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Posts posted by jo

  1. They have a great web site, and some really nice shoes.

    One thing that has always intrigued me: In your Winter season, do you get the stuff that Europe had on sale last Winter, or the sort of stuff that we are going to be getting next Winter? ... or do you have stuff that we just won't be seeing at all?

    How's it work?

  2. This reminds me of a girl I saw getting out of a taxi to go into a nightclub one evening several years ago. The girl had a plaster cast, one on each leg, from just below the knee, right down to the toes (which were open) but her foot was inclined to the equivalent of at least a 4 inch heel in the plaster casts. She walked in using crutches.

  3. The sole has a very high incline with no arch. You are going to need very flexible ankles just to be able to stand up in them.

    The toe section is very short so it looks like you don't rest on the ball of your foot, but rather the ball is already part way up the incline, and therefore more weight rests on the toes instead.

    Quite strange, I don't like them all that much, the heel isn't right. Anyway, it is good to see lots of different designs coming out, as there are bound to be some people who do like them.

  4. Many congratulations to you and your wife. Now we know why you keep all your toys in the loft -- out of harms way from little fingers, and consequent knocking over, and liquid spillages. * "loft" = attic, roofspace, etc. * "toys": I mean all your computers, and other gizmos.

  5. The problem inherent in international forums, such as this, is that the reader may read something into a post that the writer did not intend. This may arise purely from the subtle differences in the way that some words are used in different countries. A word might be used regularly in one country, but when used in another country may invoke feelings that the poster was being rude, abrupt, sarcastic, or whatever; when this may not have been the intention at all.

    Additionally, someone writing in a language that isn't their first language may not be fully aware of the special things that certain words might convey beyond that given by their basic dictionary definition, and may therefore write something which doesn't quite mean what they intended.

    So, be aware that although you think you understand what you thought you heard me say, what I actually said may not have been quite what I meant.

  6. Just tested it, and it works OK. You need java enabled in your browser. Suggest a day and time (and the time zone) that people ought to tune in. Perhaps Sunday afternoon/evening 21:00 UTC (makes it late afternoon in the US, and still before midnight in Europe.

  7. Went out clubbing last Saturday, and saw several girls wearing the J-Lo boots. One had them in brilliant in white, with very thin laces.

    I also saw her a few hours earlier on the train. She got hers in New Look, and sat close by travelling on the train. She was really pleased with her boots, and showed them to us. What do you do when a 16-year old asks your opinion as to whether her boots look too much like ice-skating boots, or not? Of course, I said they were unusual, that I had never seen anything like that before, and asked where she got them, and so on. If only she knew what I know. Hee hee.

    The other two pairs in the club were pink and camel coloured. The local New Look only had them in camel with coloured laces, and 4 inch brown heels, when i looked today.

    I have seen higher ones on the street, but I still don't know where they were bought. I would expect United Footware to have something similar, but I haven't looked in there for nearly 6 weeks now.

  8. Hmm, I saw recently that someone got a loong time in jail for having a hidden camera in a holdall, and taking pictures up womens skirts in supermarkets and such places. To an outsider, photographing peoples shoes without their knowledge isn't too far removed from that. A jury would find the explanation of just photographing the shoes, a minor detail, and may just assume that you were actually trying to do the former. I'd say that doing this stuff is taking quite a risk. It could go horribly wrong.

  9. I have met the girls from Hayway, they are really friendly, and yeah as you say it is a nice little family-run business. They make a lot of stuff, mostly PVC, and a lot of it aimed at the TV/CD market, etc, but there is some stuff there that will appeal to most people here.

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