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Posts posted by jo

  1. >> I DID type-in the correct URL including the little underline in the mid-way gap between the letters, but the Megaforums system automatically put a continuous red underline beneath all of my quoted URLs, thereby obscuring the intended short one. <<

    That wasn't the problem. The underscore is in both addresses. The problem was actually (a vs. e):

    http://womanshoesplus.com/Detail_Page/Vivian.html vs:


    This link to faithf (remove the f and * both):

    http://www.faithf.co.uk/catalogue/style.asp?range=7&*style=407500&CurlPage=1 should be:

    http://www.faith.co.uk/catalogue/style.asp?range=7&style=407500&CurlPage=1 instead.

  2. Why not go for a vist to London? It doesn't have to be expensive. You could probably do a one-day return by coach for well under GBP 20.00 or so.

    In Islington there is the The Little Shoe Box and Leatherworks as well as Showgirls. Not far away is Cover Girl too, though I have never managed to find their place. There are 20 other places to visit, including Camden High Street and the Stables Market too.

    Try before you buy is usually a whole lot better than ordering over the net.

  3. I haven't seen anything over much over about 4 inches in either River Island or Barratts for a while now.

    At the moment, Barratts have some lovely closed pointy-toe shoes, in either black or red, with a thin back-strap, and a multi-strap (many thin straps) ankle cuff with buckles. Heel just over 4 inches (at UK size 7) by the look of it. Nice!

  4. Hmm. Not the best images I have seen of her. She can look quite classy when she wants to, but I do like the shoes. They look to be at least 5 inches high. Anyone got any idea of the make and style of them? They are designer, for sure, given the triangular metallic area on the underside of the sole, at the toe end. I'd say they look about UK size 7, (maybe size 8 even) or so, too. But then, shes a tall girl. .

  5. Good post Heelfan. Covered just about everything that I would have said.

    One more question. What sort of heels are you looking for?

    There are obviously court shoes (pumps), and then with a strap over the foot there are the Mary Janes styles.

    There are various sandals, with open or closed toes, or strappy toes. Some shoes (both courts or sandals) can have an ankle strap, and there are d'Orsay styles with a court-like toe, a back piece to the rear of the foot and an ankle strap. These are really nice. There are sling-backs of various types, and there are slip-on mules. Finally there are many types of boots from ankle length, calf length, knee length, and thigh boots.

    When done with that decision, do you want a stiletto heel, a block heel, or a wedge heel; Oh, and was that with, or without, a platform ??

    Just remembered one more thing... how high do you want the heel?

    Anything from 0 to 9 inches is possible without a platform. For a first time wearer try something about, or just under, 4 inches; or just over if feeling adventurous. Once you like it, you'll want to go for 5 inch or more, but that takes practice.

    Have a look in Faith, United Footwear, and TK Maxx too, if you can.

    Happy shopping!

  6. They look like the toe box collapses slightly as well, and thereby gets a nasty crease across it. It doesn't look right. Ah, wait a minute. Maybe (for the shoes in the top two rows only) those aren't actually photographs but simply some images produced by an art package on a computer. They look too alike in the patterning on each shoe, etc.

  7. >> Mars will rise in the east at 10 p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m. <<

    Make that the zenith instead, and it'll read right. Looked out last night, and it is really easy to find. Just look South-East around midnight.

    A number of places in Britain look to be having observing sessions at the end of August; in National Astronomy Week. Darn, there is a National Something-or-other Week every week it seems.

  8. >> Julietta, all I see are red X's :evil <<

    Umm, I think all that was meant was that the user was not seeing the images, just the little box with a red X in it that the Infernal Exploiter throws up when it can't be bothered to load the images in a web page.

    Heh, those Oxfords are quite nice. A few people do still sell them. I'll probably be shot if I mention Leatherworks, in Islington, or The Little Shoe Box just down the road from them, again.

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