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Posts posted by jo

  1. ... and then there was the famous advert, for car tyres I think it was, using a well known athlete who they somehow persuaded to stand as if for the start of a race, in starter blocks, on a racetrack, but whilst wearing bright red stiletto court shoes with 5 inch heels.

    They used something like: Power is nothing without control as the text of the advert.

  2. Does anybody know how depilation cremes work, and how lasting the effects are?

    It dissolves the root of the hair making it fall out.

    Spread the cream evenly, don't rub it in though. Leave it for a few minutes to do its work. Instructions are on the packet. Don't let the cream dry out on you. Don't get water on the skin while cream is working as the cream becomes inneffective. Test a small patch using the little plastic thing they give you to remove the hair to see if the time is up. Do NOT scrape at it, you will get a rash or worse. Gently use the plastic thing to remove all the hair, using water from the shower as well if you want to.

    The effect lasts for many weeks.

  3. The local Woolworths had a HUGE yellow banner with something like:

    CD's, DVD's and videos

    printed in half-metre high letters on it, hanging up outside.

    I just had to go in and ask why they hadn't put an apostraphe on videos, 'cus then they could have had all three wrong. :wink:

  4. >> I'm constantly amazed at the imagination of shoe designers. Take these boots, for instance: <<

    >> [Image] [Image] <<

    >> Anyone ever seen any boots like these before? <<

    I saw a pair quite like that in Faith in the UK, back in January. They were black, UK size 7, with a heel at least 4 inches high (though I think the toe was closed, not a sandal), and reduced from about GBP 85 to about GBP 40. I'm still kicking myself for not getting them. I went back a few days later and the sale had finished; and more to the point, all of the stock had been sent back to the warehouse. I wonder if they might reappear somewhere in the Summer sale in the next few weeks.

  5. Wow! Fantastic pix. I guess those stiletto heels are more for inside wear, than outside. Those heels look at least 6 inches, unless you have smaller feet than average. What size are you, and where did you get those shoes?

    Maybe we all are living in a viritual word and we all are an illusion.

    I'm still looking for the cracks in the Matrix. They're here somewhere.

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