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Posts posted by Pam

  1. Dress... I like the short skirts with the open-toed sandals/pumps or of course knee-high boots. My favorite look is the halter top. Of course long hair looks more feminine and sexier. As for personality ... I love women that don't take themselves too serious and know how to laugh. (PS this is not a match.com profile :P ) Pam

  2. For me .. that is the beauty of the mainstream...in my view, having the choice of wearing a skirt as part of the men's wardrobe is the big accomplishment. If a regular guy wants to do it, it will sure raise controversy around his choice of clothing. If it goes mainstream, that controversy goes away. Pam

  3. I guess one type is the self-imposed boundaries like the decision to go out, or hide the heel under pants...I agree that these are the most difficult ones to overcome; on the other had I see this as challenges. The other type are those you "negotiate" with your SO. As do not wear pointy shoes outside or do not shave your legs. Pam

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