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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. Thank you for the input, Ms. Keli! Hard to believe that in this day & age there are people who still cannot accept crossdressers and see these gentle, harmless people as a threat. They were a joy and did more to foreward their cause by getting out and speaking openly & honestly with "John Q." than a hundred articles! I look foreward to seeing them again! VSY, Anita C.

  2. Thank you for the input, Ms. Keli! Hard to believe that in this day & age there are people who still cannot accept crossdressers and see these gentle, harmless people as a threat. They were a joy and did more to foreward their cause by getting out and speaking openly & honestly with "John Q." than a hundred articles! I look foreward to seeing them again! VSY, Anita C.

  3. I was at a Lower Downtown club Friday night and was told that there was a special "Group" of people in the house this evening that I should be aware of. Seems that there was a convention in town of Crossdressers and their wives/SOs and they had decided to have diner and catch our show! What fun! :D I went back to their area and introduced myself and was invited to sit & chat as they did desert & coffee. It was fascinating! I learned more about this behaviour (crossdressing) than many articles I've read on the topic. There were about 20 of them and they were dressed exquisitely! MOST were in stilettos and they were all in evening attire - mostly cocktail dresses! Flawless hair & make-up with jewelry to die for! I had a special table set up for them for the show and introduced the other entertainers to the party. The group loved it! They stayed the whole evening dancing, cocktailing & reveling-stilettos clik-clik-clik-cliking the night away. After each set I went over & chatted more with these very special & often misunderstood people. Some of them were even asked to DANCE with the regular patrons who knew & just wanted in on the fun . . . During the course of the evening their little table of 20 grew to occupy a space for 60! Nobody got out of line and no one misbehaved. After last call the owner came over, all smiles. He said "Y'know I HAD reservations about accepting this party, initially, but put them aside in the interest of wanting to wait & see. WELL-I've waited, I've seen! You're welcome here ANYTIME!". He even sent over coffee! Guess tha fact that they dropped over $1,200.00 and left a $340.00 tip :D helped him reach his decision! As we all clik-clik-clik'ed our way out of the bar one of the group handed each bandmember an envelope. Inside was a 'Thank You' note . . . and a $50.00! You're welcome! :D Ciao. Anita C.

  4. I wrote a set for comedy that deals footwear and why I love my 5"+ Stilettos SO much.

    I call it the Stilettos Gospel. . . give me a HALELUJA! :drinking:

    "Hello everybody & welcome to the Comedy Works. (Wolf whistle from audience) Oooo, baby! Listen to you! So you like legs? (Male segment of the crowd reacts with cat calls, whistles and the like) I see. So . . . you like MY legs? (I turn around and give 'em the back view of black patent 5.5" Stiletto heels and jet black french heeled seamed full fashioned nylons. They go NUTS!).

    I see you all have noticed my shoes . . . Yes, I love wearing my Stilettos. Although I've tried the shorter heels and the chunky heels they are just not me. Shorter heels just seem dorky and chunky heels with platforms feel like I'm walking around with a brick on my foot . . . NOT the look I want AT ALL!

    I just don't feel dressed unless I'm wearing my 5"+ Stilettos . . . :D

    Occassionally I get grief from the uninformed. Yes, I do. Usually it goes something like this "How on Earth do you wear those shoes? (I just slip'em on) How do you WALK in those shoes? (Like this clik-clik-clik-clik)

    THOSE are HOOKER SHOES! (You mean I can't be a Lawyer anymore?).

    Keep in mind the broad telling me this:

    1) Has probably never worn make-up, jewelry or fun underwear.

    2) Has sex once a week, same day, same way, same position, same

    guy (her husband, the lucky bastard!) and hates it BUT does it


    3) Wants to have her nose in EVERYBODIES business AND bedroom.

    4) Is a card carrying member of the Moral Mafia-I MEAN Majority.


    5) Thinks Rush Limbaugh was set up by "Them Damn Liberals".

    'Bye-bye, hon . . . have a nice life.

    As I said, I LOVE my Stilettos and will continue to wear them in spite of people like the Church Lady. Why? Because I CAN, baby, THAT'S why!

    I wear them to church, to work, to entertain WHEREVER I want to. I wear them because I like the look, I like the feel and I wear them for ME!

    If I communicate one thing to you this evening Ladies & Gentlemen let it be that short & Chunky heels might be cute n' comfy. BUT hold this true for the Gospel is THIS:

    (I turn around and look over my shoulder)

    Stilettos are S E X Y ! Period, end of story!

    Let me hear a HALELUJA!


    Good Night!


    Anita C.

