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Status Updates posted by dblair

  1. Thanks for the compliment on my new boots. ;)

  2. Thanks for the kind words on my pictures, and thanks for the invite! I am not sure if I will be able to go to Toronto in Sept., money is rather tight right now, but I will definitely try to work it out.

  3. Thanks for the kind words on my pictures. I will definitely take your advice under consideration ;)

  4. Thanks for the nice compliments on my pictures!

  5. Thanks for the nice compliments on my pictures!

  6. Thanks for the picture comments! Would love to see any pictures from you.

  7. Thanks for the the compliments, Jim. It sure is nice to have a place to be able to share our love of heels with other like-minded people!

  8. Thanks for the thumbs-up on my new boots. Cheers!

  9. Thanks for the thumbs-up on my pictures!

  10. Thanks for the very nice comments on my pictures!

  11. Thanks Rogerio, I appreciate your positive comments :) Cheers!

  12. Thanks! I usually get out about once a week in my boots. I have never worn them outside my jeans in public before though, but I think that my change this weekend.

  13. Thanks! Those are both from Pleaser...the boots in the avatar are Pleaser Seduce 2013 (knee high) and in the profile pic are Pleaser Seduce 1020 (ankle/mid-calf height).

  14. To tell you the truth, most people don't seem to notice...or maybe they are either too polite or too uncomfortable to let on that they have noticed. I have caught a few people whispering to each-other and giggling after having noticed, but so-far, nobody has commented to my face about it. I haven't yet run into anyone that I know when out in heels, which is a bit of a surprise. I have to admit that I am not sure how I will react when I finally do run into someone I know. I am a little nervous about that, but I guess I will cross that bridge when I get there.

  15. Wow, sounds like a lot of places are getting some rough weather. This winter has not been bad here, not yet at least. I'm looking forward to seeing your new boot pictures. As for me, I am out in my heels in public quite regularly now, pretty-well every day (grocery shopping, bank, haircuts, liquor store, clothing stores). It feels great. My girlfriend is OK with it, but hasn't been out in public with me yet when I've been in heels. I think it would be a little less awkward if she wore heels too, but sadly, she does not wear heels at all. Anyway, Happy Holidays and Happy Heeling!

  16. Yup, I hear ya. Having company with you will definitely make it easier to build up that confidence. And then, once the confidence is there, you realize that you can do it alone too.

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