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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. The "Hells Angels" are a part of the US Government?? Put the crack pipe DOWN, baby!

    Trust me on this the Hells Angels are not associated in any way, shape or form with any part of the US Government. Never have been-never will be. After 30+ years in dealing with ALL arms of the Government-The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, CIA, FBI, DEA, FAA, NASA, Secret Service, the Bureau of ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND FIREARMS as well as INTERPOL . . . believe me it just is not so.

    I have heard this bull**** line so many times from so many different

    sources all claiming to be "in the know" I just want to vomit whenever it is

    brought up.

    Whoever started this "rumor" has OBVIOUSLY never encountered a Hells'

    Angel or even spoken to one and unlikely even knows who Virgil "Sonny" Barger is.

  2. "I've found the perfect mate for life! I'll search for one no more!

    she's/he's deaf, dumb, blind and oversexed and owns a liquor store!"

    Men are from Earth as are Women. . . deal with it. :argue:

    T'would be such a lovely world if everyone just thought and fealt

    as I do! :argue:

    THEY DON'T!!! :D

  3. Last November ('02) a lady driving a Ford Focus with 2 children onboard ran a redlight and T-boned the drivers' side of my Suburban. Her car was totaled and all onboard her car went to the hospital. Results? She received a concussion and the two kids got bruises from where their seatbelts held them in place protecting them from more serious injury. Me? I was knocked about a bit (I was wearing my seatbelt) and it took 3 months to get my car back and the headaches went away about the same time. Oh yeah . . . I was wearing my Stilettos at the time as was the driver of the Focus. It was not fun. It was not erotic. It was not exciting. It WAS frightening and I thenk GOD ALMIGHTY that nobody was seriously hurt. I cannot for the life of me see anything erotic about this. :D OK-let me have it! Justify this fetish to me, please.

  4. As so many of us have said you need to tell your wife NOW!

    Sadly I cannot tell you how to make a marraige last BUT I DO know what it takes to wreck one and being deceitful heads the list!

    As hard as it might be you need to tell her.

    Do NOT just buy them & hide them where ever untill she discovers them

    (and rest assured she will discover them)!

  5. What did you wear New Years' Eve? Me? Black chiffon cocktail length sleeveless with a sweatheart neckline, Black patent 5.5" open toe/closed back Stilettos, Jet-black seamed stockings with 8 suspender garter belt, Gold jewelry. platinum 'nail polish and a jeweled hairclip. :D

  6. While I admit Ms. Spears is cute and has a bit of talent she seems to be-well, making some dumb moves of late. :D She seems to be willing to do anything to get/keep her name/face/midriff in the limelight EXCEPT upgrade/change her act. Lotsa Pyrotechnics, smoke & mirrors, lotsa hot dancers . . . where's the beef?? Her vocal skills are, to be kind, dubious. OK-shoot me 'cuz I don't like her. :(

  7. Most places I entertain at use cordless microphones. There are a few that still use corded mics and this leads to my story. When I was new to standup I worked at a bar that still used corded mics. This along with the other cords on the stage gave me QUITE a stumble while in my 5'5" Stilettos! :D I recovered and even used the trip in my routine. I have also "Pierced" a power cord with my half-metal 'heels one night! OOPS! No, I hadn't been drinking, 'Fox! that came later :drinking: :drinking: .

  8. THE STILETTO SISTERS IN THE BIG APPLE-"LET AULD ACQUAINTANCES . . . " yadda-yadda-yadda-yadda . . .

    Candi: The City so nice they named it TWICE! The Big Apple!! 8)

    Anita: Rotten to the core. :(

    Candi: ANITA! I detect a bit of cynicism.

    Anita: Well . . .

    Candi: Times Square on New Years' Eve! W O W ! :D

    Anita: Yes, just you and me and 1,500,000 of our closest

    friends. :drinking: Most of whom were in a "slightly altered"

    state. :(

    Candi: It's an event, girl! I was SO amazed. Not much like that in Texas.

    Anita: Or Colorado . . . or Mars.

    Candi: OR ANYWHERE! It was incredible!

    Anita: I'd like to do a "did you see_____!" thing, but we saw a bit of

    E V E R Y T H I N G . . . Say - does Dick Clark ever age?

    Candi: No. Neither does Wayne Newton.

    Anita: I think I saw Elvis!

    Candi: Probably a reaction to the Tai food, the Saki, maybe the-

    Anita: OK, Candi.

    Candi: Nathans' Hot Dogs OR the Fruzin Gladje-

    Anita: E N O U G H!

    Candi: "A Gourmets' Tour of New York City with Auntie Anita-

    Anita: Do NOT go there!

    Candi: Sponsored by TUMS!" :o

    Anita: I'll get you-and your little dog, too! :o

    Candi: It was said with love. C'mon, let's go down to Canal Street!

    Anita: u h n - :(

    Candi: We can go see this guy who knows someone who has an Uncle

    who has a cousin -

    Anita: Is there an end to this in our future?

    Candi: W H O L E S A L E . . . S H O E S & J E W E L R Y !

    Anita: I FORGIVE YOU!

    Candi: We'll do lunch.

    Anita: (erp) :D Uh, perhaps a salad for me.

    Candi: To the taxi stand, Babe!

    Anita: Right behind you, Fearless mis-leader!

    Candi: Odd shade of lip colour, Anita.

    Anita: It's, uh, Pepto Bismol.

    Candi: (Nodding with a B I G smile acompanied by muffled laughter

    convulsion) I know.

    Anita: just shut up .

    Both: "Start spreadin' the news-We're leaving today!"

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