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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. Since I was arond W-A-Y back then, I recall everything from the "Mini" to the "Maxi"; Plarforms, Bell-bottoms, hip-huggers, polyester, HEAVY eye make-up, "Frostd" Lip-colours, BIG earrings, Peter Max, SoHo, Carnaby Street, Andy Warhol, PAISLEY!, Bra-less fashion, fondue . . . Every so often local clubs have a 70's night . . . I come out asking myself "Did I ever dress like that?" I DO notice that I saw an abundance of Mercedes-Benz symbols on the clubs' walls. When I enquired one of the Gen-Xer's working there she smiled and said "Peace, Baby" . . . I smiled and drew a accurate peace symbol with an arrow indicating the missing line & handed it to her & said "I think you might have missed something."

  2. OK, Heelers! It's Joke time! Share your fave C L E A N humourous short story. Risque is OK-smut is NOT.

    For example:

    A lady walks into a pharmacy and asks the druggust wher the talcum powder is. He comes around the counter and says "walk this way, ma'am". She says "If I could walk that way I wouldn't need the talcum powder." (rim-shot) The one & only GROUCHO

    After telling me her tale of woe, a woman asks me "What would you do if you were me?" "I think I'd shoot myself."


    "Did I ever tell ya 'bout the time I shaved my legs & wrecked 'em (rectum)?" :D

  3. I'll get you for that Firefox . . . and your little dog, too! :( Happy New Year, All! :drinking: Ok, even Firefox. :D Remember now - tomorrow (New Years Day) there will be NO AIR before NOON! So PLEASE heed Auntie Anitas' advice and do NOT get out of bed BEFORE then :sleeping: and in the name of GOD do NOT use the phone!

  4. Accepting an Award for Entertainer of the Year & having the MC mention my Silver, sequined 5.5" Stilettos as I came up to the podium. :o As I reached out to accept the plaque-my bra strap gave way :D giving the "Girls" an unexpected "Night Out" . . . I went back & repaired (it had come out of the extender) the lil' bugger & returned to the festivities with the "Girls" safely back in harness. :( W H E W ! :( :drinking:

  5. Listen to their input, thank them and do as you wish. I cannot tell you how many times someone has given me (I'm 54) silimiar advice. Really what YOU wear is none of their business. Your look is for YOU to determine-not someone else. :D

  6. Hunter Green cocktail length dress w/ gold beadwork, Off-Black hose w/ seams, Black Satin beaded 5.5" Stiletto Heels w/gold metal heels, gold "Shoulder Duster" earrings & matching choker & bracelet, and "Russian To A Party" 'Nail color. :( Sam wore a black, one-shoulder, directional beaded Oleg Cassini w/ Matching 5" Black beaded pumps, Black & Gold earrings. :D

  7. WW I? Dr. Shoe for Gods' sake - that was then, this is NOW! The "Lads" who fought in WW I and WW II are for the most part dead, God rest their souls. My Son has looked down the business end of an AK 47 . . . have you? If not, what in hell are you basing your opinion upon? The inane ramblings of other pseudointelectuals who also have never been in combat but sit away safely in their own little world judging the actions of those who are, as my son puts it "In the S***" up close & personal? My Son has some advice for you. "Tell this putz to pick up a rifle and walk a post in an unfriendly foreward area-then we can talk. Untill then tell him he can say "thank you" to us for the security and safety which SOLDIERS provide for him and not have the pompous, self-rightous audacity to question how we go about it. Spc. M. K. ***** 101st Airbourn, United States Army. Serving in Baghdad, Iraq." :D Period - End of story.

  8. "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and irritates the pig." The US has been judged regarding since it became a country. Inspite of these judgements we have stayed the course. We don't let Monday Morning Quarterbacks useless opinions influence our direction because "would have, could have and should have" never did anything worthy of mention at ANY point in time. It's EASY to judge a game from the BENCH or from the safe confines of a forum whining about what happened AFTER it has happened and harrumping about "Well, it SHOULD HAVE been done . . ." as you take a sip of another martini. If you weren't there at the point in time, your opinion is virtually useless. As far as what the "Moslems" think? First-learn how to spell. It is M U S L E M. And dealings with a group of Pakistani engineers hardly qualify as comparable experience when you are a ground soldier looking down the barrel of a Soviet-made AK 47. It's like listening to a hooker talking about chastity or the Pope giving marital advice.

