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Posts posted by gary0618

  1. I just remembered another one.

    I know a woman from FL who sells shoes on eBay. Her name is Estigirl. Well to give her a plug, she sells nice quality pumps in leather in sizes up to 13, and I think somtimes 14. I have 2 pairs from her.

    But, anyway. If you see any of her listings for shoes, and the shoes are being worn in the picture, her model is a man. She tells me the guy works in her store in Miami, and loves to model for her. You would never guess it is a man by looking at her listings.


  2. Jennifer,

    You know, thousands and thousands of words have been written on this subject. High heels work on both side of the D/S world. But I will be brief.

    My lady will often wear her heels when she is in a submissive mood. The better to serve her master. Or in a more general aspect, when we go out for an evening, she is more dependent on me to be by her side (but not really). You know, a nice light dress or skirt and heels, and a man on her arm to lead the way.

    On the other had, she also wears her Highest Heels when she is in a more dominating mood. Just a small change of attire and look out!

    Leather skirt or dress, or dark jeans with boots and she is Totally In Control.

    I think this is an interesting topic, and would like to see others' responses.


  3. WOW,

    This reminds me of a tv show I watched in my youth. The Carol Burnett Show. It was a 60's-70's type variety show. Well, in one skit, they had 4 people sitting on a table type platform with a curtain hanging in front of them. Only their legs were showing. And all 4 pairs of legs were clad in nylons and High Heels. The audience had to vote on the best pair of legs.

    Well, I think you can guess the outcome here. The audience voted and the winner was revealed. They Voted for Tim Conway, her cohort on the show.

    This is one of my earliest memories of seeing heels on a man. I know even then I was interested in and wearing High Heels.

    Does anybody else remember this show, and this skit in particular?


  4. Hey,

    I have been wearing my wallet in my boots for years.

    Sheplers western wear carries a wallet that is made to slip into your boot.

    It has leather covered metal clip that lets the wallet go inside the boot without falling down. Of course this only works with boots that are not tight. I looked on their website and can not find it listed. I will check the next catalog I receive.


  5. I do like the overall look of these boots.

    And I do have a question for everybody. What do you think of the seam running down the center? I guess it is no big deal, but I avoid buying boots for myself with a seam like this.

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