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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. Sorry, I disagree. I support the FCCs rulings because I looked at the entire picture from both perspectives. As long as there is a vocal majority who feel that obscenity & nudity have no place in prime time, things will remain as they are and no amount of campaigning by a minority under the giuse of the first amendment will change it when push comes to shove. All I ask is for all parties to look beyond your own viewpoint. Look at how the majority of the populous feels and acts. "T'would be a simpler world if everybody thought, fealt, reasoned & processed the same . . . they DON'T!". When Howard was removed from many stations it was because his ratings went into the toilet and those stations could no longer sell airspace. The sponsors quit buying airtime for a myriad of reasons. What the bottom line was Howie became unsellable and was dropped by most markets. JJs' actions weren't supported by the majority of the viewing public allowing no forum for redress. She paid the fine because she knew she'd lose BIG in a court of law when this went to a jury. Why did her legal advisors suggest she do this? Because the jury will see this not as an accident but as something that was premeditated. Why? Because she was wearing a star over her nipple and this would be construed and persued by the prosecution as her having knowledge before that the "accident" would lhappen. Otherwise, why did she have the strategically placed star? Johnny Cochran wouldn't have been able to get her off. Pay the fine & learn a lesson. People can and should speak their minds. Nudity can be beautiful. HOWEVER there is a time and a place for everything . . . obviously this wasn't it. All it accomplished was sensationalism and a cheap thrill for a few. In closing I ask all to say if the current limits in place are unreasonable, where do you set them? Do you just say to hell with it & throw the gates open to beastiality, brutality, child molestation, open masturbation and the like? Just say "anything goes"?? You have to draw the line somewhere. Ciao, Anita C.

  2. Yes, I am an entertainer. I have always operated under the rule that I never say or do anything onstage that I wouldn't do in front of my Mom. Now in some third world countries they would have a problem with women performing without shroud & veil. The USA is not one of those countries. I leave the cheap stuff (profanity & nudity) for lesser people with either a lack of talent and a lack of decorum. Several entertainers feel the same. George Burns, Celine Dion, Bill Cosby, Tony Bennett, Barbara Streisand, Ella Fitzgerald, Dianna Krall, Frank Sinatra . . . I could go on. These entertainers have all found a way to be entertaining without lowering their standards. You have your opinion & I have mine. You cannot change my position any more than I can change yours. As for censorship, if one cannot express ones' self in a way void of profanity, nudity or obscenity then perhaps one might need to re-evaluate ones' communication skills. Saying "I'm very angry" has just as much impact as "I'm f****** pi**** off". More will listen with the first example. What happened to Howie & JJ was fair & just. I have proven my point. Nothing can change my mind. Ciao, Anita C.

  3. The actions of HS & JJ aren't dangerous, just offensive/obscene to MOST. And way beyond "slightly". To reiterate: we are a country where we do what is best for the MAJORITY. In the case of Howie & Janet the MAJORITY found their actions offensive & reprehensible. Are Howie & JJ dangerous? Dangerous, no (STUPID? The juries' still out). Were their actions offensive? According to polls in US Today, Reuters' and Neilsen, absolutely. Were they being "picked on"? Don't be niave. The list of Howies' FCC infractions & fines (that Howie never objected to OR fought) often exceeded his salary. What did Howie in was that stations could no longer SELL Howies' airtime. No sponsors-NO SHOW. In Radio & TV only two things matter - RATINGS & REVENUE. Howies' last fiasco proved to be his undoing, he went too far too often. G'bye, Howie. As for JJ . . . what can you say? She went blatently outside FCC rules for nudity. She paid her fine without protest BECAUSE SHE WAS GUILTY AND SHE KNEW IT. As for the star over her nipple . . . c'mon, now, a first year law student could prove to any jury that by covering her nipple the whole incident becomes premeditated because she had made that preparation. Some say to bolster a floundering career. JJ didn't protest-she just wanted the whole thing to go away. Furthermore, because of the "JJ incident" FCC raised the fine for indecent exposure to $500,000. Back to the question posed that you can say what you want as long as long as you don't say anything that might be slightly offensive . . . slightly offensive, yes. Obscene? NO. Locally, there was a crowd of people being interviewed after a sports event live. During the interview on of the interviewees said the "F" word. The TV station was prepared and had police standing by & the foul mouthed little puke was arrested, booked, tried, found guilty & sentenced to 90 days (he couldn't come up with the $5,000.00 fine). He was made an example of and the whole thing was made VERY public. Now people think twice before they speak on TV. And that was the whole point. The MAJORITY of people will agree that Howie has broken the law repeatedly and too often. The MAJORITY of people agree that the whole JJ thing was premeditated and the fine was fair & just. We are a country where the MAJORITY rules. Ciao! Anita C.

