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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. I read that back in the 50s & 60s some models & Hollywood types actually had a rip removed surgically to give them the desired figure. Sounds like a bit much from my viewpoint.

    Note if you will that this observation takes place from someone who has been in a corset for the last 3 days and has been wearing knee-high ballet boots and jet-black seamed (why not!) pantyhose since I got up . . .

    Last night my ribs became a bit sore. I was warned about this happening. Normal. So I got up, took some potassium and B complex and moved around a bit & the soreness subsided.

    I am also putting moisturizer on my boobs, arms, legs & shoulders because it has been so-o-o-o dry of late. Nice side effect is my skin is so soft.

    I also got out an old pair of shoulder length gloves. I'm wearing them after I moisturize. This has helped the skin on my arms & hands during past dry spells. I went in to the kitchen to fix breakfast and caught a glimpse of me on the mirror . . . GAD. 8) WHAT a VISUAL! Black Corset, Gloves, Ballets, hose & heels. Now all I need is a whip and some poor terriffied, submissive - on his knees - all tied up & with a red ballgag in his snivelling, whimperring little mouth as I dig the steel Stiletto heel tip from the ballets into his nipple revelling as he writhes in the exquiset pain of the moment . . . :o:D:D EASY AUNTIE ANITA! Save that for the XXX rated version.

    Back on Planet Earth I had my breakfast then went out to the recliner to watch the tube for a bit.

    I sometimes search for rationalle behind what I'm doing and have concluded that, as with all passions, there really is none and while being demanding :( it's still kinda fun at this point.

    Is there an alterrior motive besides my figure goals to wearing a corset pretty much every waking hour? I like to think it's for getting a Barbie-doll figure but also wonder if there has become more to it than that. And what is the next goal going to be when my current goal of a 24" uncorseted waist is attained? 22"? 20"??18"?? And what about when I CAN walk around in the ballets without looking awkward/clumsey? Will the weight of my boobs make it difficult to stand upright as I get older??? :(

    I sometimes think too much.

    OY! Time for a foot break!

    Funny - after wearing Ballets going to my daily wear 5.5" heels seems almost like wearing flats. Go figure!



  2. My current uncorseted measurements are: Bust: 36DD, Waist: 27.5", Hips: 35". My corsets are about 3" from being closed when laced . . . unless Sam "helps" - then it's about 2" :D . I've ordered 3 new corsets that will be 3" smaller than my current ones and I'm not letting Sam get her hands on 'em . . . for a while. I notice that when I first unlace them I have to go "#2" R-E-A-L bad & FAST! Under my current wardrobe the corsets DO make a difference in fit and I'm having a few things altered. Tonight I tried my Ballets for about 3 hours and can walk across the room without the walker. It's still a bit awkward but progress nonetheless. Ciao! Anita

  3. Granted. But in all fairness the question was not with regard to those who are intersexed. She only asked about weather there were women on the forum. I know someone who is intersexed. This is a very difficult cross to bear and I have tremendous sympathy. The responses I have received vexed me so I sought this person out (Who is living as a woman) for advice. She graciously smiled and said "Well-what did you tell her?". I said I was born a woman. Her reply was "sounds accurate-I wish I could say I was one way or the other, but . . . I couldn't because I'm not." And there you have it. Ciao! Anita

  4. :(:(:o:D8):o:(:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Jeff inquired if I'd keep a diary regarding my recent journey with Ballet training and my decission to attempt to re-shape my body through excercise & corsettry. My fascination with Ballets has been heightened by the Forum meking me to decide to take the plunge and commit to going as far as I can. I set limits: No driving-ever and no going out in public until/if I attain a level of proficiency and can wear them for more than 3 hours. Is wearing them a turn on? Only when I'm seated! Seriously-it does have an aura of eroticism attached although right now it's rising to the challenge that is primary. Here goes! My first day in my knee high ballets presented challenges. While fascinated, I tried to proceed logically. I knew a walker would be helpful and had one hanging on the wall in the basement. First I wore them just to stretch the muscles and acclamate myself to the position. This went on for about 3 days wearing them in the evenings for about 5-7 hours and as long as I could on the weekend. I tried to wear them to bed once and couldn't get to sleep, scratch that idea. in the second week I could stand with the walkers assistance for short periods. Being on the toes necessitates an entirely different approach to walking. You don't have the toes to hinge upon or to push off with. Interesting, this! I experienced some tenderness in my toes and went to a dance supply store and acquired some small, gell "pillows' to put in the toebox. This really helped. Week two I found I could take a few steps WITH the walker. I am working on extending the amount of steps I take as my proficiency allows. That's where I'm at with the ballets. THE CORSET . . . I have two corsets and plan upon rotating them daily so as to avoid chaffing and material wear problems. I'll probably purchase 3 more. The plan is to wear them daily for as long as is possible and this includes sleeping in the corset. I re-tighten the corset ten minutes after I first put it on and try to re-tighten it every 4-6 hours using the restroom when I'm working. On the weekends I have had Sam help because she can tighten the corset easier than I. So far It's working out to about 22-23 hours a day with bathing and exercise being my only time off. They are virtually undetectable under my daywear which is wonderful. In the evening I can still function singing and doing comedy with no real problems thus far. No discernable physical changes thus far but it hasn't been a week as yet I will share that wearing a corset with heel makes you walk VERY DIFFERENTLY! You tend to sashay because that's the only way you can walk! What else? I drink 10-8ounce glasses of water daily. I used to drink more but this proved a bit impractical with what I go through just to relieve myself with removal of the pantyhose, undies (thong if anybody's interested), skirt/dress etc. I eat much less but always have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'll keep you posted. Ciao! :D Anita
  5. Good Idea! I can still recall what the training in the ballets was like and have only been in corset training for 2 days. Why? Because there is only so much diet & exercise will do. I believe that this will help the skin in those ares remain tight. . . I might be wrong here but I want to test that theory. Ciao! Anita

  6. Yes, there are Drag Kings. We have one as a client. They tape their breasts, have close-cropped hair, sideburns, hairy chests and . . . um . . . uh . . . how does one put this delicately? The appropriate faux "plumbing". :( They perform locally. I haven't had a chence to see exactly what it is that they do but . . . :D Hey-it takes a lot of links to make a chain, y'know! :( Ciao!

