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Posts posted by loveheel

  1. Hey Hoverfly, I have pretty much the same ones from Bakers, but in green. Bakers is a great store. Which one do you shop at ? I go in there regularly, and it is pretty much all heels over 3". Just got a pair of 4.5" heel sandals there.

  2. So well said Heel'd. And welcome to the board.

    I have found the problem is most folks dont know what to think and where to process a guy in women's shoes. Basically it is new information for the brain to understand and get accoustomed to. So you have to expect the reactions.

    This is really what it is. When most people get passed their amazement of seeing something unusual, a lot actually think women's shoes can look good on guys. You will find that a lot of guys on this board have relayed that experience when exposing their passion to friends or family.

    Yesterday I had an interesting experience in a shoe store. I was trying on some women's sandals. Really nice ones (4.5" heel). This is a shop where the sales girl knows me very well, so I am usually quickly surrounded with open shoe boxes and shoes lying around the floor. Two women (probably late 20's) walked in while I was sitting down putting the sandals on. Once walked straight up to me and literally stared at me for several seconds while I tried them on. She seemed so shocked and finally asked me if "I liked women's shoes". Even before I could answer she stated "You don't think you can walk in those !" So I went on to demonstrate it for her. You could literally see her come around and processing this in her brain thinking that it looked pretty good. It helped that I just had my toe nails done an hour before and was wearing sharp pants. So the whole look went well.

    It was really a nice experience to see her go from total shock to acceptance and even approval. We chatted a bit about the shoes she was trying on, and she seemed to like my recommendation.

    Just goes to prove that most people's reaction is conditioning. Just like it was with ear rings. I just doubt that we will ever get enoughmen to wear women's shoes so that we can make an impact on people's thinking. I think what it will take is some cross-over styles of men's shoes that have some feminine touches. Then maybe...

  3. It is hard to make general statements about the sizing of vendors such as Nine West. Basically, they retail shoes made by other manufacturers under the Nine West name. I have had size 11 shoes there which were still too small, as well as as size 11's in which I can swim. Just go to the store and try them on. If they give you bad looks, go to another one. There are plenty of Nine West stores around. It is time we give bad sales people a run for their money.

  4. Even though they are not exactly high heels, they are nice shoes. But I agree. I went out with my wife shopping today wearing 3" heel boots (higher during the day makes her a bit uncomfortable, and I am not pushing the issue, as she has been very supportive). Nobody cares. If I wear pants that are wide on the bottom, they attract more attention than my shoes.

  5. I don't have these, but have several other pairs from Franco Sarto. So far, all of the ones I have had seem to be rather true to size. From looking at these, the instep may be a problem if you have a high instep on your foot. The shoe seems to come high up on the foot. In general Franco Sarot shoes are well made with decent leather that will allow some stretch. I have loafers from them in various heel sizes. The lowest ones I wear EVERY day. I recently had to order a new pair. The midsize heels (2 1/2) I wear in the evenings to restaurant and shops. These shoes are the ones you can easily get away with. Great choice. i hope they fit. Note that Nordstrom often offers larger and wider sizes than zappos in many shoes. If you live anywhere near a Nordstrom store I would just go and try them. They typically have very professional staff.

  6. This week I was in New Orleans. I spent most of my time outside in heels (rather conservative 3 inch, but women's boots and shoes nonetheless). The only time I put on "normal" shoes was when I had to go and give a lecture at the University. While walking the streets of the French quarter I have run into drunks, people that looked like they had passed out in a corner on the street, and women that flashed their breasts (on Bourbon street), women who were wearing such low rider jeans that their butt crack was exposed. So I wonder who the strange people were: Me, that guy in heels or the others ? I was a rather strange experience, feeling like the more conservative person on the street. Maybe that is why in two days I don't think I got as much as a serious glance.

  7. Hi Larry, Welcome to anotehr New Englander. Great post. There is nothing like the feeling when someone finds out about the sheel wearing and turns out to very accepting.

  8. Here is mu guess: 90% of the sales people assume that the shoes are for you. The more reserved sales people won't ask anything, even though they know. The other ones ask if you want to try them on. Think about it: They have to pretty confident about it to ask a guy if he wants to try on women's shoes. So from that I deduce that they have all seen it before. Actually, I have asked that many sales people, whether I am they only guy that tries on ladies shoes. The answer I ALWAYS get is "You would be surprised"

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