  5. I asked several officers about this and it was general consensus that when people are dressed better they drink less and, voila', are better behaved. Where I live and in LA the cops I talked with (over 50 of them) agreed that they received more calls from biker bars than all other "Adult Beverage" establishments combined. They also said that there were bars where it is policy that more than 2 cars show up to ANY call. This is NOT a slam on bikerfolks but the results of conversations with the cops I deal with and talk to regularly. The other comments I heard is that the sports bar crowds are right up there with the biker bars. Matter of fact a case I'm working on (Assault & Battery/Domestic Violence. Our clients' name is "Panhead", he has 2 priors and to be brutally honest he's going away for 8/10 and that's the best he can hope for.) was what prompted this poll. Sharon Daughertys' studies in Behavioral Psychology and many others came to the same conclusion that when people are dressed up they simply behave better including over indulging in alcohol. How many fights did we see break out at the Academy Awards this year? Hey-Mickey Rorke, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin and the Champaign was a-flowin'. . . I could go on. The one time I accepted a booking at a biker birthday party I did have fun BUT I was nervous at the sight of all the people who were packing weapons. As the evening went on and the alcohol consumption soared the patrons started treating me like a party favour. One of 'em pulled the biggest offender aside and said "Cool it Bro! She's a LAYWER!". I left shortly thereafter. Ciao, Anita C.

  6. According to many studies, people of all ages behave better when they are dressed up. At upscale bars that have a dress code there are virtually NO boisterous outbursts/fights . . . and the Police backs these conclusions up by telling us that they respond to fewer calls to upscale establishments. Your thoughts? Ciao, Anita C.

  7. I live about 30 minutes from Lower Downtown, known as LoDo to us natives. Parking is not too challenging but still involves a 1/2 block walk. Once there you get to traverse a flight of 25 stairs to get to the 'Works and make your way to the green room where we (the Comedians) must check in. Being Mardi Gras, I wore a gold hologram cocktail dress, coffee hose & gold 5.5" Stilettos. I made the walk ok . . . and those damned stairs clik-clik-cliking my way along. I no sooner got to the Green Room and one of the gals commented "OK-now let's see the footwear . . . (sigh) those look SO hot! I still don't see how you do it." The other comedians all turned and said in unison "Practice, practice, practice!". My set was 4 minutes. I opened with a few Mardi Gras comments "How many of you are celebrating Mardi Gras?" The crowd responded with yells & assorted revelious noises. I said "Well . . . YER IN THE WRONG F*****' TOWN!". THIS got 'em going. "So . . . do y'all like the dress? What about the SHOES?". I did the walk & catwalk flip giving them a full back view. LOUD applause. "Remember this girls and hold it true, chunky heels might be cute BUT Stilettos are S E X Y - period, end of story.". THUNDEROUS applause. After my set was done I clik-clik-clik'ed my way backstage and then went out & mingled for a bit. The most common question? "WHERE can I get a pair?". I just wonder how many new Stiletto owners' form my audience there will be tomorrow??? :D After that it was back to my car. I then drove over to Samanthas' Lounge. I LOVE spreading the Stiletto Gospel!!!! :D:D Ciao! Anita C.

  8. I was ordering my shoes by mail from mant sources at that point in time. No, my employers have never said anything negative or critical regarding my shoes. My co-workers have asked and commented . . . usually "where did you get them?". :D Jane and I had the same tastes and ordered our shoes from the same source. :D I seldom see other female attorneys in stilettos but that appears to be changing. Where Stilettos used to be considered "Hooker Shoes", I've pretty much put that to rest. Stilettos are viewed as "Power Shoes" among my constituents. :lol: Gotta luv THAT! :D Ciao, Anita C.

