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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. It would be a boring world if we all liked and disliked the same styles. That's the challenge of marketing - to come up with designs that attract sufficient buyers.

    I caution everyone here to be tolerant of others' tastes. You may not like what someone else likes, but please be respectful of him or her.


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  2. Congrats to you, rlamb, on a great outing. The boots suit you well. It gets easier every time you go out. Pretty soon you'll wonder why nobody says anything, and you'll wonder if they notice. You'll also wonder what all the fuss was about, and eventually your outings will be relaxed and commonplace.


  3. On 12/17/2015 at 11:00 PM, subtle said:

    I've got one little story about my first ever shopping experience.

    i was really nervous but I managed to make my way down to a Payless just down from my hotel. I wandered in and walked an aisle or 2 before I found the right sized section, lucky for me this was right beside the men's shoes of similar size which made me less nervous, I pretended to look at them when others were around. After a while I found some black round toe wedge slings that would fit and finally gave in and picked up the box and headed for the counter. The assistant wasn't there but she approached and some other assistant had left previous items on the counter. She opens one with intent to organise it off to the side, but jokingly she lifts out some small pump and says "guess these aren't yours" with a smile on her face. I smiled and said stuttered "no", meanwhile thinking they're much too small and handed her my box of wedges. I don't think she even hesitated when she opened the box and rang them up. There was a feeling of thrill, heart pounding, to which I can't explain.

    i got home and all I could think of was her comment then handing over a the shoes I was buying, and had a little chuckle.


    Hey, Subtle, great post! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you did it. The first time is the hardest. It gets easier every time, and pretty soon you'll wonder what all the fuss was about and why you were ever nervous. After a few posts here you'll be allowed to post pics. I'd love to see what you bought. Congrats on getting the job done with confidence!


  4. Jeff,

    You do very well. I read all your posts and have done so since the beginning. You're an inspiration. I just wish those who started a blog thread would keep it up like you do, with frequent postings, details, and pictures. I realize it's a big commitment, but I believe it motivates a lot of readers.


  5. I definitely agree with you HiH. In fact, before December started, I've not bought any new heels since February! I did buy a pair of Naturalizer "Taylor" low-heel loafers at 25% off, a pair of heeled Born sandals on Ebay, and a pair of Clark's loafer pumps with 3" heels, also on Ebay, all in the past two weeks. But it's been a lean summer and fall. Nothing very interesting at all.

    On the other foot, it's been good for the wallet. :happy:


  6. Macky,

    Boisterous and abusive people like that have no manners but they do have a severe case of insecurity. You can bet that he wished HE was the one who had the guts to shop in the women's clothing and shoes sections and wear what you did. Since he couldn't bring himself to do that, berating you for doing it was his next best choice. If he couldn't party, he could at least try to ruin yours.

    I was glad to see you ignore idiots like that. The world is full of them, and they're usually full of themselves. Fortunately, they're in the minority; unfortunately, they can vote.


  7. TBG,

    Congrats on your 3,000th post! That's a great milestone. I'm behind you, having just crossed the 2,000 mark. I figured about 10 or 20 of mine were truly worth while! LOL

    The trouble with starting one's own thread is that, more often than not, it gets either repetitive or the poster gets bored and stops doing it. You and JeffB are exceptions, and there may be others, but so many "Adventures of So-and-so" threads have gone dormant and in most cases, that's too bad. But I agree with your point. You need to stay in control of the thread and not be controlled by it - that is, feeling compelled to push the envelope just for the sake of making progress to report. So, rein yourself in for a while longer. Your comments are interesting and encouraging.



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