  4. America is STILL the Land Of The Free & the Home Of The Brave. I believe that Shakespeare once said "Profanity is the rage of an impoverished intelect." Our Founding Fathers couldn't have conceived of radio, TV & the 'net. I don't think that their thoughts in guaranteeing free speech included indecency & profanity OR the likes of Howard Stern, Janet Jackson and the like pushing the innocent concept of freedom of speech & expression to the limits that THEY wish to explore and be still be protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Peoples' limits vary and the point when one person says "enough" might well be farther down the road than anothers. We are STILL a Democracy ruled by majority, If, therefore, the MAJORITY is of the belief that someone has abused the privelage of Freedom Of Speech for WHATEVER reason then that person should be restrained and/or punished. Even here on this Forum there are guidelines. Exceed those guidelines and you will be censored. This is as it should be. "The needs of many outweigh the needs of a few". In summary, should I say "F*** you, you F***ing moron!" People would be rightfully appalled. If, on the otherhand, I say "You block-you stone you worth than sensless thing!" It would hit harder & mean more to a larger audience. For the meaning might full well be the same the way I communicated it would be better received in the second example Ciao! Anita C.

  5. The Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech. It was written many, many years ago when people exercised better control. I don't think the authors of the Constitution in their wildest dreams could have even conceived of Howard Stern & his shenanigans! I don't care for Howard Stern and others who hide behind the Constitution in an attempt to be offensive & obscene. Not my idea of talent OR entertainment! Mr. Sterns' "cutsey-poo" attitude regarding his boorish behaviour is sophomoric. Fining him had no effect nor did station sanctions. He was issued a license with certain provisos he chose to blatently disregard. Janet fine was fair, just & necessary. And as for Michael . . . well, don't get me started. Call me a prude :D if you will but I believe that there are things that are not acceptable to the general public and should not be granted the same access & protection as more "PG" material. As for Howard? Good-bye. :D I listened to him once . . . that was enough. Yes, one can always change the station. BUT, should minor, impressionable children have access to this crapo when Mom & Dad are elsewhere? I don't think so. Ciao! Anita C.

  6. I was in a mood Thursday. I got up & decided that today I was going to wear my favorite lingere' from the 50s. Included were: Longline Bra, longline boned girdle w/garters (6), off-white lacey slip & seamed off-white stockings with cuban heels. I chose a perriwinkle suit with off-white blouse and perriwinkle 5.5" slingback stilettos with lowcut vamps & bows on the toes. I chose a pearl necklace with matching earrings & bracelets and to complete the ensemble I wore off-white leather gloves. :D I enjoy the feeling of wearing vintage lingere'. It is restrictive & erotic. :D You move differently in this garp. :lol: I arrived at the office at 8:30 & set about updating our schedules. I then started checking what subpoenas had to go out & sat back to enjoy my Frapaccino & bagel. As lunch approached we had completed the days' chores. The Partners decided we would close at 2:00 (YEAH!). As I left the office I decided to hit a few of my favorite shoe stores. First I went to Stiletto. I tried on 8 pairs and left with 2 - a navy pair of 5.25" pumps and a pair of black slingback 5.5" Stilettos with open toes. Then I went by Panache' & explored the world of 6"ers. I bought a pair of red patents with open toes & bows on the heel straps. I got home at about 5:30 reflecting on the afternoon and feeling the slip rubbing against my stockings and girdle. The tug of the stockings against the girdles garters and the pleasure of my toes being in those amazingly pointed toes. The longline bras constant support and the feeling of the overlap where the girdle & bra meet. The feeling of the leather gloves against my fingers and the heaviness of the earrings swaying with every movement of my head. I stepped out on the balcony to have a cigarette and watch the sun set. I almost hated to take it all off . . . :D Ciao! Anita C.

