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Posts posted by Pam

  1. nigel... You couln't have said it better! I'm with you that is a great opportunity to demostrate that her is important...that is a window of opportunity for MANY dates to come

  2. Well said! It is key to have an open mind to make sure that it easier to bring the heels into any relationship. Yet the other ingredient is right timing... Working on both of them with the wifey! Pam

  3. I had a period where I want to have mine done. I did not do it; was not brave enough and thought it was difficult to conceal in my working enviroment...although I think about it every now and then

  4. I don't think this thoughts are speaking as if this was a natual cause as it happened in Asia with the Tsunami. I can say, hopefully with no mistake, that we are all upset against radicalism and terrorism in every form. My thoughts and prayers go to all the people whose life was affetcted by this cowardly acts.

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