  7. The whole Gender topic is very hard on all. The people who have Gender Dysphoria struggle as does society both trying to make the best of a very awkward situation. My heart goes out to all - the afflicted, their families & loved ones and especially those who are just trying to do the best thing.

  8. We are different culturally from the British. Sophistication does not indicate superiority - never has, never will. Having moved in many circles at many levels I have found many intellectually stimulating conversations at summer Barbeques. I have also attended several formal occassions hosted by the well bred and have been bored out of my mind. I avoid people who are snobs and cannot tollerate condescention. Again we are ALL different with nobody being any better than the other.

  9. F. Lee Bailey or Ella . . . I'd prefer Ella. True, I am nowhere near their popularity, I am nonetheless quite happy with my level of local celebrity. I also know that the higher one rises - the harder one can fall - thus I avoid doing stupid things-like having my houskeeper procure controlled substances at my behest. I am proud of and thankful for my accomplishments and accept full responsibility for my shortcomings/bad decissions. I try not to judge because I do not like being judged. Ciao!

  10. And thank you for your support & kindness.

    It is simple, LEGALLY you are either a man, a woman or a hermaphrodite. Those are the only options.

    I once had a transgendered person who was stopped in drag. When asked for a drivers' license the person proceeded to explain at great lengths to the LADY police officer about "being a woman trapped in a mans' body and while surgery hadn't occured as yet was a woman." And about her journey and how hard it has been . . .

    The officer listened understandingly and then said "As fascinating as what you have shared with me is, and I do sympathize with you, truely. I assume you still have a penis. Therefore in the eyes of the law at this point in time in the eyes of the law you are a man."

    Point: The person in question had no letter confirming therapy from a

    qualified psychiatrist/therapist/counselor-hadn't even seen one.

    We all live and function in a real world. While it would be nice if everybody thought, fealt and reasoned the same way . . . alas, they don't.

  11. Queen Latifah has talent. Peggy Lee had Talent. Linda Eder has Talent. Basia has talent. Dolly has talent. Brittney is . . . cute. . . Only reason of late she still catches media attention is we are all fascinated awaiting her next inane stunt and after a while that will become old. She is the Zsa Zsa Gabor of this generation. People will pay of money to see a Doberman go at it with a Tazmanian Devil. They'll show up to see Brittney for a bit longer. It's entertaining-NOT Talent. She never had it & never will. Right now Brittney and her fans are at this great happy hour and Brittney is the cocktail of the moment. :drinking: The morning after they're all gonna wake up and down 4 asprin with a orange juice and wonder what in hell all the fuss was about. Moisha who? :D Danielle who? :( Tiffaney who? :( Brittney who?? :sleeping: Only a matter if time before bimbo girl is nuthin' but a faint memory. Hope she's smart with her $$$.

  12. The majority as comprised of the folks who beileved that voting is still important.

    If you didn't vote you don't have the right to whine. You didn't earn it.

    Yeah-Yeah-Yeah . . . I've heard all the "woulda-coulda & shoulda's" about the last election.

    If you voted and are unhappy-let's hear it! If you didn't vote for WHATEVER reason you haven't the right to say one damned thing.


  13. You are entitled to your opinion and that's ok. My reasons for feeling as I do are as follows: 1) She is only marginally talented as a vocalist and dancer. She is surrounded by ABUNDANTLY talented people i.e. Choreographers, Lighting techs, Sound people not to mention hairdressers, make-up artists, hair, wardrobe and promotions staff not to mention Plastic Surgeons and, yes, she IS cute. 2) She is no longer a "rising star" and she knows it ergo the despirate attempts at ANY kind of publicity. Points: the Madonna Kiss & her recent "marraige". 3) When Ms. Spears travels she doesn't do interviews. She has a publicist and a "Handler" who keep her away from the press. Why? If left to her own devices Ms. Spears would plant BOTH feet in her mouth. 4) She just is not very bright. Face it-if her IQ were any lower she'd have to be watered. Could any of the ubquitious "US" do what she does? First one would be of the assumption we'd WANT to aspire to the level of Ms. Spears. Something I couldn't do without removing half of my brain. Quick Pro Quo! Could SHE do what I do? Not in a million years. Trust me, in 5 years we'll all be asking whatever happened to Brittney whats-her-name. Don't believe it? What's Moisha up to lately? Or how about ANY of the Spice Girls? Give me Queen Latifah anyday! She leaves more talent backstage than Ms. Spears will ever have.

  14. The holidays are over & it's time to start training this figure. My goal is to have my waist be 24" again and through diet, exersize and corsetry I believe I can re-shape my body to my desired goal. I'll try to wear my corset as much as is possible with time off only to shower and use the stationary bicycle I have, re-lacing it three times a day. I'll be rotating the 2 I have so as to not risk chaffing. Between that and the Ballets it could prove challenging.

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