  7. Lynn called me at work tuesday and asked if we could meet for cocktails after work. "Sure" I said "Where?". We met at Samanthas' place. I was wearing a hunter green suit, off-white blouse and black 5.5" Stiletto pumps. She was wearing a deep red dress with matching Stilettos. We greeted each other and then she smiled and said "Well, hon, all things must come to an end . . .." Lynn & her beau are going their separate ways. The beau and his wife are going to repair their relationship and that's a good thing. He is giving her $250,000.00, the loft and the Mercedes and will continue to be her friend. She supports his decission. Amicable and very fair considering the plight of most who are/were involved with underground types. I never understood the relationship but like his style! :D She's doing ok. While she's a bit sad she is accepting. She is also somewhat relieved that things ended as they did. Her plans? She is going to open a piano bar and bank the rest. The world continues to spin and the sun will still come up tomorrow. Ciao, Anita C.

  8. At one time in my life I was breifly involved with a man who was REALLY into the fact I loved to wear High Stilettos. While he was nice, cute too, his obsession proved to be his "achilles heel" so to speak. Now I enjoy wearing my 5.5" Stilettos BUT there are limits. I'll happily clik-clik-clik my way along and as I have said so many times before I do it for ME! If someone else derives pleasure that's ok too. But David (not his real name) would drop whatever he was doing if I, or any other Stilleto-wearing lady came with ear/eye range. :D Even though he would be with me he would rubberneck unashamedly to catch a glimpse. :D This became embarrassing. The boy had no control whatsoever.l :lol: The last straw was when we were at a corporate 'do thrown by a client. I wore a dove grey cocktail number with sweetheart neckline, pearls and 5.5" Slingback Stilettos. I looked & fealt fabulous if I do say so myself! The guys were in tuxes. We were socializing in the entryway when I heard the stacatto of stilettos crossing the marble floor. She was wearing black crepe' strapless, knee length with black rinestoned embellished Stiletto sandals.I looked over at David who was openly gawking :wink::P at her with his mouth wide open almost drooling. . . That was IT! :D I walked over to a group of friends who were at the bar and started socializing with them. David wandered over and pulled up a chair and sat next to me . . . ok . . . the evening wore on and he continued to rubberneck everytime he saw or heard a clik-clik-clik. Kinda like Pavlovs' dog only with Stilettos. When the evening was winding down I suggested that it was time we had a long talk. He looked pussled at me and suggested we do it now. "Ok. Pull up a chair. David, do you have any idea of how sophomoric and embarrasing your behaviour was tonight?" "What'd I do?" "C'mon, Dave, you mean to tell me that you don't know?" "No-" "You were ogling every gal here who was wearing High Stilettos to the point that everyone & I mean EVERYONE couldn't help but notice you getting slackjawed anhd goofy looking whenever -" "I think you're exagerating" OH? Let's ask . . . Mary. Mary could you come over here for a minute" "What's up?" "Hon-did you notice anything odd about friend David tonight?" Mary winked and said "You mean-" she turned around and clik-clik-cliked her way about 5 paces then suddenly turned around and caught David midgawk "That!!!" David went into denial and excuse making. I said goodbye. I got up and clik-clik-cliked my way to a cab and home. I didn't object to the staring, what pi---d me off was he was so unashamedly obvious about it. He had NO control and was NEVER going to get any! He just wasn't worth the effort. :D Ciao, Anita C.

  9. Yes, the 5.5" Stiletto Pumps fealt better. Probably because there was no pressure on my instep. The boots were steamrooms. Because they lace they are, shall we say, a bit of a chore to get on & off even though I speed-lace them (a trick I learned from my military reserves days)! There are still 24 sets of eyes to contend with. This complitaced with my L O N G fingernails and you see what I mean. :D I love the feeling of the tightly-laced stem clinging to my calf, too! I DO love wearing them and there was a little bitty part of me that enjoyed the experience . . . Thank GOD I was wearing stockings and garters that day. Otherwise going to the restroom would have been quite the adventure! :D I wore 'em today BUT the difference was I had my spare pumps in my desk drawer. :D Ciao, Anita C.