  9. Texas girls, stand up & take a bow. Y'all are flawless! I relish the opportunity to go to Dallas. It's a world of manners, "Howdy, Ma'am", big hair, big jewelry, Stiletto heels and panache'. In Dallas those girls don't go to the grocery story without make-up, jewelry, 'Hair & Heels! Never know WHEN ya might run into "Mr. Right" . . . or even "Mr. Right Now" and you MUST be lookin' good 'cuz you KNOW every other gal there will be. There's a club in Dallas, I won't mention the name, that has a sign in the lobby (the club is on the top floor) that states "Ladies and Gentlemen MUST be appropriately attired or they will be turned away" . . . My kind of place! Appropriate attire is: dresses or skirts for the Ladies (NO slacks) and suits with a tie for the Gentlemen. Whoa . . . I'm getting faint! When the elevator doors part you are greeted by rich Cherrywood panelling, deep green pile carpet trim, Black Terrazo tile tables and cordovan leather highbacked chairs with cherrywood barstools with backs surrounding the bar. The floor leading to the main room is polished marble. As you clik-clik-clik your way back to the dining room/lounge the restored Cherrywood bar with brass trim and mirrors comes into view. Approximately 40' long it is the essence of Texas style. South of the bar overlooking the metroplex is the dance floor/bandstand. The floor is hardwood and is resurfaced annually. Probably because of the tremendous amount of High Heel traffic! I love to go there for Happy Hour and to people watch. Just for the record I am SO glad I'm a woman! Guy clothes are so, so, what is the word . . . BORING! Us gals get all the good stuff! The Stilettos, the dresses, the make-up, hair and jewelry. Happy Hour is a non-stop parade of Dallas Galls dressed to the Nines. I can say that Heels seem to be a prerequsite as do inch long french manicured 'Nails & BIG, and I mean REALLY BIG, Hair and jewelry . . . LOTSA jewelry. The evenings Happy Hour crowd is pleasant but not high energy. There is never the uncomfortable air of intensity you feel in New York, Chicago or L.A.. Relaxed . . . unhurried. If you didn't get it done by now, t'ain't gonna happen so let it go. Even as it evolves into evening the aura is fun and elegant but never harried. The sounds of glasses clinking with fresh ice cubes, the low din of many conversations are accompanied by the clik-clik-clik-clik of Stilettos going here & there on the tiled floor. Ladies who lunch are now Ladies who cocktail! The group goes on at 9:30 and plays until 2:00. Their repetiore' consists of swing, big band, 50's/60's, and of course some modern country. All very dancable and pleasant. Dallas, Texas. Where Gentlemen still hold doors open for Ladies, offer a hand when getting out of the car, stand when a lady arrives/departs from the table, "Yes, Ma'am" & "No, Ma'am", pull out your chair and where people with manners, style & grace still dress up! I must have seen over a hundred fifty pairs of High Heels that night. Virtually every gent there was in a suit and was wearing a tie. I didn't see one pair of Nikes OR jeans. . . or backwards baseball caps :D (D U H ! ). Denver makes me appreciate Dallas. YEE-HA! Off to Neimans'. :D Ciao! Anita

  10. PEOPLE can be judgemental. Not just men or women.

    So, someone said all guys who have an ear pierced are gay???? They have obviously never been to a biker bar. Must be from a small town.

    Having pierced ears doesn't make you gay. :D

    Wearing womens' shoes/clothing does NOT make you gay. :D

    Having sex with another guy? Now THAT would make him gay!!! :D


    Anita C.

  11. It was 1974. . . May. . . So Happy It's Thursday (Better known in the Legal community as S H I T day. I got to work early (7:30) and had crunched out the preliminary investigation paperwork for an upcoming deposition that Jane & I were to take today. I wore my grey suit with a white blouse, coffee hose and grey 5" Stilettos to work. It was clear and cool and I finished the prelim as everyone else was trickling in to the office. Jane was in an Ivory dress with matching jacket and 4.5" Ivory Stilettos. We had to drive to Golden to do the depo and since we were both ready to go we departed. Arriving in Golden at 9:30 we had the opportunity to check in and make sure the paralegal of record was on time. Everything was going smoothly. The paralegal set up and we sat around and chatted a bit then as 10:00 came and went we called the party who was supposed to give the deposition to see what was up. He said he had a dead battery and would be there as soon as he could. I offered to come and get him with Jane and we took off. He lived in the hills above Golden about 5 miles away. He picked him up and returned at 10:40 and FINALLY started. What wa supposed take an hour took two. This threw us off and our "leisurely" lunch ended up being a quick trip through the McDonalds' drive thru followed by a mad dash back to the office. We got out of the car and clik-cliked our way to the elevator then to the office. We dropped off the dep & the other documents and had a call from Murray, a senior partner, that he had left pertinent paperwork at his desk and would we please RUSH it over. Jane & I gathered up the needed papers and rushed over to Superior Court. We couldn't find a parking space to save ourselves so Jane orbited the courthouse while I clikclikclikcliked (High Heel High Speed!) my way to the courtroom just as "Her Honor" was calling the room to order (W H E W !). I went to the front of the bulding and waited for Jane to complete her last orbit and, zoom, back to the office. chug . . . chug . . . . . . . chug. Guess who forgot to get gas? I got out and went to the nearest service station and after leaving a $10 deposit for what was the most decreped gas can in the world. I walked back ("Sorry lady, we ain't got nobody to run youse back."). We slopped enough gas into the tank to get the damn thing running and returned to the station. "You smell somethin'?" Jane asked. "Yeah . . . smells like gas." We got out and looked eachother over, no, we hadn't spilled any on us. Looking in the trunk we found out that the loaner gas can had a leak. Off to the quarter car wash! We must have been a sight washing out that trunk in our suits and Stilettos! "Uh-oh . . ." sighed Jane. "Look". The cars' tank had a leak. Back to the service station and a bit of flirting. 25 minutes later we left with a now sealed tank. It was 3:15. "Oh SHIT! I'm supposed to be in Littleton in 25 minutes!". ZOOM! We walked-make that RAN in at 3:35! It was an arraignment and no biggie but took forever. They were backlogged and we didn't clik out of there 'till 5:30. With that finished we made the biggest mistake of the day, we RETURNED to the OFFICE! Murrays' case had taken an unexpected turn and we were going to be there 'till . . . whenever (like when hell freezes over). Althought there were many things to do we all pulled together and with the infusion of some exceptional Chinese Take-Out we finished up around 10:00. As Jane & I clik . . . clik . . . cliked ourselves out of the office. 15 solid hours in my 5" Stilettos and Jane in her 4.5" ers without so much as a foot dangle! "Man . . ." Jane offered. "Me too." "Uh, Jane?" "Yes". "I have a bit of bad news." :D " . . . w h a t ?" she asked fearfully. "I don't know how to tell you this . . ." "Oh, no." :D "Yes honey . . . you have a run." :D "No I don't either!". Jane HIT me! I bought he first round. Anita C.

