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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Freestyle75,

    It sounds like you got good value for your money. The advice the trainer gave you was very valuable, but it's only a start - you need to practice a lot so your muscles get so used to it, you don't even think about it. You just do it all automatically.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Did she make any videos of you walking so that you could see what you looked like? That, to me, seems like it would be very helpful in capturing a starting point from which to measure future progress.


  2. Rockbass, glad your outing went well. Those boots shouldn't cause the missus any problems, so I'm happy she approved (or at least didn't disapprove!). Do that a few more times and the more she gets used to nobody noticing, the more comfortable she'll become. Take baby steps, but lots of them, and you'll make good progress in the long run.
     Just be patient.


  3. TBG, when I saw Jeff's magenta top and how it clashed with the gold drapes, I thought EXACTLY the same thing as you! HA HA HA!

    Great minds run in the same gutter, eh? LOL


    Jeff, don't mind us. We're just clowning around. You're looking great!


  4. Sounds like good progress. Do you best to keep her in her comfort zone and push the envelope ever so slowly. Read her body language and if she resists, back off a little. The more exposure she has to you in heels, the more accepting she'll be. Just take baby steps and make sure she knows she's more important than your heels.

    Good luck!


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  5. Oh, c'mon, W6! You wear platform sandals in white with 7 inch stiletto heels and dark tights and skin tight jeans and you're afraid of being noticed? Gimme a break! You are screaming to be noticed. Go with the black patent boots. A black leather jacket will be fine. Or a poncho like Androgenius wears. Or something with some dark color would work and not compete with the boots, as TBG suggested.

    But I caution you on safety. Those boots have a high platform that means your center of gravity is much higher than you're used to. A small pebble or cobblestone could topple you and you'll fall farther and faster than you can imagine. If you don't break your skull, you'll surely break your wrists and knee caps! Those plats are just downright dangerous. My advice is to find something with a lower platform. Go to the Fluevog store in Toronto and check out their stuff. It's funky but better made, classier instead of tarty, and maybe more fun and safer.


  6. Well stated, Chorlini. Las has gotten himself into a very tight situation and you summed it up well in calling it "damage control." I agree that he has to come squeaky clean and doing it with confidence is the only way it can possibly succeed.

    So, Las, have that heart-to-heart talk now.  There will never be a better time, but the longer you wait the worse it will be. We've seen it play out on this forum before. Take our advice. Do it tonight. Bad day at work for her? Give her a hug, make an adult beverage, sit down, rub her feet or legs if she likes that, and launch into it:

    "Honey, we need to talk. Before our relationship goes any further, there is something about me you need to know and I need to tell you now. I tried to hint at it a few days ago when we were talking about Halloween outfits and I dropped hints about wearing heeled boots, but you rejected the idea. So here's what I need to tell you. I LOVE WEARING HIGH HEELS! I've done it for many years. I'm hard wired to love it. I will love it till I die. It's part of me, just as my personality, my voice, my sense of humor, etc. I got the message the other night that you DON'T like men wearing high heels. So this is a problem, because I love you, and I think you love me. I'm sorry I've kept this secret - I should have come out with it a lot sooner. But I'm not keeping it secret any longer, I don't have any other secrets, and no, I'm not gay (unless you are) nor do I want to wear other women's clothes (unless you do want to). So if you hate men in high heels but you love me, we will need to work together to change your thinking on that, so it doesn't divide us. I really want to be constructive."

    Las, finish the monologue. Good luck, man. I really hope this story has a happy ending.


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  7. Aw, don't let a little thing like a mega price tag get in your way. Those $4,500CAD Louboutin "Paris" pumps I saw in the department store in Vancouver were outstanding and you're definitely worth it! Why not ask if they offer a quantity discount? HA HA HA!



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  8. Interesting heels but I don't find the wrinkle in the fabric or leather at your big toes very flattering. The surface should be smooth but the wrinkles scream "I don't fit right." I urge you to consider returning them if you can.

    Sorry but that's just my opinion. If I burst your balloon, I apologize.


  9. Good experience, HHC. I love those clogs. I wear heels like that all the time in cooler weather when it's too chilly for sandals and there's not enough snow for boots. I have lots of clogs. They're fun and gender neutral for the most part, i.e., not too femme.

    Glad your outing was a good one. Thanks for sharing.


  10. Scenario 1 is unlikely also. You may ditch the heels and become plain vanilla, and you may marry her, but if she won't accept you in heels, you will never be happy ever after. You will be miserable. This forum is replete with stories from guys who have purged their shoe collections, but the urge to wear heels never went away. It's how your brain is wired and you can't change it and be happy.

    You need to have a heart to heart talk with her now before the relationship goes any further. You have to bare your sole (so to speak) and heels and tell her ALL about you, the stuff she doesn't know but now suspects. You need to come completely clean. If she loves you, she'll continue to love you, and maybe even more for being honest and up front. If her love is conditional on your never wearing heels, you need to part ways and the sooner the better. If she can be persuaded, show her this forum and point out that guys can look good in heels. Her perception might be a drag queen or something along those lines, not seeing you as a fashion forward male.

    That leaves Scenario 2. Not very pretty.



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  11. Wait a sec! In defense of JeffB, I liked his wedge slides. I don't wear them myself, but I thought they looked good on him. By contrast, the boots are too flat for this forum. They should be posted on flatheelsplace.org.



  12. Glad your experience was positive. The first outing almost always is. You'll have to do it again. It gets easier every time and pretty soon you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about and why nobody cares or says anything. You'll wonder if they even notice.

    Thanks for posting.


  13. I agree with TBG (again, of course!) and think a class is a great idea. I hope they take videos of your walking so you can see yourself as others see you, and then you can judge whether you like the look or want to improve it somehow. Let us know what they do in the class and what you learn. It could help all of us.


  14. Before you despair, go to a different cobbler and get a second opinion. Like surgeons, they don't all agree on every fix. You might be pleasantly surprised if you find a cobbler who is more clever than the first one and can offer a better repair job.

    The thing that strikes me about those boots is that the heel is positioned far back, not centered under your heel. A lot of people on here report that it makes a difference in where the heel is positioned, and it's a lot easier to walk in heels that are more forward than on those boots. My suggestion is to take a video of yourself walking (outdoors) or get someone else to take a video of you and post it on youtube and then give us the link. Then we can see how you walk and tell you if it looks natural and elegant or otherwise.


  15. Mlroseplant,

    If you can possibly take the time off to get the shoes fixed professionally by the cobbler, that's the best route. If you have to miss an hour pr two of work, it's far less than the cost of a broken or sprained ankle, which will cause you to miss a lot more work! And the humiliation would not be good either. Get it fixed right. Don't cut corners and try to do it yourself if you aren't sure what to do. You could ruin the shoes.


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  16. Freestyle75,

    I'm glad you got the Prada booties and I'm especially glad to hear that they fit perfectly. Buying by mail is always a risk, but buying from overseas is even more risky.

    Of the three pairs of boots, the Prada look best to me, too. I'd wear them, but I wouldn't be tempted by the other two. Good luck on your new purchase and thanks for helping the global economy significantly! LOL


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