  10. A group of friends invited me to dinner at an upscale S/E Denver surf & Turf dinner club that also had entertainment (Dancing). I went in my Red Cassini drape sleeve, V neck with red pantyhose and red 5.5" patent stilettos. :D The meal was outstanding and we just decided to make an evening of it staying there to experience the band (They were excellent). :drinking: We had no sooner sat down at our table and a gent came over and asked Samantha & me to dance. "Sure!" we enthusiastically replied. Sam was in Royal Blue with matching 5" Stiletto pumps. While on the floor we noticed a gal sporting some great 5" Gold Stilettos in a lame' dress and another who was wearing a pair of pristine 5" TURQUOISE Stilettos in a Jacquard dress. :D I looked at Sam and she smiled and nodded. When we returned to our seats these two ladies came over to our table and asked to join us. "Of course!" "We just had to come over and tell you how much we LOVED your SHOES!" "Thank you, precious and we love your shoes and coutoure' also!" During the course of the evening the gals at our table were asked to dance repeatedly, clik-clik-cliking our way along the dancefloor. It was obvious to all that we were so popular because we had great shoes . . . and outfits! The band broke into "New York, New York" and the four of us got up and did a chorusline. This drove the crowd NUTS! :D The sight of four well dressed ladies in High Stilettos was something to behold! By evenings end the four of us had become friends, We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to put together another "Stiletto Safari" and soon! The last number was "The Party's Over" and we gathered our things and walked to our cars. What Fun! Ciao! Anita C.

  11. I have a pair of black patent, lace up (NO zipper), 5" Stiletto heeled knee-high boots. I love 'em! One day I decided to wear them into work. I'd be in the office all day and could change them with the 5.5" pumps I have in my drawer so it'd be ok. I arrived at the office a bit before 9:00 and dove immediately into the awaiting work. Around 10:30 I decided to put on my pumps because the boots were getting a bit warm. I opened my drawer and to my horror my back-up pumps were GONE! :D Then I remembered I had taken them down to the shoe repairman for new heel tips. :D So there I was with my only footwear being the boots. I called the repair shop and they said that, no, they weren't done. They were out of the steel tips and couldn't get any more untill tomorrow. I stared at the lovely heels of my boots when I was hanging up the phone and thought about the ordeal of removing them & the accompanying odor and decided against THAT! I would just tough it out. So I went back to work with my feet laced tightly into those boots and the incline of the arch reminding me every minute that, yes, they were still there and, no, I really couldn't remove them because I had a meeting with a client and bare foot was a no-no. The meeting started at 1:00 . . . I looked at my watch and the hours drug by. We finished at 4:30 and my feet were letting me know that they WERE'NT happy! I clik-clik-cliked my way back to my desk and while initially in agony the walking seemed to help. I called the repair shop again . . . no, my pumps weren't ready. I looked down at my boots again and chuckled to myself "Well girl, you did it to yourself this time.". I watched the clock in the office slowly . . . 4:40 . . . 4:43 . . . 4:46 . . . 4:48 . . . 4:51 . . . 4:52 . . . 4:54 . . . 4:56 . . . 4:57 . . . 4:58 . . . 4:59 "Uh, Anita could you come here for a minute? We need some clarification.". A A R R G G ! I finally left at 5:30 and was standing for the majority of that duration of time. I carefully and slowly went down to my car thinking I could remove these torture chambers once there. Uh, well . . . no. I remembered that they were cracking down on seatbelt violations and could write you for anything else they fealt like and driving barefoot was against the law. I gently backed my car out of my space and placed the pointed toe of the boot gently upon the accelerator. Out on the street it seemed like every time I looked in my rearview there was a police car. I made it home and closed the garage door. I gathered up my purse and breifcase and gingerly clik-clik-cliked my way into the house. I sat my purse and breifcase on the dinning room table and went over to the recliner to finally take my boots OFF! As I unlaced them I wondered what my foot was going to look like. Oh, my . . . OH, MY! Houston? We have a problem! I unlaced the right boot, then the left. . . I removed my right foot from the boot and then the left. PHEW! O-Mi-Gawd my poor feet looked like the tip of a spear. My toes were all jammed together in the perfect shape of the pointed toebox of those boots and VERY RED! I just sat there for awhile. I got up to go to the kitchen and my feet were not working well. My achilles tendons were so-o-o-o tight and my feet wouldn't respond. I saw a pair of 5.5" Stilettos resting where I left them last night when I got in. I s l o w l y walked over to them and slipped my feet into the Stilettos . . . Ahhhhh . . . now that's better! uh-oh . . . I thought to myself that maybe I HAD become trapped in High Stilettos . . . :D N A H ! I could walk again. The phone rang. My shoes were ready . . . Is there a 12 step program for people like me? :wink::lol::D If so, I hope they let me wear my Stilettos to the meetings! Ciao, Anita C.