  9. Did we "Yanks" pull a faux pas? A blunder? :o Gee- I was under the conception that we "Yanks": 1) Caught a mass-murderer. 2) Hauled his mangy-ass out of a cellar and whiole doing so- 3) Secured documents mentioning other involved personnell. Near as I can figure the only thing we "Yanks" did wrong was not attempting to save the rest of the world a lot of time, money and effort by plugging him on the spot. BANG! DEAD! PLANT HIM-Film at 7. COST? A 9mm round maybe an autopsy and a funeral and a urnal for his headstone . . . End Of Story. :( Now, because Saddam was "captured", the people of the world get to spend giga-millions of dollars, yen, euros, pesos, rupies, rubles etc. on protecting, feeding, transporting, housing Saddam, not to mention the legal expenses, to "Bring him to justice". . . :D AND we all get to see him giving us all attitude? Fabulous. Couldn't the money that will now be allocated to this World Wide Dog & Pony show have been put to much better use elsewhere? ANYWHERE? Like rebuilding Iraq? Feeding the hungry? Repairing the affected cities? As far as Saving Face :D , I'm very lost here . . . didn't the Iraqis tear down Saddams' statue? Celebrate WILDLY when the news of his capture broke? Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the only ones who might hold us "Yanks" in contempt is Al Qaida/Taliban? Sorry- I really don't care what these terrorist bastards think, feel or believe in and as a sidebar if Saddam would have been "terminated" this might have put a thought in their lil' terrorists heads that the "Yanks" aren't interested in capture, keep and trial of them and hopefully this will be a deterent. That's only my humble opinion . . . I could be wrong. 8) After all I am just a "Yank". . . with a Son in the 101st! Can I rip on the French and the Germans ratbastards now? Please? Pretty please? :(

  10. IF, and that is one very big "IF", Osama Bin Laden is still above ground and breathing he should be one extremely nervous terrorist. I am inclined to believe he is below ground. :( My reasoning is he has been on dialysis for a very, very long time, quite probably due to the hedonistic :drinking: lifestyle he had lead for so many years before he embraced Allah and the Muslim faith. Yes, Osama was a swinger/jet-setter who indulged in sex, drugs, women, liquor and all the other privies of wealth. When his kidneys died he found Allah - go figure. With his health in rapid decline his grey matter is beginning to fail. Even IF he is ill alive he probably has the mental wherewithall of a potted plant. How the world handles Maddass Hussein will have an impact upon terrorism. If justice is swift and forthcoming this could be a great deterrent. If the world has a huge pissing contest as to Whom gets to do What to Maddass and it goes on and on and on (as it probably will) it becomes an ongoing bad joke wasting massive amounts of time, manpower and money. Before it's all over it will cost over $100 million! I'm sure that money could go a long way to rebuilding the country! My son is in the Army (101st). He says that the guy who found Saddam shoulda done the People of the World a huge favor and performed a 8mm frontal lobotomy :D (that's a shot in the head). BANG! Done . . . over . . . end of story. Cost? A 8mm shell is less than a buck. I'm inclined to agree. The armies of the world all agree on this-off the record, of course. When and IF Osama is found it will quite likely be a different story. On this also I am inclined to agree. "The needs of many outweigh the needs of a few," Marx . . . Karl-not Groucho. bang . . .

  11. Do you remember the first time you went out in your highest heels and fealt confident. No staggering, no hesitation. For me it was at 17! :D My first formal and 5" Stilettos! The big up-do, strapless floor length dress . . . I thought I'd died and had gone to heaven!

  12. The perp (Legaleze for "Perpatrator") went to arraignment and was charged with the whole ball o' wax. Both he and his lawyer were slack-jawed when all 7 of us from the office showed up. His Lawyer wanted Personal Recognisence (No bail). We asked for, and got $750,000.00. His Lawyer wanted to play "Let's Make A Deal". We told him "No". Because of discovery we "shared" 16 pages of deposition, 38 photographs, toxology reports, the police and hospital reports. When convicted he'll get a total of 34 years. He won't be elligible for parole 'till 2025. . . He'll be 61 then.

  13. You all have heard of the Elephant in the room story.

    From the "OH-poor-me!" file: "My wife/girlfriend doesn't understand",

    "How can I tell my wife/S.O.?", "What do I tell people who confront me?", "How can I get my S.O. to wear heels?".

    :D :argue:

    Want some cheese to go with the WHINE? If you want sympathy you'll find it after "Sorry" and "S***" in the dictionary.

    Facts are "Would've, colud've and should've" never did s***.

    I was before a Judge who put it quite well "There ain't no magic wand for this. You have to approach the issue head on, with conviction and honesty and brace yourself for the fallout.".

    Damn good advice.

    Confrontation while not easy is always better than ANY other course of action.

    THAT should irritate a few!

  14. Honesty . . . above all honesty! Starting with yourself! Why DO you want to wear a skirt out in public? Because you like it? Are you a crossdresser? Better prepare yourself for these questions as well as to how you are going to answer them! Second, are you prepared for the reaction of people with whom this action will offend? How will YOU deal with the confrontation? Type of skirt is a matter of preference as is wearing heels. Please, for GODS' SAKE, do NOT go out with the MAJOR misconception you won't be approached/confronted! You WILL! At the bar I entertain at there is a gent who comes in in traditional Scottish regalia. Kilt, knee sox with brogans (wingtip shoes), bloused top and tam-0-shanter. We have all come to accept him as he is and it has been ongoing for so long that it is now a non-issue. There is also the occassional crossdresser-no biggie either. The more you go out the easier it will become. "The longest journey in the world starts with the first step in the right direction." Honesty . . . Cheers! :drinking:

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