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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Wearing heels for Halloween is like wearing them for sex. If you do either, your wife will associate your heels with those activities and you will have locked yourself out of the chance of wearing heels everyday. So I advise you to disassociate heels with Halloween (and sex) and go in a different direction if you want to keep alive the chance that you could wear heels out in public on a daily basis.

    The trick with most women is to keep them in their comfort zone. If she's negative, start small, with boots or loafers or clogs that are masculine or unisex, and take baby steps, keeping her comfortable. If she says no, back off, wear them just indoors with her, etc. Over time she'll get used to you in those shoes, and if you can push the envelope and wear them out, and she sees that no one notices, that will boost your chances of her acceptance. But remember, she's #1 and heels are (a distant) #2.

    So go slowly. It's a long journey. It took me 20 years and involved lots of compromises, but in the end it was worth it! I pretty much wear what I want now.

    Good luck, and let us know how it goes!




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  2. Freestyle,

    Thanks for sharing more of the story. Based on what you said, I would change my advice; I agree with Rob. Don't tell your P.A. anything now. Keep it to yourself. Get that promotion and then have a party at your home to celebrate, and wear whatever you want! No need to jeopardize your potential promotion now.

    Good luck. Keep us informed how the Prada boots fit. They look fantastic.



    I am still torn whether I should give her a hint, something like "thanks for pointing me to the store... I couldn't resist as well..." or something.

    I would encourage you to open up to her, but watch her body language carefully. If her reaction to your wearing women's boots is "EWWWWWW," you could be building a barrier between the two of you that you don't want. If she's open and says, "WOW, it's great that you're confident to wear heels," then you've got it made. Anything in between is up for grabs and you'll have to figure out what to do. On the chance that she's open and accepting, it could pave the way for more common ground with her, and lead to a better working relationship. It could also go further, so if that's desirable, fine, but if not, be careful. In any case, I like all three pairs of boots and compliment you on your good taste.

    One additional idea is for you to wear the favorite boots to the office one day and see if she notices, without you pointing them out to her. If not, don't say anything. Just wear them again and again. Eventually she might notice and if you get an "EWWWWWWW" response, you can declare that you've worn these for days and she never noticed. But my guess is that you won't get that response.

    Do keep posting and let us know what you do and what her reaction is.


  4. Pointer7,

    Thighbootguy's advice, as usual, is excellent. Listen to him. His advice has worked for me!

    Look for unisex styles of shoes, boots, loafers, clogs, and sandals with block heels. There are "menswear inspired" styles of women's heels available. Don't go for heels over 3" until you learn how to master them gracefully. Get some longish pants or jeans that come down to within an inch or so of the floor when you're in those heels. Bootcut styles look great on a guy. Then practice a LOT until you are confident that you can present a positive image in public and not trip when you walk in heels. First time out you'll be nervous. We all are. It gets easier each time. Nobody will notice, and if they do, they probably won't say anything. Teenage girls in groups will giggle - smile and move on. Then pretty soon you'll wonder what your concern was all about and why people don't notice! Yes, it sounds incredible, but it's true. You may opt to wear more femme styles, such as more slender heels, thinner straps, brighter colors or a higher platform. As you gain confidence, go for it. Good luck, and post your experiences here so we can gauge your progress and give you encouragement.


  5. While most of my heels are in the 3 to 4" range, I feel very natural walking in them (or I don't wear them out if I'm not comfortable and confident). I like all three pair of shoes in your photos, Mlroseplant. I also admire your efforts to improve your walk so it looks better and more natural. I don't think it has to look feminine at all, just natural. If you look comfortable and relaxed, your walk will not bring laughter or derision.


  6. If you don't call attention to yourself by being insecure or looking guilty, you will find that most guys can wear heels as a guy and not be noticed. Most people don't have the "high heel gene" so they don't check other guys' shoes for heels. Every once in a while, someone will notice and you'll most likely get a smile or a knowing grin.

    I hope you have many more pleasant outings like that one. It gets easier each time, and you'll start to wonder what all the fuss was about. You'll kick yourself for not having gone out heeling earlier!


  7. This past week my wife and I took some vacation time in Vancouver. Lovely city, but it rained all week, every day! That didn't stop us from having fun, though.


    We met with our friends from Scotland, D and D, with whom we've been on holiday every year or two since our first time in 2007. He's a very infrequent lurker here, but we actually met online in 2002 because he's a customer of mine, and he made the mistake of saying if you're ever in Scotland, look me up, so in 2007 we did! We actually hit it off very well and his wife is accepting of his odd choice in footwear. He is a private heeler, or so I thought. He surprised me this trip!


    We also met with Mtnsofheels and his charming gal pal on Friday and Saturday. They were in Vancouver for the weekend and we arranged to meet up. We visited 6-8 shoe stores, mostly on Robson Street, the fashion avenue of Vancouver. We didn't find any shoes we couldn't live without, but we had a lot of fun shopping, dining, and sharing time together. It's always fun getting together with other heelers, but Mtnsofheels is an extraordinary guy, and if you're ever in British Columbia, look him up!


    Attached is a photo of Mtnsofheels and me. He's on the left wearing his Fluevog wedge boots with about a 3.5 or 4 inch heel, and I'm on the right in my black White Mountain "Gleeful" sandals with a clog-style heel and sole that is about 3" high. I'm also wearing Activskin Style A129 ultrasheer knee highs. The photo was taken by D on the ferry over to Granville Island.


    A second photo was taken by my wife of the three guys in heels. Mtnsofheels (right) is in a different pair of Fluevog boots, and D (center) is in a pair of 3" stiletto open-toe pumps. I'm on the left in the same sandals as before. I thought D was private heeler but he showed me he had more courage than I thought! It was kind of a funny experience. The six of us walked to a restaurant that night, and the three guys were walking ahead of the three gals. The guys were all in heels and the gals were all in flats. Ironic to say the least! And, if you're interested, we didn't see any iDrops or people staring or even noticing. Certainly nobody said anything. A great time was had by all.





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  8. Yes, all good. But there are a lot of guys here, newbies in particular, who are insecure and need your coaching and inspiration, so while you might not have more to gain from being here, you can be of great assistance to many others who are in awe of your confidence and experience. Don't abandon us. Visit often, contribute often, and stick around. We need people like you here.



  9. Mlroseplant,


    I suggest you write to Charles David Shoes (customerservice@shopcharlesdavid.com), show them the photo of the shoe, and ask them if they could please identify the model and when it was sold. If it's recent, you still might find it new on 6pm.com or zappos or other online shoe places. If it's 2 or 3 years old, Ebay is about your best hope. But if you knew the model name, it would be easier to search for it.



  10. I think HiHeelLover23's advice is very good. It sounds like it goes way beyond just shoes. I would suggest that this relationship problem is bigger than both of you, and you ought to seek a qualified licensed marriage counsellor to get help. Marriage is all about compromise, and love means making the other person happy. If you can salvage the marriage, great, and I wish you luck. But if it needs to be dissolved, do it soon and get it over with as quickly as you can, move on with your life, and find another partner who is better suited for your needs. Don't dwell long in a bad relationship.



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