  12. On a trip to Milan, Italy I met a lady named J'enae. I was shoe shopping and J'enae was working at the shop. She was French-Italian. 5'9", 125# about 30, I'd guess with long jet black sun streaked hair cascading down her back & ending between her shoulder blades. She had large gold hoop earrings and a gold link bracelet on her right ankle. She was wearing Versace' (print sleeveless dress) and gold 5" Stiletto strappy sandals. She clik-clik-cliked her way through the crowded store waiting on as many as 5 at a time always smiling & sweet. "You're American?" she inquired. "Yes, but I "capish" a bit of Italiano!". "Bella!" she smiled. "What size?" "Umm, 42/43 - 11 US." "Gotcha!". She disappeared into the stockroom reappearing with 8 boxes. "Try these and we go from there, eh?". As she walked away I noticed that her Gold Stiletto saldals had given away to 130mm white pumps. When she returned she was wearing deep maroon 125mm Stiletto closed toe sandals. Each time she reappeared she was wearing different shoes! How FUN! From the 8 she brought out I picked 3. A pair of gold 130mm closed toe strappies, red 125mm patent pumps and 130mm peu de soir rhinestone trimmed evening closed toe strappies. "Ok. You find any you like?" "Yes. These 3 are keepers." "Cash or charge for you? I think cash! Am I right?" I laughed and handed her the money. As I gathered my purchases, I watched her clik-clik-clik away . . . in a pair of 125mm Fuscia pumps with low cut sides and the thinnist heels I've ever seen! Bonjourno, J'enae! Ciao! Anita C.

  13. In 1979 I attended a legal convention in Las Vegas. It was pretty typical during the day with lectures & seminars, but the evenings were special! People still dressed to go to the shows then and it gave me a chance to go all out! I took three beaded gowns, 7 pairs of Stilettos and enough hardware (jewelry) for a small hardware store!

    The first night we went to Caesars' Palace where Joan Rivers' show was. I wore a turquoise & silver cocktail length dress, suntan hose with my strappy silver 5.5" stiletto heels that had beaded trim.

    Even though we had reservations it was still accepted that for a really good seat you had to "Tip" the Maitre' ! We layed a 50 on her landing us in the ringside seats! Joan was great! She was wearing an off the shoulder directionally beaded floor length gown with matching 4.5" Stilettos!

    The second night I wore RED, baby! Drappy sleeves, padded shoulders and plunging V-neckline, again, knee length with red pantyhose and red patent 5.5" Stiletto pumps. We went to see Ferrante' & Teischer who were amazing! I was in my Stilettos for 7 hours! It was wonderful.

    The third night was a blue cap sleeved, sweetheart neckline, satin cocktail number with Black patent 5.5" Stiletto pumps and jet black seemed cuban heeled hose. We saw "Les Girls" at the Riveria followed by dancing at the MGM Grand. . . staying out 'till the sun was rising.

    I LIKED 'Vegas when the Mob owned it. No kids. Not that I dislike children but . . . People dressed up then. 'Vegas was for adults as opposed to what it is now, Disneyland with slot machines and a different theme hotel/resort leaping up out of the sand almost monthly.

    Give me the Rat Pack & wiseguys any old day!


    Anita C.

