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Anita C.

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Posts posted by Anita C.

  1. OK-I DO have some clip-on earrimgs and learned that if you are wearing heavy shoulder-duster earrings it is advisable to put a dab of false eyelash glue on the front AND back contact areas to hold them in place. :D Works like a charm!

  2. I was cleaning up my make-up/jewelry table and became curious what kind of earrings everyone fancies. My lobes are pierced twice. For day I like to keep it "smaller than a quarter". For evening/entertaining I like to keep it "smaller than a hubcap". I have over 200 pairs of ear-bobs :D And . . .

  3. One of the gals in the office was ALMOST mugged. She was working late and was going out to her car. A guy who had been watching her for weeks approached her & stole her purse & breifcase, knocking her to the ground in the process. An off-duty cop caught the perpetraitor and held him face down at gunpoint 'till the cops arrived to take him away. We are taking this to the limit charging him with not only the mugging but also Assault & Battery, Stalking and Endangerement. He's looking at about 30 years 'cuz of "The Big Bitch" or habitual offender (this is his 3rd trip with the courts). The creep broke her jaw & collarbone and she broke a 'heel AND 3 fingernails in the process. She's going to be ok but is bruised and has a broken jaw. Please be careful when going to your car late at night and get an escort-preferably the biggest person you can summon. He's gonna pay. Anita

  4. They arrived last week. On Friday. I opened the parcel and there they were! Shiny Black Patent with a 9" heel. I sat down with the TV remote and dinner within reach and put my knee-high Ballets on. As per advice from wearers I laced them TIGHT and had put silicone pads in the toebox. After 2 hours I was getting leg/foot cramps so I removed them & had a Banana and a glass of OJ. I went out & got one of my Dads' walkers and on Saturday I tried again to stand. It worked. I schlepped around the Casa Saturday morning (NOT very gracefully at all I might add!) with the walkers' assistance. Teri suggests I might want to attempt sleeping with them on to train/stretch the muscles. I am considering this in the future. Odd- the Ballets make my 5.5" heels not seem so high anymore! Go Figure. Ciao! Anita

  5. 'Tis the season . . . and there are parties galore! I was entertaining last night and had a dress I wanted to wear that was a bit too tight. No problem, I'll just wear my corset! So I got ready and had my friend, Samantha, lace me in . . . not my brightest move. Sure the dress fit fine BUT we were there for 6 hours, not 4 and by the time I got home I was so-o-o tired I didn't have the energy to take the corset OFF. . . Yup, I slept in it and when I woke up I found that I could NOT get the damn thing unlaced! :D Just as I was on the verge of getting out the knife, friend Sam shows up laughing her head off. Seems she had KNOTTED the tiestring and WAS gonna help me get out of it AFTER the show was over. I left before she could catch me and she figured I would be ok . . . wrong! I wore my 5.5" glitter Jante Pumps with off black seamed stockings and a black low cut beaded gown with silver trim. My feet are fine . . . I even practiced in my ballet boots. My back & ribs? O U C H ! Perhaps going 18 hours in a VERY tightly laced, boned corset was a bit much.


    Part Deux Lost in L.A.

    Candi & Anita are on a sojourn to Los Angeles. They are just returning to the Hotel after a day of . . . shopping & sightseeing.

    Anita: Did you see that guy in front of the hotel? Blue Eyeshadow? Oh-


    Candi: Loved his boots!

    Anita: They WERE fabulous! I DO think that black patent thigh-high

    5" Stiletto heeled boots were a bit much for 10:00 am. But . . .

    Candi: Los Angeles-the City of Angels?? Whoever came up with that

    name has OBVIOUSLY not been here in a while!

    Anita: At least not anywhere near Hollywood Boulevard.

    Candi: And just WHO in HELL is Angelyne? I must have seen 10

    billboards with her pinkness plastered on it and have NO

    CLUE as to just who she is. :(

    Anita: She's a local celebrity . . . of sorts.

    Candi: Of WHAT? WHAT or WHO did she do to be in your face virtually

    everywhere. Print, billboards . . . I actually SAW her in her

    Pepto-colored Corvette. She was wearing more make-up than

    all the hookers we saw last night put together! She doesn't

    much go in for the natural look, does she?

    Anita: Nope . . . I bet she's had a nip & tuck here & there.

    Candi: Gee-d'ya think? One guy said if she has one more face lift she's

    gonna have a goatee.

    Anita: Welcome to LA!

    Candi: You cannot go a block without seeing an ad for a cosmetic

    surgeon, a 'nail salon, or a MAC store.

    Anita: We did have fun in the Garment District!

    Candi: Sequined gowns - $70!

    Anita: And Fredericks' of Hollywood!

    Candi: The Bra Museum . . . and S H O E S !

    Anita: TONY SHOES!!!

    Candi: You're right- it was worth it. I did see an unusual sign at that

    kids' store we past by.

    Anita: I must have missed it.

    Candi: It read "Michael Jackson Special-Boys Underwear 1/2 off!"

    Anita: I am so worried about you.

    Candi: Someone needs to be. Say-why is ir that you never see Micheal

    Jackson photographed with Janet?

    Anita: Hmmm. . . must be a kind of Clark Kent/Superman thing.

    Candi: Say good night, Anita.

    Anita: "Good night Anita!" was that ok.

    Candi: That was fine, precious.

    A & C

  7. Anita AND Candi? :(

    Hmmmmmmm . . . :(

    I think I'd have to make Candi my manager :evil: on the road.

    What'cha think, Candi?? Road-er "AIR TRIP" ??? 8)

    They DO have "Happy Hour" in the UK, don't they?? :drinking:

    :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking:

    NURSE! My tab please . . . and put another round on it, would ya,

    precious? 8) :drinking:

    ANITA & CANDI (The Beloved "Stiletto Sisters") IN LONDON

    After an evening in Picadilly . . . and a cocktail . . . or two

    Candi: I'm not talking to you . . . :lol:

    Anita: Was I drunk last night? :-?

    Candi: A little . . .

    Anita: How drunk was I?

    Candi: So drunk that you fell off your barstool & missed the floor.

    Anita: Uh-oh . . .

    Candi: You are SO grounded! :o

    Anita: I can't be grounded 'till I'm feeling better.

    Candi: Oh . . . poor Auntie Anita. Not feeling so hot?

    Anita: Let me put it this way. You did Tequila shooters all night and

    then you stopped at Taco Bell drive through for an eggsalad

    buritto with extra "Fire" sauce and downed it before you were

    out of the parking lot. Y'know how you feel the next morning ?

    Candi: Uh-huh.

    Anita: I wish I fealt that good.

    Candi: Don't worry, 'Nita. You'll die in a little bit and then you'll

    feel better.

    Anita: You are the child of Satan . . .

    Candi: Well Thank you . . .

    Anita: Don't mention it. :wink:

    STAY TUNED! : :(

  8. W H O A ! ! About 10 years ago there was this normal appearing guy at the bar. He was buying Samantha & I drinks all night long. Later in the evening he started acting, well, a bit odd. He was so-o-o fixated upon Sam & my Stilettos, wanting to touch them, etc. When it became closing time, Mel & Sam could NOT get the guy outta there. He kept going back to where we were sitting wanting to give Mel, Sam & I foot massages "Aw-w-w-w, c'mon!". We agreed to walk him to his car just to get him out of the bar. When we got to his car, guess what was in the back seat? Lo & behold it had several pairs of Stilettos that were, well, VERY messy if you get my drift. How he got them I have no clue. SUSPICIANS, YES! But . . . Have any of you out there had a similiar experience with someone of a similiar ilk? Please, share!

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