  12. Samantha & I had tix to go see Dianna Krall that I won. Since the tickies were free we went out to dinner . . . it was busy . . . we got to the arena late. The only parking spaces were in the south 40 and we were in our 5.5" Stilettos. We looked around for a shuttle with no luck. :D So we just sighed and locked the car and started walking the 1.5 miles to the arena. Clik-clik-clik-clik . . . it took forever. When we got to the entry we discovered our seats were on the other side of the arena. . . clik-clik-clik-clik-clik-clik-clik-clik-clik . . . lord, those hard arena seats never looked or fealt so-o-o-o good. We didn't dare remove our shoes-we'd NEVER get them back on if we did so we just toughed it out and finally feeling returned to our toes. The concert was fabulous. Dianna's so good! AND she was wearing 5" Stiletto strappy sandals! When the concert ended we made our way to the exit. I thought of that long walk back to the car. I suddenly heard Sam yell out "Over here!". A taxi rolled up and we got in. There is a GOD! "So, how was the concert?" the driver asked. "Great" we responded. "Alright. Where to ladies?" "Isle 75 South-the red Corvette". The taxi lurched to a halt. The driver turned around and said "Uh . . . look, ladies. I wanna help but I'm gonna miss a $25.00 fare if I-". Sam pulled a twenty out and he took us to our car. We exited the cab and got in the Corvette, thankful we didn't have to clik-clik-clik our way back. Samantha was silent. "So. What's next?" I asked. "Ummm . . . let's go to the bar, OK?" "I pressed the accelerator down with my pointed toe and we drove over to the bar. We ordered a cocktail and two gemts came over to our table. "Would you two like to dance?". :D Samantha & I just sat there . . . :D Later we looked at our Stilettos. The tips were almost shot! Anita C.

  13. Glamour . . . I LOVE it so! To this day there is nothing that makes me feel so "Girly" as wearing an amazing dress with the right accessories! The Stilettos are a must. I just don't feel dressed without 'em. But going the distance means, for me anyway, includes the right hosiery, undergarments and jewelry. Some days I feel the need to be a bit retro in a longline bra & girdle (with 6-8 suspenders), stockings, slip, large earrings and a dress that fits just so! Some gals think I'm crazy but I just love the way I feel when I'm dressed in all-l-l-l-l that great paraphenelia! I love the feeling of big, heavy earrings moving when I walk. I enjoy the feel of the slip moving against the clothiing . . . the restricted feel of the girdle and bra. . . I like the way it all moves when I stand up and start walking in my 5.5" Stilettos. The feel of my stockinged feet in those high-high Stilettos. It's also fun when you're dancing with someone and they put their arm around you and realize that you're wearing "something extra"! HA! When I'm wearing a longline bra, a highrize girdle, stockings and my beloved 5.5" Stilettos I walk differently . . . I have a sashay. I especially like walking up stairs. Yes, it does take a bit of effort to overcome the stiffness of the girdle but I do love it so! Clik-clik-clik-clik . . . Even if it IS a bit of an ordeal to go to the ladies' room! :D As long as I don't break a 'nail! :D Anita C.