  14. Lynn was a semi-regular at Samanthas' club. She showed up on Friday or Saturday and sat at the same table. Always esquisitely dressed, she kept to herself pretty much. She appeared to be in her 40's and was always in the highest of Stilettos with hair, make-up and very long 'nails. One Friday she showed up. She was wearing a black REALLY low cut fitted bodice dress that showed off her huge, voluptuous boobs, off-black seamed stockings and black strappy 5.5" Stilettos with rinestone trim. She motioned to me after I had finished my first set. "Love your work, sweetie!" she said smiling. "Care to join me for a drink?". . . "Why thank you, Lynn. Sure ". I pulled up a chair. We talked for about ten minutes about this n' that, clothes and shoes mostly, then she said "I love coming here. People don't ask too many questions. I rather like my privacy, y'know." she trailed off. "Well, hon, if you ever do want to talk let me know. People tell me I'm a pretty good listener." I smiled and patted her hand and started to leave sensing that Lynn wanted to be alone. "Wait . . ." She said grabbing my hand. "Do you have a minute?"."I'll make one.". She then opened up to me about herself. Seems she was a "kept woman". She was the lady of a prominent guy who was associated with many characters of dubious backrounds. She had been with him for over 10 years and had no illusions regarding the future of their relationship. She didn't work. Her beau saw to her every need and lavished his attention and wealth upon her in the form of jewels, clothes, a house, 3 cars and all the entrapments of luxury. All she had to do was be available to his beck and call. "I'm kind of his beck and call girl" she chuckled. The chuckle faded as she stared off into oblivion. Some nights it would be the Opera, some nights it would be a cocktail party where she was told to just show up with a escort. . . some times she would be told to be at the such-and-such hotel in Las Vegas, New York, Milan or Miami and wait for a phone call. Sometimes the calls came-sometimes they did not and she returned home no questions asked. In the whole time I knew Lynn I never saw the same outfit twice. "I can't really complain" she went on, lighting another cigarette as she dangled her shoe, obliviously swinging it seductively. "I chose this life and I live with it. Most times I'm ok, but . . .". We were interrupted by a man who came over to the table and whispered something into Lynns' ear. She nodded and gathered her things. "Gotta go! Thanks. We'll do it again, ok?" "Sure" I replied. She laid a $50.00 on the tab tray and clik-clik-cliked her way out the door. Saturday she popped in again this time wearing a silver cap sleeved dress with silver 5.5" Stiletto heeled pumps with extremely narrow heels, matching bag, Shoulder-duster earrings and a diamond choker and matching everything else. She clik-clik-cliked her way to her table. When she saw me she smiled and winked. I returned 'em. Right back at ya, Lynn! Ciao, Anita C.

  15. Mary is learning more about who she is and what she needs out of life. She is becoming more aware each day of how her new look has many benefits. As for does she know how sexy shoe-dangling is? Probably . . . but you must remember she's going through many changes and discoveries. With each day she becomes more confident and Sam & I like to think that our efforts were the first step. She is becoming an incredible woman. She went out shopping last week . . . she came home with 2 new pairs of 5.5" Stilettos! Ciao! Anita C.

  16. Her name is Mary.

    She's a twenty-something young lady who is new at the firm.

    She's a good worker and very sweet, albeit somewhat dowdy gal who hides behind pulled back blah-brown hair and the ugliest pair of glasses known to man.

    One evening after work the office was going out for cocktails and we all but kidnapped her to come with.

    After a drink or two she looked at Samantha and me and said "You two always look so nice. I wish I could look half that good!"

    I winked at Samantha and said "Y'know Mary, you can! Want some help?"

    "Oh, I couldn't . . . I am just not that attractive and wouldn't know how or where to even begin." "Hon-just put yourself in our hands, ok? Look-tomorrow's Saturday and Sam & I have nothing going on so YOU are going to become our project." "But I don't have the money and I don't-"

    "We don't want to hear it, Mary! Just be at Cuttin' Loose spa at 9:00 am sharp."

    Sam and I arrived at the spa about 8:30 so's we could charm Don & Kenny into a special favor. This included grovelling and, of course, bribery

    But we got it done.

