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Posts posted by Pam

  1. I was there!!!! I got there around 7.00 and waitd for 40 minunes I didn't see anybody, even spent sometime talking to a couple of people in the bar; some guy was in pretty god drag and one blond girl in a white costume. Anyway....since I didn't see anyone i went to see the parade and tried to have a good time. Hopefully the next meeting will be more succesful

  2. *Go to page 2 of the thread for details of the 19 March Meet* FF Hello to all, Halloween is around the corner, and it is a great time to meet and go heeling around in the city!!! It is a great time for us 1st timers because EVERYBODY is dressed up and is easier to 'blend' within, great to start building some confidence! For the ones that have been out longer, it is an excuse to drink and meet new friends! Heels and/or any dressups is welcomed but not required! The plan can be to meet and see the parade, followed by dinner & drinks. I think the parade is on the 31st in the village. We can meet around 7.00...just need a place to meet. Any one interested?

  3. I think that sexual preference has nothing to do with fashion preference. This weekend, I had a heated discussion about a topic related to this subject. Long story short....the argument was about boys and earrings...the mom (conservative, close-minded) told her daughter that ALL jewerly was for girls, her daughter told her that as long as the person likes it, he/she can wear whatever they feel! I sided with the daughter (of course!), but despite the 1,000 examples...even showing her the huge picture of beckham in times square...we could not change her mind. My point that relates to the subject is that sometimes we get all certain of stereotypes and restrictions that can make us doubt our own convictions and beliefs, and the best thing we can do is make sure we don't spread them around!

  4. Cheers for Jason!!! I saw the news on E! and thought that we need more events like this one to push heels for men forward. Even though "Hairspray" is a play that has to do with crossdressing, jason was wearing heels as a man, he could have dressed as a girl just for the kicks and for the good time. Instead he figured out how to dress a man's outfit with some cool stilettoes! THe cool thing is that this action put people to think...and I'll bet you that at least one person said....hey it looks good! That is the kind of reaction that we need to get a trend started!

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