  14. You cannot change the world & you'll wear yourself out trying. There are people who think that pierced ears are only for hookers . . . go figure. Sure, I've heard the same drivel from the right-wing mouth breathers about my shoes. . . never to my face mind you. Ignore them hon. It's a matter of preference & taste. So what if all their taste is in their mouth! :D Anita

  15. The year was 1957. Ike was in the White House with some boob named Nixon as VP. Buddy Holly & Richie Valens were still rock n' and rollin' on the radio (KIMN 950am) and Sinatra, Bennett, Ella and the Duke (Ellington) were the swingmeisters. Denver had 4 TV stations and al were black & white. My second grade teacher was a lady from Texas. Her name was Mrs. Rough. She was always impecably dressed and her bouffant blonde' hair & make-up were flawless and, yes, she always wore high stiletto heels to make her 5' in stature seem taller. She even wore them when she was supervising recess! She was influential in my becoming attracted to High Heels. One outfit in particular stays in my memory. It was a powder blue front buttoning dress with short sleeves and a collar that she always wore "up" . . . with matching powder blue 4.5" Stilettos that had a bow with gold accents. She never took her shoes off in class and would walk around & sit on the front of her desk when talking to us. crossing her legs - very lady like! We all loved her because she taught with passion and enthusiasm. She had the most charming drawl that captivated all in earshot when she was speaking. Class would start with the clik-clik-clik of her stilettos coming into the room as the bell was going to ring followed by a "Good mornin', y'all! Let's stand for the pledge of allegence!". One day, she was wearing her navy blue dress and matching navy stilettos when a fight broke out between two trouble makers. Not being a shy person she got right in between these kids, grabbed them by the collars-separating them and after a verbal barrage that could have only come from a Texas Girl, said sternly "Now y'all have a choice to make. You wanna shake hands & call it quits or do I get the opportunity to haul you both down to the principals office? WELL, what's it gonna be? . . . Don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouth SPEAK UP!". The boys mumbled an apology to which she said "T'ain't good enough. You two clowns owe the class and ME an apology so let's hear it or I swear I'll take you both into the principals office and I WILL call your folks.". The guys went to the front of the class and apologised. "Good . . . fine now. Virgil, you sit here, on my right and Dave, you will take the seat to my left and if I hear another peep outta either one of you it's off to the principals' office. Do you understand me?". "Uh . . . yes Mrs. Rough.". Not a peep. She wore Red the next day, this was her "all business" dress with red 4.5" Stiletto pumps and gold jewelry. The bell rang and we stood up for thr pledge. "OK now. Let's get to work. Get out your geography books and open to pafe 225." She walked around the room and when she got to Virgil and Dave she lowered her glasses and stared at them for a second then smiled and said "Y'all gonna behave today?" They nodded yes. And that was that. When I graduated I returned to that school. Mrs. Rough was still teaching there . . . and still wearing High Stiletto Heels! I walked in in my Stilettos. She smiled "Nice shoes, hon. Where'd you get 'em?". Anita C.

  16. February first I ceased my corset training and put the ballets in a box. I'm taking a break. From here, from work and from entertaining. I turned 55 last friday and have some unanswered questions tha I have been, well, avioding for the past 34 years and it's time I dealt with 'em! I'll be back rest assured ! So farewell, so long, Via Con Dios! Ciao 4 now, :D Anita C.

  17. Every so often we reach a point in life where the unanswered questions we had earlier in life can no longer wait for an answer. January 30th I celebrated my 55th birthday. I spent the next day being haunted by questions I had put on the back burner on my 21st birthday and it's time to answer them! My belief system remains intact and I've had a great deal of fun participating in the forum. I'm taking a sabatical from work, too. I'm not abandoning you all! Just reprioritizing. I'll be back. So long, good luck, farewell, Via Con Dios! Ciao . . . for now, :D Anita C.

  18. For my birthday I got a pair of black patent 6" Stilettos from Fredericks! The gave them to me at the bar friday night and started chanting "MODEL 'EM". They were taken back a bit when I walked to the front of tha bar & back in them. Then my friend Samantha tried it . . . she made it but was a bit, errr . . . wobbly. Ciao! Anita C.

  19. Friday night was my birthday. I was in my fave 5.5" Blue Stiletto pumps with the half metal heels. TWICE that night I heard "Ever hurt someone with those heels?". Someone shot back "HEY! Stand in line-I'M next!". I said "YEAH, He's next . . . it's $25 . . . .do you have change for a $50? Or do you just want me to 'Spike ya twice?". It was so funny at the time . . . :drinking: Ciao! Anita C.

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