    Mary arrived at 9:00 walking into the spa like a nervous doe. She had no idea what WE had in store for her. First, she had her long brown hair cut, colored & styled. Then we did 'nails and a pedicure followed by make-up.

    The change was nothing short of phenominal - she came out looking so great! Who'd a thunk that this doll was hiding behind that awful hair and well-scrubbed face!

    Then we hit the mall and hit it hard. First, we went lingerie shopping. This is where we made the discovery that our little Mary had a FIGURE!!! YES! 3 new bras and some fun undies! WOO-WOO! We found 6 new outfits and 3 new pairs of Stilettos (2 - 4" and one pair of 5.5"ers!)!

    We stopped by a jewelry store and picked up a few new "Sparkelies" and Voila!

    As Mary, Sam & I were cilk-clik-cliking our way back to the car the heads were a-turnin'! Mary had gone from frumpy to fabulous.

    We went by a store with a large dark window and Mary stopped cold . . .

    "O-mi-gawd!" she stammered. "I'm really pretty!" Then came the tears. "How can I ever thank you for this?" she sobbed.

    We just smiled and said "You just did, Hon!"

    That night I invited a few of our co-workers down for cocktails and to see their reaction to the "New" Mary.

    They arrived at about 7:30 and were chatting about this n' that. At 8:00 Mary entered . . . and how! She was in a black cocktail dress, jet black stockings and sporting her new 5.5" Stilettos. She walked over to join us, teetering ever so slightly, and said "Mind if I join you?".

    Nobody could believe that it was HER! She clik-clik-cliked her way around our table so each person could see her new look.

    "Great outfit, hon! Who did you go shopping with?" They glanced at the shoes and slapped the table "I just KNEW it! This has Anita and Sammys' handiwork all over it!". "Your doing quite well in those Stilettos" Sam complimented. "Thank you! I vacuumed the whole house this afternoon so I could get used to them!" she beamed.

    We were all having fun chatting and revelling in Marys' new look when this fella walks over to our table and asks Mary a question. She smiles and shakes her head "No" and the guy goes away.

    "Ok, Mary. Who was that guy and WHAT the hell was THAT about?".

    She waved her hand and chuckled "Oh, he's just some guy who thought he knew me . . . turns out he was mistaken."

    "Oh? Do you know him?".

    She got this big smile on her face and said "WELL, he thought I was someone he knew and he was wrong. But I DO know him!" Mary said dangling her black patent Stiletto playfully.

    "C'mon. Tell all, girl, don't keep us in suspense!"

    "Ok, ok. . . He's my ex! He left me two years ago for a 20 year old cocktail waitress at this dive bar he went to and, yes, I DO know him-too damned well, I might add! But HE doesn't know THIS me! And he never ever will!". :D

    You GO girl!

    And for her ex . . . the best way to truely appreciate someone is to lose them!


    Anita C.

  17. Buncha self-rightous "crackers"! OP! I did NOT say that!

    What we do in our bedrooms with other consenting adults is nobody

    elses' *******ed business.

    There is a group who shall go nameless, but I wish that they'd focus on their OWN family, whose "World Headquarters" are in Colorado Springs.

    When it came out that one of the head "crackers" of their organization was caught up in a bit of a scandal (he was seen at a Drag Club with his tongue in someone elses' mouth and . . . well, you get the picture). I heard the term "Moral Mafia" and, VOOOOOM, it has taken off!

    Oh, well . . .


    Anita C.

  18. Before we get going here I am asked why Samantha and I do so much together. We're gay . . . NOT! We just like our girls nites out from time to time. Do I date? Occassionally. Will I discuss it here? Nope.

    We had tickies to the Opera (Das Rosen Kavalier-German) and We,(Samantha & I) decided to go all out! :D

    We did a closet inventory and came up with two black dresses with rinestone trim and P L U N G I N G necklines . . . so we could wear our chokers and "Shoulder Duster" Earrings, of course!

    For footwear we got out the black Satin 5.5" Stilettos AND added some "Glitz" using the ol' glue gun and some loose rinestones around the vamp and a single line right up the back of those delicious Stilettos!

