDIBLE LADY.

    And Thank You To Everyone for your comforting words at this most difficult time in my life.

  2. I replied that, yes, I would like to know.

    Perhaps I do live down the road, or across town. Or perhaps not.

    Most online companies will ship worldwide now, and many smaller shops are happy to mail to you if you call them. About 7 years ago, I had an online friend show me a pair of heels he had found in a small shop in Canada. He gave me the name, I looked up the phone number. And 2 weeks later I had the same pair.

    Plus it is nice to see what different styles are being sold around the world, and it is also interesting to know the selling price.

    And perhaps on a differnent note: Most of us are looking for shoes in a size larger than 41, or US 10. So when a find is made, it helps us locate a larger size. Which then translates into another sale of a larger size, which (Hopefully) increases demand and lets the manufactured know larger sizes do sell.

  3. In the five years that I have been a member of this site I have noticed that there have been a number of boys of school age who have appeared on this site with stores of their heeling, posting almost daily, then suddenly they disappear without trace.

    I remember some years ago a lad who claimed that he was going on holiday with his mother to Hawaii. He planned to wear a mini skirt with stiletto heel sandals for the whole of the holiday, even on the flight! He promised to let us know how he got on, but strangely he was never head of again! one has to wonder whether it was all fiction, or did his mother have him certified?

    My Guess????

    Fantasy. We have and still do have many people living a pretend life on this board. After a while, you get a sixth sense of who to believe and who not to.

    Such is life, eh?

  4. Why doesnt anybody else upload anything to our galleries?


    You have asked this question before. I think the reason(s) are:

    When a picture is posted to a thread, we are informed of some new information, pics and or words. We know this posts will be something new for us to see / read.

    The Galleries on the other hand are a great place for archives. I do go there occasionally to browse. They are a bit difficult to navigate though. And there is no way (that I know of anyway) of just looking at 'newer' posts.

    Plus I think we all enjoy getting comments from the pics we post. It nice to know that others appreciate us Posting something interesting. Like my recent "Stuart Weitzman Shoes" Thread.

    Some may not realize that you can change the title on a new post within a thread. Doing this makes it easier to search for pics you saw before, but cannot remember where you saw them.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

    Thank You


  5. Thank You to Everyone for your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

    Katherine was truly my soulmate and solemate.

    If I may.......

    We met on eBay about 3 years ago. I was bidding on a pair of Enzo Angiolini Leather Calf Boots. She won the auction, so I wrote to her, telling her she stole those boots from me. I guess she assumed I was buying them for someone else.

    We continued to chat online for many months. When my birthday came, I emailed her a picture of a pair of Harley Boots with 4 inch heels, that I had bought as a present to myself. She wrote back saying, "Those are Your Boots? Cool!"

    A short time later, the relationship she was in, ended. We talked on the phone a few times, and decided to meet. I of course wore my Harley Boots.

    We did not exactly hit it off right away, but we eventually got together.

    When I asked her to move in with me, I did not realize how many boxes of heels (shoes and boots) that she had. Together we think we had over 250 pairs. AND, I am kind of a large size 11, where she was on the small end of size 11. So we could share many of our boots.

    Eight months after she moved in with me, we married on St Patrick's day, 2006. She was Very Irish (see her photo). We married in a Methodist Church, with Old Irish influenced vows, then the reception was held in an Italian Restaurant. A real International Day!

    She really was a special lady. She enjoyed reading this forum, tho did not post for many months. She encouraged myself and other members to enjoy our lives with our heels. She danced to a different drummer and believed we should all be who we want to be. She accepted and encouraged all.

    Every Holiday we had together meant more heels. Christmas 2006, I think together, we gave each other about 8 pairs. Kneehighs and crotchhiboots know she never tired of shoe shopping. We hit every shoe store for many blocks during our first New York City Heel Meet.

    We also had fun selling over 150 pairs of heel on eBay this past fall. Gave us some extra spending money for the Holidays.

    I will say, more times than not, whenever we went out (shopping, dining, movies, walks, flea markets, shopping, etc) we were both in heels. Usually antime we left the house, she would look down and ask "Which boots are you wearing today?"

    A very Short 15 Months after we were Married, Katherine suffered a totally unexpected, and fatal Heart Attack at about 3 am on June 15.

    I do and will miss her until we are together again.

    Thank You for allowing me to share this story with you all.

    And Katherine would want you all to enjoy your heels to whatever level makes you happy.


  6. Maximilian!

    Bad break there. No pun intended.

    You should have no problem at all having a local shoe repair shop replace both heels.

    I have in the past, had heels changed to a different style, and replaced because of the same problem you had.

    Good Luck


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