    We went to Donnies' Salon and had our hair transformed into killer up-dos (the better to see the hardware, natch!) :D , rebased the 'nails and had waxing.

    We went home, did make up & got dressed (Item: jet black, cuban-heeled seamed hose with glitter in the seams! YES-we wore garters!).

    Now some of you might have a concern that we might have a situation like the Dianna Krall concert where we ended up clik-clik-cliking our way to the center. Not to worry! We rented a LIMO! Cool, huh? :D

    I loved that long, black Stretch Caddy & it's "too cool" driver. I liked having someone opening the door and helping you out! I like the attention two well-dressed Stiletto-wearing ladies draw when exiting/entering a limo . . . and we used the HELL out of it! To dinner, to the Opera, to the "After" party. S I G H . . . Oh, the good life!

    ANYWAYS! The Opera was great. My first German Opera and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! It was so much easier clik-clik-cliking our way through tha crowd knowing that a long black Cadillac with a bar and a chauffer on duty awaits with open . . . door!

    "What a night!" Samantha sighed.

    I nodded and smiled in agreement as we toasted the evening.

    :drinking: :drinking:

    And even though we didn't kick off our Stilettos when we were in the limousine, we revelled in knowing that if we wanted to, we could! :D

    Pur-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r . . . :drinking:

    "Home, James!" :lol:


    Anita C.

  19. In fashion, out of fashion . . . The fickle diva that is fashion is penduleum like. It swings one way then back. Face it there is only so much that can be done with a shoe and fashion is a very fickle thing subject to the whimsey of the new wave of perky little dennizens who kowtou to Vogue, Harpers, Elle and the like. After 55 years on this orb I have found that one thing holds true: conservative clothing always looks appropriate and never truely goes out of style. The classic cut of a Channel Little Black Dress and a elegant pair of Black Patent 5" Stiletto heel pumps will always look "In Style" and never dated. Chunky heels and platforms? Unless you're going to a 70s' revival might look peculiar. I'm at a point where I really don't give a damn what Vogue says is "Hot". I know what works for me and I've been through the "Fashion Nazis" :D trying to tell me how to dress. I have unlimited sources for my beloved Stilettos on the internet. :D As I have said, I know what I like and I know what works for me. Ciao, Anita C.

  20. From the best info I can find, crossdressing is NOT an affliction but rather a behaviour. The psychology behind the phenomenon indicates that the predeliction to crossdress is in place by the age of 3 and some believe that it takes place in the womb. One noted psychologist summed it up when he said "The individuals who have this behaviour should work to accept it. Crossdressing is a life-long thing and doesn't just "go away". Dealing with it successfully is essential. It is part of who they are and denial can have horrendous effects - depression, anxiaty and even suicide." The thing that was emphasized ofer and over is that crossdressing is HARMLESS! Once acceptance is reached the individual can live a productive normal life. Ciao, Anita C.

  21. You are SO fortunate to have an understanding wife! Most don't get it. MOst, when hearing that their hubby has this "little hobby" end up leaving. Honesty is always the best policy! If when you're out you're open & honest things will be just fine. I agree. Teenaged girls can be brats and very insensitive. I have had some as clients and they are the most self-rightous of the lot. Sadly nobody can tell them anything! I had one in particuliar, she was in for underage drinking and posession, that kept smartmouthing the Judge at her trial. The Judge warned her repeatedly and finally found her guilty of contempt. He remanded her to custody while her horrified parents looked on in disbelief. The Judge (wisely) adjourned the trial untill noon Monday (it was friday) and let the little creaton cool her jets in a cell for the weekend. You should have seen the look on the little princess' face when they slapped the bracelets on her and hauled her to county jail for the weekend . . . When she returned Monday she was a VERY different young lady. Did she "get off"? OH, HELL NO! She got 1 year in the juvie facility and probation until she's 25! Fortunately teens aren't allowed at any of the clubs where I work. It's just as well and I'll tell you why. Most who gain entry will try, sure as hell, to drink. Ultimately they'll misbehave and it is simply just not worth the risk OR the HUGE POTENTIAL for trouble! That's why Auntie Anita has a "Zero Tollerance" policy for the "Minor Leaguers". Ciao, Anita

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